The Caotic Table

 Cody Anderson

I looked at Noah who had been reading for like twenty minutes without looking up. " What?" he said, catching me staring at him. "Oh, nothing." I say in response. I've never noticed how soft his hair looked, or how deep and dark his eyes were. He had silky and soft looking hair, unlike mine which was rough and messy. He was wearing a white T-shirt and some baggy shorts. I was wearing a red sweatshirt with black pants. For some reason he was wearing hiking shoes, I was wearing my hand-me-down white crocs. Well they aren't so white anymore.

The bell suddenly rings for our next class. "Hey, do you mind if I come sit at your table for lunch?" I ask Noah as we collect our things. "Huh? Oh, yeah, but just a heads up, I sit by a CIT, queen bee, psycho maniac, foodie, deadlifter, and a girl I don't even know, I guess she's Heather's friend." He says "Oh, but that's all the seats at a table so I guess can't." I say "Oh, but Heather's friend, Taylor I think...Yeah, Heather's ex cheated on Heather for her, so she's probably not sitting with us so you can sit here." "Oh, good. I mean me being able to sit with you guys not the fact that Heather got cheated on." I say, trying not to get him mad "I know" he says back. "Oh. Okay then, see you later" I say waving him goodbye. "Yup" he says, walking to his next class trying to keep up with Courtney.

In all the rest of my classes I couldn't stop thinking about him. Then the bell rang for lunch.

"Noah" I say trying to catch up with him. "Wait!" His friends turn around to see me. " I think your little friend over there wants to see you, Noah." Heather says pointing in my direction. "Oh...Great." He says with a tint of sarcasm. "What do you want, brunette?" " Brunette, where did you get that name?" I ask. "Your hair brainiac" He says in response. "OoOoOo, nOaH HaS a NiCkNaMe FoR HiS fRiEnD." Courtney says exaggerating the word 'friend'. "Shut up Courtney, nobody cares." Noah says, trying to defend himself. I let out a small giggle. I follow Noah and his friends to their table. Noah sits down and Courtney and Heather sit right next to him. Heather then gets up and says, " Oh sorry Cody, you sit by Noah." "Oh, Thanks." I say.

Later some other people come in. "-Also, I used to be an official member of the 'Kill The Koala Klub' when I was eight. We went on a trip to Australia to kill Koalas!" The girl said. " YOU DID WHAT!?" yelled Courtney. "Um, isn't that illegal Izzy?" Noah said with a concerned expression. "Yeah but that's fine. Anyways, who's the other boy sitting by you Noah?" The girl asked. "His name is Cody." Noah responds. "Oh, you're sitting with that kid." She says. "Hi" I start, "I'm Cody how 'bout you guys?" I say. "I'm Owen and these are my friends Izzy and Eva. You probably already know Courtney and Heather." Owen says.

I go to get my lunch and come back to see Noah arguing with Izzy, Eva and Owen about cows.

"NO! Brown cows do NOT make chocolate milk." said Noah, who was easily getting stressed out by the stupid conversation.

"Yes they do. Then how do white cows make white milk?" Asked Izzy.


"But don't white women make white milk and brown women make brown milk?"


I could tell Noah was getting mad.

"I agree with Izzy, It makes more sense for brown cows to make brown milk and white cows to make white milk." Owen replied.

"Really Owen, you're as stupid as a dead donkey."

"Rude" Izzy said

"Eva? Got anything to say?"

"Well I agree with Noah because only stupid people can think that." Eva said, "It's like ThE EaRtH iS ToTaLlY FlAt conversation we had like two days ago."

"Eva don't bring that up agai-" Noah started, but got interrupted by Izzy blabbing about how the earth is totally flat.

"Guys that's enough, save it for later." Said Courtney saved Noah from complete rage.

Then The bell rang and It was time to go.
