Chapter 41: Bachelor Party (1)

warning: (sorta) sexual tension for this chapter !! not a smut or 18+ scene tho !!

"Aaaaa!" Jihoon screamed as he stretched his body. "Eun, what time is your party?"

"The girls are picking me up at 4:30, why?" She popped the sweet strawberry she was holding in her mouth.

"Isn't that too early for a party?" He pulled the chair next to Gwaenhi causing it to screech on the tiled floor.

"Well if your friends haven't seen you in months, they'll start the party earlier than expected." She chuckled and grabbed another strawberry in the plastic container.

Just as she was about to put it in her mouth, Jihoon grabbed her wrist and placed the sweet fruit in his mouth instead. He gave her his famous eye smile as he chewed on it. She playfully rolled her eyes and got another one for her.

"What do people do in bachelor and bachelorette parties? Why does it need to be separate?" Jihoon curiously asked.

The strawberry in Gwaenhi's mouth almost fell when he asked. "U-Uhm it actually depends." She slowly chewed. "Usually it's a party with your friends to celebrate the fact that you aren't single anymore. You can go swimming, play some games, drink alcohol, it clearly depends on what was planned out but uhm uh sometimes uh..."

"Sometimes what?" He eagerly waited for her answer.

"Sometimes they hire strippers and that's when shit happens..." She nervously bit her lip.

Jihoon's mouth parted in surprise and fell silent. "Uhm uh, I don't think the boys would hire strippers right? Same goes to you? Fumiko's a minor so I guess I don't have to worry?" He nervously chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about me but I'm certainly worried about you."

"I-I can't promise that they didn't actually hire one but I really don't think they did."

"Well I hope so." Gwaenhi sighed and closed the container of strawberries. "If ever that there is it's fine, I shouldn't really care." She stood up and placed back the strawberries inside the refrigirator.

Jihoon grabbed a hold of Gwaenhi's wrist before she left the kitchen area. She looked at him weirdly when he stood up and gave her a hug. "What's this hug for?"

"It's for you cause you might think I'll replace you for a stripper." He laughed while rubbing her head.

"You dummy, I'm not gonna get jealous if you do that." She smirked and lightly hit him as they pulled away from the hug. This time, he was the one who rolled his eyes.

*time skip cause we don't want an extra long chapter of just Jihoon annoying Gwaenhi for the nth time in this story*

Jihoon's Bachelor Party
Myungdae's Beach Side Penthouse

"Jihoon! No time long see!" Myungdae greeted his old friend and patted him on the back. "How have you and Eunhye been? Has the fire been ignited with your former flame?"

"Ahh, we're good. Not so sure about 'igniting the fire' though." He chuckled through the deafening music that came from the speakers. "Your penthouse looks nice! Seunghun told us it was an apartment, he must've got it wrong."

"Well this was an old apartment, me and Inu just changed everything and made it look like a penthouse." Myungdae told him and handed him a red cup with ice.

"Wow you guys are amazing. The interior, the pool, the beach view! Man, if I lived here I'd be sitting in the backyard the whole day." Jihoon poured himself some cola and took a sip.

"There's a game room upstairs, Gwaenhi would've loved it there." Myungdae chuckled, recalling some fond memories of her playing in the neighborhood arcade. "Speaking of game room, you guys had an arcade themed photoshoot right?"

"Mhmm, one arcade shoot and one royalty themed."

"Royalty? Pfft, I know she's an actual French princess but she's never lived up to it. Who even suggested that?" Myungdae snickered.

"The ones planning our wedding. Seriously, whoever that is I'm giving him or her an applaud. Things are going well." They both chuckled. "Are they done decorating and doing crap upstairs? It's been 10 minutes since I got here and no one wants me to enter."

"I don't know to Hyunsuk, he said he would call us if we could go up already." Myungdae checked the time on his phone.

Just in time, Hyunsuk went down the staircase and panted. "You guys can go up already." They went up altogether and saw the dim living room looking like a night club with all the lights and metallic decorations.

"Welcome to your bachelor party!" The boys said altogether and popped the confetti cannon as Jihoon walked inside.

He smiled at how exciting the night was going to be with all his friends together. The nostalgia hit him as they played a famous 2010 clubbing song which made them sing along and jump.

"Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard
When we drink we do it right, gettin' slizzard
Sippin' sizzurp in my ride, in my ride, like a Three 6
Now I'm feelin' so fly like a G6!"

"WHOO! LIKE A G6 LIKE A G6 NANANANANANOW I'M FEELING SO FLY LIKE A G6!" Junkyu jumped up and down while singing as he placed a party hat on Jihoon's head.

"What are you even drinking? It's your bachelor party and you're drinking soda? C'mon, go and drink some booze!" Seunghun grabbed the cola filled cup of Jihoon and replaced it with a cup filled with beer.

"Wait, we have minors here!" Jihoon realized it when he saw Doyoung, Haruto, Jeongwoo, and Junghwan dancing with glowstick bracelets.

"Don't worry, you can let em' drink a bit of some alcohol but not too much." Raesung reassured him.

"So they've took a couple of sips?"

"Well um, I don't think it's just a couple of sips but they'll be fine. They'll just pass out and have a short headache but they're having the time of their lives." Seunghun scratched the nape of his neck while they looked at the four youngsters enjoying.

"Why are half of you alcohol filled already? It's not even 7P.M. yet!" Jihoon laughed and took a sip in his cup.

"Dude you sound like Eunhye, just drink the whole motherfreaking cup and get wasted yourself too!" Seunghun encouraged him.

Jihoon hesitated cause he knew how fast he could get drunk but one cup wasn't gonna hit him that hard right? He downed it all in one go and felt the bitter taste of it on his tongue.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Seunghun and the others cheered him on.

"Did you guys open the whiskey already?" Jihoon asked when he spotted it on the table.

Yedam nodded his head. "Pour me some then." Jihoon told them with a smirk.


"Bro, aim better!" Haruto scolded Noa who was losing his focus due to the alcohol in his body.

"I'm trying alright!" Noa laughed and shoot his shot. The ball didn't land on any of the cups on the opposing team.

"Alright, it's our turn!" Yoshi excitingly rubbed his hands together and got the ball. "If this lands on any of the cups there, that means you guys we're gonna gate crash the bachelorette party."

"Deal!" Haruto's competitiveness was now on display. He silently prayed that it would shoot though, he wanted to see how the girls were doing.

To everyone's dismay, it didn't shoot either. It just passed all the cups. "Aish why are you even playing this when you can just drink them all one by one." Jihoon impatiently said and grabbed two cups on the table to drink. He drank them alternately and stopped several times to catch some air.

"He's really gonna get drunk tonight." Woong chuckled as he sipped on his cola, completely alcohol free unlike the rest of them. Haruto got his phone and filmed Jihoon downing every single drink on the table, as if he was eager to drink it all.

"Guys I think we should stop him, he's definitely gonna throw up." Noa said.

"Alright someone help me, we're going to the pool." Woong put his drink down and stopped Jihoon from grabbing any more drinks.

"Hey I'm still drinking!" Jihoon was surprised when the cups were taken away from him.

"We're going downstairs to get more, come with us." Woong and Asahi assisted Jihoon who was going downstairs in a wobbly state.

They successfully went down despite the anxiety they had that he might pass out or throw up. The light made Jihoon squint his eyes, he already got used to the dim environment on the second floor. Jaehyuk's familiar laugh was heard when he saw how Jihoon looked like in the light.

"His face is so red, he looks like a tomato!" Jaehyuk dried his hands using his towel and got his phone to take a picture of Jihoon. "Smile Hoony Hoon." He teased him.

"Are you gonna let him swim?" Jaehyuk asked and pushed his wet hair backwards.

"Yeah, he needs to sober up a bit." Woong told him.

"I don't need to sober up, I'm completely fine." Jihoon said.

"Take off your shirt, we're going swimming." Woong told him. Jihoon rolled his eyes and took off his flannel first then his shirt, exposing his skin to the cold wind. "It's so co-"

Without even finishing his sentence, he was pushed to the pool by Asahi. "Bye have fun!" Asahi yelled at him.

Jihoon felt like he was awakened by the water. He brought his head back to the surface and saw Raesung, Yedam, and Midam swimming as well.

"Haha are you still alright? You look really drunk." Raesung told him.

Jihoon felt so drowsy that he wanted to pass out. "Can you pass me the large pizza, I'm sleepy." He asked for the inflatable and quickly climbed up to lay down on it. When he got comfortable, the pizza was turned upside down causing him to be awakened by the water again.

"Woah what happened?! I'm awake, I'm awake!" Jihoon panicked which made the three boys laugh.

"Don't sleep on the inflatable, you're in a pool and you're drunk! Do you wanna have an accident?" Yedam jokingly said.

"Aish I should really go upstairs and sleep." Jihoon splashed some water on his face a couple of times.

"I'll go with you." Midam said and they both got out of the pool.

Jihoon saw the towel Woong and Asahi left for him but his shirt was nowhere to be found. There was also no extra pants for him to wear.

"Fuck please don't make me go up naked." He whispered to himself. "Midam do you have any extra pants?"

"Sorry bud, I only have one for me but I'll go ask the others." Midam said.

"Thanks." Jihoon said as Midam walked going up.

After a few minutes of waiting, Midam still hasn't come down. "What are you still doing here?" Raesung asked Jihoon as he got his towel.

"I don't have extra pants and Myungdae's gonna kill me if I go in with my pants soaking wet."

"Go up naked then, you have a towel to cover you. We're all boys here anyways." Raesung suggested.

Jihoon closed his eyes and sighed. "Fine." He took Raesung's suggestion and wrapped his bottom area with the towel while carrying his wet pants. Jihoon, Raesung, and Yedam went up after swimming and was immediately greeted by some of the boys sitting on the couch.

"Myungdae do you have any-" Jihoon was about to ask him til' he brought out a pair of shorts. "Thanks."

Jihoon put it on once he entered the bathroom but then remembered that he wasn't bringing a shirt inside. "Gosh really? Now that I've got my bottoms, I forget my top?" He got out of the bathroom and ruffled his hair with the towel.

"Jihoon hurry up and sit down!" Midam quickly pulled Jihoon to the couch.

"Huh? What's happening? Let me grab my shirt fir-"

"Oh shut up I'm shirtless too, just go and play a game of drunk truth or dare with us." Some of the boys were gathered around the table which had a bottle in the middle.

"Is that everyone? I'll spin the bottle now." A drunk Jeongwoo spinned the bottle a bit too hard that it almost fell on the table. "Junkyu hyung!"

Everyone turned their heads to the slightly sober boy. "Truth." They started thinking of some questions to ask him.

"Tell us some things about your ex-girlfriend." Asahi spoke up. "You never told us anything about her, not even her name. Just got me curious."

Seunghun and Junkyu's eyes met but then they eventually looked away. "W-Well um.. I'm pretty sure that Silver Boys and Myungdae know who it is so I'll just tell y'all." He nervously said. "My ex was Kiaraa, the girl you all met in Gwaenhi's birthday. She uh, well, we dated for around a year?We broke up cause we didn't like each other as much as we thought but decided to stay friends so yeah... let's move to the next person!" Junkyu said in a bubbly way, making the Silver Boys feel a little less awkward.

More truths and dares were made and at the same time, Jihoon was downing more alcohol in his system again. Before everyone could even notice, he was drunk again and this time, it was even worse. The other boys were getting drunk as well but some were still staying strong with no alcohol at all.

"Jihoon!" Seunghun said. "Who do you think is the worst person a girl could ever date among all of us?"

"I haven't even answered truth or dare yeeeettttt!" He laughed and slurred. "Hyunsuk! Hyunsukkie hyung! He would be the worst, like the worst!" He pointed at the older member.

"What? Why me?" A drunk Hyunsuk responded in English which was immediately mocked by the other boys.

"Cause, cause you are a simpppp and you don't know how to confessssss! Like look! We had a fist fight *does some lousy punch actions* cause you confessed your feelings about Eun Eun to me instead of heeeeeerrrr." Jihoon chuckled.

"Ya! I'm a simp but I'm a simp with respecc! Respecc I say!" Hyunsuk slurred.

"Haha respecc." Jihoon giggled at his friend's pronunciation.

Hyunsuk drank more tequila. "At least I got to make out with her with her cherry red lip gloss." He blurted out.

Everyone's eyes except for Hyunsuk and Jihoon widened. They turned their heads to each other as if they wanted to panic but suddenly Jihoon laughed.

"Hahahahaha! I liked that joke it's funny. Cherry red lip gloss haha. Eun's lip gloss is coconut flavored not cherry, you silly guy." Jihoon giggled and drank more of his whiskey.

The boys nervously laughed along with it but it definitely shook up their bodies. It made them more awake and alert than earlier. The doorbell of the penthouse rang and Myungdae proceeded to get it.

A few more sips of Jihoon's whiskey later, he felt like passing out. The boys stopped playing and were now excited for something else. Jihoon's vision was getting blurry but he could see that the colorful club lights were changed to red.

"Jihoon hyung, don't pass out yet. There's still one last thing for tonight." The faint voice of Mashiho said.

"Okay." He gave him a thumbs up despite his blurry vision and droopy eyes.

He felt fingertips on his exposed upper body, it tickled but it felt soothing as well. The fingertips went up and down his arms and he saw a faint female figure in front of him. Even his hearing was getting weird cause there was music but he couldn't hear it well. The female sat down on his lap which made him look at her blurry face weirdly.

"T-This isn't my Eunhye..." He said.

"Yep, it's definitely not."

a gentle reminder to not be like jihoon and drink every single alcoholic drink in one night, stay sober kidz hahahah

+a reminder for everyone that sometimes, in bachelor/bachelorette parties, they really hire strippers or macho dancers or smthn so don't kill me 😭

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