School President

 Courtney Barlow

I walk out of my bedroom looking like a mess. My alarm had been ringing for the past five minutes and it was loud enough to wake a hibernating bear. Obviously, I was going to be a little late, but not for school. I was going to be late for the mini-counseling meeting that our school has in the morning every Monday. Our head student counselor, Noah Sterecra, would be a bit upset. Luckily, he doesn't show emotion, so I have nothing to worry about. Noah is my best friend and I know him better than he knows himself. I mean, he's extremely smart and actually pays attention to what the teacher is saying. But he is really sarcastic, and it can get annoying. He is great at making friends with his amazing...Trate. He never likes the people who like him, you would get lucky if he at least talked to you.

Once I finished getting dressed, I hopped in my car and started heading to school. Noah was there waiting for me, staring at his watch anxiously. "Where were you?!" he said, slightly raising his voice. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be late. I guess I just slept in a little." I say, trying to defend myself. "Okay, but please try to be here on time, I would really appreciate it." Him, appreciating something...nah. I walked with him to the office, and we collected the other group members.

"Umm, I'm just wondering, maybe we should do a formal dance?" said Heather. "True, that could be a great experience for the people who haven't had prom yet, I bet they would love it.", replied Noah "Okay, I'll go tell the counselor, see what she thinks about it." I say.

I walk over to the counselor's desk to find out that she's not there. But in the distance, I see a man with a bright green mohawk and piercings all over...It was Duncan. No. No. No. No. I will not be dealing with him today. Not today...Not ever.

I see Noah walk up to me, he puts one hand on my shoulder." He's stupid, every time you are with him you feel uncomfortable. I mean look at the guy, he looks like an emo clown with piercings, he's got the hair and all." says Noah, he always finds ways to sneak in mean or sarcastic comments even when being decently supportive of my feelings. Then I see Noah totally dazed off. I look to see who or what he is staring at. Oh, I should've guessed. It was Cody. Cody, Emmet, Jamason, Anderson was his full name. Almost everyone knew because of Sierra, who knew literally everything about him. Well, Noah's had a tiny crush on the guy since like grade seven. I don't exactly know why but I know that Cody is 100% straight, no doubt about it. I kind of feel bad for Noah knowing he will probably only have Cody as a friend.

I look at Noah, then slap him in the face. "Snap out of it, he's straight, remember?" I say. "Yeah but I can't help it." He responds, holding the side of his cheek. "He's not even that cute, I don't see what you see in him." I say. "You wouldn't get it." He says "Yeah, I don't get." He then walks away, rubbing the part of his face that I had slapped.

I see a short girl walk up to me " Hey!" she says pointing directly at me. " Do you want to sign up for School Pres." She says exidedtly. " Yeah, I would love to. What do I have to do?" I say ." You just need to sign up, make a speech you think everyone will like, and hope they will vote for you." She responds. " Hmm, that sounds simple enough, I'll do it." "Great!" she says and walks away. Hmm, School pres, sounds like a challenge. A challenge I'm ready to face.

666 words

Haha very funny ik
