My Heart Fly's Solo

Wednesday Addams doesn't do romance. She just doesn't. 

Maybe Xavier can change her mind.


Wednesday regretted getting involved with Tyler. For many reasons. Mainly because he turned out to be the murderous killing monster she was trying to track down. But also because he betrayed her. 

She hated feeling vulnerable, and around Tyler, she had been at her most vulnerable state. With a monster, no less. 

So she silently vowed to herself that she would never get romantically involved again. She had promised herself that, no matter who came along, her soul would always fly solo, always fly alone. 


It was her second year at Nevermore, about 3 weeks before the Rave'n, and people were already asking others out. Wednesday found this early planning admirable. The romance, not so much. 

Every time she walked down the hallway, some one was asking another student out. It had gotten so bad, teachers had banned giving flowers to girls during class. 

Wednesday didn't think anything of the dance, really. Last year she had a reason to go, to check up on Xavier, her main suspect at the time. 

This year, however, she had to mystery to busy herself with. And no suspect to go to the dance with. 

So she simply planned on not going.


It was a Tuesday, she had been making her way to the Nightshades library. She was interested to see if they had any deep information on the decaying stages of a rabbit, when a werewolf boy, maybe a year older than her, stopped her in the hallway.

"So...Wednesday. We have science together, and I really think your cute. So I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the Rave'n with me?"


The boy looked shocked at being turned down. (Clearly this didn't happen often.)

"You know what? Any other girl would have been honored to go with me!" 

"Then go find another girl."

"Your such a bitch!"

"Wow, your words hurt me so much."

"You don't deserve love!"

Wednesday shrugged off the boys' "Rude" comment. She had already promised herself she would never fall in love. Never get married. Never have children.

So why did it hurt when someone said she didn't deserve it?


By the week before the dance, almost everyone had a date.

Wednesday was glad that no one else had had the nerve to stop and ask her out.

At least some people had wits.

She decided that she would dedicate the silence of no Enid time to her novel. She rarely got time where she could pound away on her typewriter without the "Your giving me a headache, and no, Wednesday, not in a good way."

So when Xavier stopped her in the hallway, she silently prayed that time would remain hers and hers alone. 

"You going to the Rave'n."

"I decided to dedicate that time to my novel."

", if you change your mind, do you possibly think you could join me?"

"Xavier, are you asking me to accompany you at the Rave'n?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of 'go out on a date to the dance' but that works too."

Her heart skipped a beat at the word "date".

"You really want to go with me, even after what I did to you last time."

Xavier leaned against the wall, a sign he was ready for a long-awaited conversation. 

"Nes, that's water under the bridge, c'mon. I don't know a lot of people who would take an arrow for me soooo...I think we're good."

She nodded slowly.

"I...I will write one chapter and then come down to join you."

"Fantastic!" He cried. He sort of jumped a little too, clearly excited.

"I must go now, Enid is forcing me to paint her nails.

He nodded fast and scurried off, crying "BYE NES!"



The moment Wednesday entered her dorm she slammed herself into the wall. Enid jumped.

"Wow there, whose got your braids in a tangle?"

"I accepted Xavier's invitation to the Rave'n."

"OMGGG!! Wait, did you not want to go with him? Did he force you?! I swear to god, if he force-"


"Then why are you so upset about going?"

"I made a pact I would never fall in love or get involved romantically."

Enid looked thoughtful for a minute.

"You know, if you truly didn't want to go with him, you wouldn't have said yes. Maybe you did promise yourself to not love or whatever, but maybe this is you way of understanding that you actually do have feelings for people, romantic or not."

Wednesday blinked. 

"I think I have romantic feelings for Xavier, but after Tyler, I refuse to even think about that."

"Wednesday, Xavier and Tyler are two completely different people! Just because Tyler hurt you, doesn't mean Xavier will. Give him a chance, he is kinda head over heels for you."

"I know, it's painful to watch."

"So give it a shot! If it's not your thing, keep your pact or...whatever weird stuff you did. If you discover yourself wanting to move things along with Xavier, don't push him away."



The night of the Rave'n came faster than expected, and to her surprise, Wednesday was actually feeling a little excited.

She had decided the dress from last year hadn't gotten enough use yet, so she decided to wear that, and had ended up leaving her hair down and putting on less heavy makeup. 

She felt exposed. 

She wrote for an hour after Enid left, Ajax by her side. She could barely focus on writing though, thoughts of the dance clouded her mind. 

So she got up, left her dorm and headed downstairs. 


She grabbed Xavier's arm the moment she saw him. 

"JESUS- oh it's you." he breathed out a sigh of relief. 

"I'm here."

"I-I can see that."

She nodded.

"You look gorgeous." he added. 

"Beauty is a social con-"

He shushed her. "Just take the complement. And I mean it, you look amazing."

Her stomach fluttered in delight. 


After what felt like years of just standing around, Xavier finally spoke up.

"You really don't want to be here, do you?"

She shook her head. "Can we go somewhere else?"

"Wait, you want me to come?"

"Your are my date, are you not?"

He nodded, more confirming it in his head than answering her.

"Lead the way."


She brought him to her dorm, leading him in by the sleeve, shutting the door behind them. She led him over to the large spiderweb window, opening it and dragging him through so they were on the balcony.

"Wednesday, if you want to spend more time on your novel, I can go."



They stayed in silence for a while, simply looking at the stars (and sneaking glances at each other when the other wasn't looking.)

"After last year, with Tyler, I didn't want to have anything romantic, ever. But I'm realizing now, that I really like you Xavier."

Xavier looked at her in disbelief. 

"I understand if you don't feel that way, but better out than in, I guess."

"Of course I feel that way! I asked you to the dance in hopes of confessing MY feelings! I sure as hell didn't expect you to beat me to it, but honestly that's even better."


"Wednesday, can I kiss you?"

She nodded, without her brain even fully comprehending what he had said. 

He kissed her. But it was soft and hesitant, to much like how it was with Tyler. She tried to add more force, but her height had a disadvantage there. Good thing Xavier took the hint and pulled her up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist. 

They broke the kiss, but she stayed in his arms, laying her head on his shoulder. 

"You wanna go back down or stay up here?"

"Stay up here, but let's go inside, it's getting cold."

They got back inside the dorm. 

Wednesday silently walked over and locked the door.


1264 words...goddamn. 

Luv yah, pls leave requestsss!!!!

-Em <3
