Chapter 7


A piercing scream startled me awake from my restless slumber. Half crawling, half stumbling I made my way over to the door to see what was happening in the hallway. Our captor was dragging a young woman by her dark brown hair through a door down from mine. She put up a struggle, quieting briefly when she received a hard slap across her face.

"Hey! Let her go!"

He gave me a brief glance before turning his attention back to her. "What are you going to do to save this woman? You can't even keep your own safe."

She pleaded up at me with big, brown eyes. He was right though. How could I help her when I couldn't even help Brogan? Not to mention I'm still locked in this room. I prayed that whatever he was going to do to her was quick and that she wouldn't suffer long. Another scream pulled me out of my thoughts. Hobbling back over to my pallet I sat down with my head in my hands, today was going to be a long day.

I lost track of how long the screaming went on. After a while though she went silent. Hopefully she had only passed out, but she could be dead for all I know. The door opened and closed. I knew he was gone when I heard his heavy footsteps retreating into the darkness. Smaller ones came forward and Emma's small voice rang out.

"Mr. Oliver? Are you there?"

"I'm here, Emma. Are you okay? Is Brogan okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay. She just ate so I'll prolly see her soon when she gets clean."

"Emma, who was that woman?" I could see her sad expression even in the dark.

"I don't know. He came home with her. I have to go clean up though. I'll try to come back later."

Before I could ask anything else she scampered away to the room the woman was in and went inside. Poor girl, having to clean up God knows what; having to see whatever that man did to that woman. I closed my eyes in sadness for how her young life is starting. No child should have to go through this.


After eating my fill of whatever that delicious food was, I was able to sleep for a few hours before he came to get me. Bath time again. That means I get to see...well not see...hear the little girl from before. Hopefully anyway.

The hand on my elbow was gentle, not at all like the one that had on multiple occasions slapped me across the face. It felt softer too, almost feminine? I must be imagining it. I'm still trying to get in touch with my inner Helen Keller. She couldn't see or hear, I have nothing to complain about when I still have full use of my ears.

We arrived at the shower and I was roughly shoved inside, stumbling for only a moment before recovering. Small hands took my elbow, leading me from the slamming door. "Asshole." I muttered under my breath. "How have you been, Emma?"

"I'm okay...I have a message from Mr. Oliver."

I snapped my head over to her. "You've seen Oli?? Is he okay??"

She was quiet as she moved about the room, getting things ready for my shower. "He's recovering."

"Recovering? From what?" I knew that he probably wouldn't get through this unscathed. I had my eyes sewn shut for God's sake. My eyes welled up just thinking about it and my throat became tight.

"When you got here he took him into the bad room and he's been there for days. That's where all the people go and they don't come out...but Mr. Oliver did."

"Emma, I heard screaming...who was that?"

She turned the shower on and led me to it. Balancing on one foot I stuck the other in, testing the temperature. Perfect. Smiling to myself I stepped in, underwear and all, and just let the hot water rush over me. I groaned in pleasure after not having been touched in days, even water felt heavenly. I could hear Emma giggling. "Are you laughing at me?" I couldn't help but laugh in response.

"Can you sit? I'll wash your hair for you."

"Oh my, that would be heavenly!" As carefully as I could i sat down, not even slipping. Emma's small finger started rubbing shampoo through my hair. "What is that smell?"

"Umm....lavender I think?" I could hear her pick up the bottle. "Lavender and Hi...biscuts."

"Hibiscus? Well it smells amazing. Thank you again, Emma. You know we're going to take you with us, right? There's no way in hell I'm leaving you here with this psycho once we escape."

"What??" She squeaked. "You can't! He'll kill you!"

"Not if Oliver, you, and I work together."

"Me too?"

"Yeah you, silly girl." I nudged her with my shoulder. "I've already made up mind, you're coming with us. And if I know anything about Oli he's already decided the same thing. Sorry sweetheart, but you're stuck with us."

I felt her small arms come around me from behind. She sniffled, "Thank you, Brogan. I wanna go with you."

"You will, but you need to help us okay? It's going to be our secret. For now we need you to watch. Watch everything that he does okay? Memorize his schedule. Where he goes, what times, how long it takes. You've been with him your whole life, so you'll be able to see if anything changes."

"I know it already."

"When you are able to, tell Oliver everything we've talked about. He'll be able to come up with a plan now that we have you on our side."
