It was late March, and only a couple of hours after what had happened between her and Wilmer. She was twenty years old and was sitting in the airport waiting to catch a flight home to Dallas where her parents were. She was sitting by herself when a guy a little older than her comes up and sits in the seat next to her.
"So.." Nick says to her with a smile on his face "where is an upset beautiful girl like yourself going today?"
"Oh, um.." she looks down at the small wedding ring on her finger and says "Dallas. My parents live there and I.. um.. just need to get away."
"Problems with a guy I'm assuming aye?" He says quietly "well" he stops suddenly, "tell you what. If you wanna talk about it, I'll be right here to listen" he gives her a wink "and don't take this the wrong way, this is all in good company."
"Thanks." Demi replies "but truthfully, I'm fine." tears behind to form in her eyes again. Nick leans up from his seat and watches a single tear roll down her soft cheek. He takes his sleeve, puts it up to her face, and wipes it away.
"I don't want you to cry love.."
She is taken back by his sudden movements but doesn't move from her seat. His comfort is soothing to her broken heart and she doesn't know what else to do.
"That's my girl" he says softly "don't let him make you sad. I'm Nick by the way." he turns his head so it's right above hers.
She looks up to see his chocolate brown eyes staring down at her "I'm Demi" she replies.
"Pretty name sweetheart" he smiles at her "now get some sleep, it's late and your flight doesn't leave for a few hours and neither does mine, so I'll make sure you don't miss yours." he looks at his watch. "and remember, if you want to talk, I'm right here and like I said it's all in good company."
Demi smiles and rests her head in the the arm rest in between them and closes her eyes, when tears instantly start falling down her face. No more than a second after they reach her cheeks, a hand was there to wipe them away.
"Hey!" Nick whispered in her ear "I told you not to cry."
She sat up, looked up at him, and decided to tell him the entire story of what had happened.
