
Note: No, this is NOT a post Core Values fic, even though it feels a bit similar to it!

Hetty and Granger's home.

'Hetty, you have to talk to me eventually.' Granger said.

'Here's what you need to understand, dear. You could've gotten yourself killed trying to disable that bomb! All of our years of friendship and love could've been gone just like that! And don't tell me that it's just a part of our job! I'm not ready to lose you to a work place hazard!' Hetty shouted. Then she went into the kitchen.

That hit hard.


'I did what I did to keep Kensi and Deeks alive. I wasn't sure if the bomb squad would arrive on time, so I made a judgement call. I knew what I was doing, honest! I'm glad we're finally together, and I don't want to lose that either. But I'm also your partner, and this is my team too.' He said.

Hetty pondered on what he said for a minute, and said this:

'For a very long time, I thought I would be single forever. Then you, eventually wore me down and got me to see that being in love is such a beautiful thing. I know that there will aways be risks with our line of work, but please, can you please not take unneeded risks?'

'I never wore you down.'

Slightly amused look.

'I'll agree, if you agree to it as well.'

Awkward look.

'Ha! I knew you weren't that serious.' Granger boasted.

'I love you, Owen, but sometimes, you really annoy me!' Hetty grumbled.
