Pen Pals

In which Wednesday's normie school decides to team up with outcasts and start pen pals.

In this story, Wednesday has no powers, and clearly hasn't gone to Nevermore.


Wednesday Addams sat in the back of her homeroom classroom, despising ever single minutes of this torturous class. She was a smart girl, and she definitely didn't need the imbeciles they call teachers feeding her information she already knew.

She watched as the girl in front of her played with her curly, long blonde hair.

Today they were learning about being inclusive, after some gay kid got bullied for it. (I'm bisexual, I'm not being homophobic <33) 

Wednesday could not stand the thought of basic human feelings. Why the fuck did everyone have to be so damn sensitive?!

"Have you all heard of the outcast school, Nevermore?"

They was a rumble of groans from the class, along with some nods. Wednesday remained silent. 

"We are begin pen pals with them, and you will all be assigned your pen pal, send letters back and forth and then in three months, we will meet them."

The class went into full chaos, shouts of "Are we kindergartners?!" and "I quit!" were heard from various students. 

"There is no getting out of it, everyone's pen pals have already been assigned."

The class groaned. 


Wednesday watched as student after student got called up to get a piece of paper to write on, and a sheet of paper about their pen pals.

"Wednesday Addams." The teacher called. Wednesday dragged herself out of her seat, her feat seemed heavy and useless. 

She made her way to the front of the class, selected the top sheet of lined paper before turning to her teacher and holding out her hand.

The teacher placed a folded sheet of paper in her hand, titled "Xavier Thorpe".

Wednesday, her name being last in the alphabet (She despised how the teacher used first names rather than last), was the last to be called up.

"Write down everything they need to know about you, and you can use their sheets as a reference."

She opened her folded sheet of paper. A small photograph fell out of her paper. She saw a couple other kids get pictures to, but not all of them. 

The picture showed a tall boy, dressed clearly in the school uniform. He had brown hair, with light blonde highlights, it was cut just below his shoulders. His eyes were green and seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. He was with a group of people, you could see them in the background. 

She set down the photograph, and picked up the sheet of paper.

Xavier Thorpe

Type: Physic

Age: 17

Hobbies/sports: Fencing, art, running.

Favorite food: I really like McDonalds.

Favorite color: Blue

Fuck him, fuck these teachers. She was stuck with the most basic sounding person ever, who seemed to have filled out the sheet using the brain of a fourth grader.

Wednesday picked up her pencil and reached for her sheet of lined paper.

Wednesday Addams

I'm human, obviously 

I'm currently 16

I also fence, I play the cello and I write novels.

I prefer human flesh, but burgers are fine.

I only wear black, and prefer not to use colors, so please refrain from using the blue gel pen next time.

She folded it up and walked over to put it on the stack of letters in the back of the class before walking back and settling down in her seat. 


A week later, the responses came in. Despite everyone claiming the idea of pen pals was for children, they all seemed quite excited for their letters. 

After receiving hers, she sat down and opened it.

Dear Wednesday,

That's a cool name. I've never met someone with the name of a day. It's pretty. I think it's cool we both fence. You know, something simple, that we both have in common. Are you any good? You play the cello? You'll have to show me when we meet! I'll trash the blue gel pen...for now. Are you like, emo or goth or something? What do you have against color? 

Imagine being human lol.

Lots of care,


Wednesday already hated the idea of pen pals, and now hers was asking her private questions, asking to hear her play her cello, and complementing her name.

She wanted to throw the letter in the trash.

She quickly scribbled down her response, finding it weirdly interesting she got to know someone without actually knowing them. 


I am not "Goth" or "Emo" I simply find the thought of color unappealing. Your name is interesting too. I guess. Many people fence, it's not specific to you, nor me. And no, I don't play the cello for anyone. I've been fencing since I could walk. I assure you, I could beat you with my eyes closed.

At least I'm not an imbecile.

Lots of hate,




Damn, your harsh! Fencing since you could walk? Now that's an achievement. I just didn't expect something in common so early, no need to be snappy. I could convince you to play the cello for me. I'm pretty good at convincing people. 

At least I'm not rude.

Lots of care,


Wednesday felt a small grin come to her face. Maybe, just maybe, she was starting to like this guy. No, she found him quite annoying. 

But he WAS fun to tease. 


I am not rude, I simply express my thoughts of people easier then others. And I find your letters enjoyable. At the most. And no, I will not be playing the cello for you. Ever. No matter how convincing you might be, I refuse to play for an audience. I am harsh, get used to it.

At least I'm not annoying.



Wednesday found herself invested in this "Pen Pals" thing. She'd even gone as far as to send him a picture of herself, to which he responded "Fuck, you're gorgeous!"

Wednesday didn't do feelings, but if she did, she'd say she was growing them for this boy.

This boy she'd never even met. 

She had a mounting anxiety as she got ready to write her last letter to him.

She would be meeting him in a week, and they weren't going to be sending letters before that because they would arrive after they would.

She deep down inside hoped she could keep in contact with him. She would never admit this out loud of course. 

She received her last letter in the mail, and wasn't sure 100% sure how to respond to it, hence her sitting at her desk in shock. 


I know we haven't actually met yet, but if I'm being honest, I've fallen for you. Hard. And I know that your gonna be all "That's a mistake" and say a bunch of rude shit back, but I think you deserve to know, before we meet. And I don't care if it's awkward, or you don't wanna see me, but Wednesday, I like you. A lot. And I hope you don't destroy our friendship because of it, because in the past three months, we've made a close bond, I'd say.

Lot's of love,


Wednesday didn't know what she was supposed to say, so she scribbled on her last letter, her final message, the last thing he'd see from her before he left, "See you soon, Xavier."

And she placed it in the pile. 


Her eye caught brownish blondish hair. She was in a crowed yard, the field of her high school to be specific, and everyone was searching for their "Pen Pal." 

She wondered if that was him.

And then she spotted him. 

He was so much better looking in person. 

He was shaking hands with Enid, another girl from Wednesday's school, who was paired up with a boy who was wearing a...turban? He was smiling, and Wednesday was sure that was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen. 

And he liked her?

She ran towards him, and when she reached him, she jumped and and hugged him, her feet leaving the ground. He caught her so fast and easily. 

"Hey you." He said with a small smile.

He stroked her hair as she buried her face in his neck. 

"Damn Xav, you've gotten pretty close with your pen pal if the first thing you do is hug the living daylights out of her." Turban boy said.

She tightened her grip on his back. "Shut up, Ajax."

So that was turban boy's name.

"Sorry." Ajax shrugged, before Enid mentioned food and they both took off running. 

"So, Xavier, you like me?" Wednesday said, a small teasing smile on her face. 

His cheeks lit up. "Yeah. I guess. Yeah."

"Yeah, or you guess?" 

"Yeah, I do like you." Xavier said, running a hand through his hair. She then realized she was still in his arms.

She smiled. "Good, because I like you too." And she gently kissed him. She brushed her lips against his, which were surprisingly soft. She never understood why anyone would like this type of exchange until now.

He kissed her back, tugging her up higher into his arms. He pulled away before softly kissing her nose. 

She scrunched it up when she did. 

He chuckled at her, the sound was like music to her. 

"I don't know what I would have done if you didn't like me back." He said softly, brushing their noses and smiling. 

She smiled and kissed him again. "Thankfully, you don't have to worry about that."


The picture she sent him in the pen pal letter, her fifth specifically, remained in his wallet for the rest of his life.


Ok, so I didn't love the ending. 

But I like this in general.

Do you have any thoughts? Please comment! Comments make my day!

And I'm not sure if any high school out there is actually doing pen pals, because I'm still in middle school. 

But yeah, comment and vote pls!

Luv ya, 

-Em <3
