
A rare cold snap had hit LA, and for a couple of days, it was too chilly for T shirts.


'Bet you thought you'd never have to dig out sweaters.' Callen said when he saw everyone bundled up.

'Dude, this is supposed to be a warm climate! Can't we just wear long sleeved shirts and jackets all day?!' Deeks complained, scratching his arm.

I hate to ask, but why are you wearing that if it's clearly bothering you?' Sam asked.

'My mom gave it to me a few years back, it itches like crazy, and I have no clue why she gave this to me, but I don't want to disappoint her if she were to ever look in my closet and find it gone.'

'That's a creepy thought. Your mom just peeking in the closet, mind you.' Kensi replied.

'My advice: Just get rid of it. All the itching isn't worth it.' Granger said when he walked in.

'Bad experience with wool?' Callen asked.

'He had to go undercover once while wearing one. And he was itching back and forth like crazy! He was even rubbing his back against the wall at one point!' Hetty rang in.

'Gee, thanks.' Granger grumbled.

'And I'm not kidding when I say he was red everywhere! It was like poison oak had exploded on him!'

'Okay, point taken! Sweater's coming off!' Deeks exclaimed.
