
Heavystep: *cough cough* oh no I'm dying *dies* Shoot I'm dead

Heavystep floats up to StarClan.

Heavystep: 'Sup StarClan how ya doin bros?

Goosefeather: Wha' was tha? Who goeth there?

Heavystep: Uh hi? I just died of greencough...

Goosefeather: NAH LIAR *punts out of StarClan*

Heavystep: *plops back down in RiverClan* Welp ok then

a couple books later...

Heavystep: *coughing* are you kidding me StarClan -_- can I die of something else this time?

Heavystep dies and floats up to StarClan again

Goosefeather: WHO ARE YOU??!!

Heavystep: Not this again... -_-

One-eye: Goosefeather, who's this cat?

Goosefeather: I dunno.

Heavystep: I just died of greencough for the second time. -_- Can I go see my family now?

One-eye: What's that? You're an impostor?? OUT YOU GO *punts out of StarClan* (note: One-eye has bad hearing)

Heavystep: *back in RiverClan* NOT AGAIN.

a while later...

Heavystep: Welp I'm dying from unknown causes.

Heavystep croaks and floats out of his body for the third time. 

Heavystep: *glancing down at dead body* I better not be coming back to this thing...

He floats up to StarClan, where he sees Goosefeather and One-eye lounging by the exit. He quickly floats around, and finds the back door.

Bluestar: Heavystep...why are you sneaking around...?

Heavystep: Shhhh!

Goosefeather & One-eye: WHO'S THERE??!! WHO SNUCK IN??

Heavystep: I...

Goosefeather: OUT OUT OUT! *punts*

Heavystep: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Meanwhile, back in RiverClan...

Mothwing: And here are your kits, Icewing! One tom and one she-cat!

Icewing: I think I'll call the she-cat Nightkit and the tom Breezekit. :)

Breezekit: *in head* NOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN

by Ember
