Chapter 3


  It's been hours since I've heard anything.  Even longer since I've seen anything.  As long as I don't attempt to open my eyes, they don't hurt.  I made that mistake only once, waking up from a cat nap and without even thinking tried to open them.  Hoo buddy, that stung a little.

  A noise to my right snapped me to attention. The door opened, and I could hear the shuffle of someone coming through.  Quickly I maneuvered into a standing position.  I needed to be ready to bolt if a good moment arose.  The door slammed shut. Well there goes that idea out the window...

  "Think I'm stupid enough to give you an easy escape, Rose?  Not likely.  If you wanna get past me youre going to have to work for it."

  Hmph.  He saw right through me.  And what's with the nickname?  Lame play on my hair color no doubt. "What do you want?"

  "You need to get cleaned up, you're all bloody.  I'm not a completely horrible guy."

  "Right.  A shower will completely over rule the fact that you have kidnapped my fiance and I, sewn my eyes shit, and only God knows what you've done to him! You're right, you can't be that bad. I see how concerned you are with my safety and well-being!"  Next thing I knew there was a large hand around my throat pushing me back against the wall, squeezing tight enough to close off my oxygen supply and make me squirm.

  He put his mouth right in my face, I could feel and smell his hot, rancid breath.  "You little bitch.  You have a smart mouth on you.  Know what I do to smart mouths?  Sew 'em shut.  I'm pretty handy with a needle and thread if you haven't already figured out.  On you though, I kinda like your smart mouth.  So if you want to keep it open I suggest you watch what you say to me." 

  With that he released me and I coughed and gasped for air.  "What have you..cough...done with Oliver?"

  "He's no worse for wear than you are, missy."  He grabbed my arm this time, and drug me towards the door.  Struggling at this point would just be a waste of energy.  I need to conserve whay little I have for when I really need it.  Sensing my hesitation he said, "I was serious when I offered that bath.  That's where you're going."

  The hallways we walked through seemed long and winding.  It took forever to get where we were going.  Or it seemed like it anyway.  I was pushed through another door way while he yelled, "Emma! Get her cleaned up and no talking to her!  One peep out of you and I'll send you out to pull your own switch, you hear me?"

  Out he stalked, slamming a door behind him.  I stayed put, waiting for whatever was coming, but I didn't expect to feel a child's hands come forward hesitantly and take my arm.  She led me to a stool, proceding to help me out of my clothes.

  I spoke to her quietly, "Your name is Emma?  That's very pretty.  Do you live here?"  She didn't answer at first, whether she was truly scared of the man or focused on her task, I wasn't sure. 

  Her voice was soft, I assumed her to be about five.  "Yes...I live here...mama too."

  "Where is your mama, Emma?"

  Emma tapped my foot, getting me to stand on one leg to remove my panys and socks.  My shirt she cut off. "She's in the basement."

  "Can you get her, sweetie?  I just want to talk to her for a minute."  Silence.  I heard water turn on and she tugged me into the shower, still wearing my .  I turned my back to the spray so it wouldn't hit my face.  Emma's tiny hands did the best they could getting my body clean, and I had to kneel for her to reach my head.  Some of the blood had to be scrubbed off, luckily with my red hair it'd probably just blend in. 

  When she was done she turned the water off and wrapped me in a big towel, sitting me on a stool, and using another one to dry my hair.  I won't lie, it did feel almost like I was being pampered, which was nice.  Kinda took me out of the hell I was in for a minute.  Practiced hands ran a brush through my hair to get all the rats out.  "You're really pretty..." she said.  "I have red hair too...not as bright though."

  I smiled. Oliver and I want children in the future, hopefully we'll still get the opportunity.  "Emma, do you know who that man is?"  She stayed quiet.  "Does he hurt you?"

  I could hear her whimper, "Only when I'm bad..."

  My heart broke for her.  I longed to hold her, take her away from this horrible place.  Why hadn't her mother? This is no place for a child.  She must've seen something because she moved away awful quick, yanking my hair in the process.

  The door banged open, the man coming through shouting.  "Emma! You weren't talking were you?? I thought I heard you whispering."

  She didn't say anything, but I heard her off in the corner.  He didn't go after her and left her silence alone.  "Well you look better, Rose.  Smell better too.  Up you get."  He took an elbow and pulled me to my feet, the towel wrapped around me fell to the floor.

  "Wait a secomd, what about clothes?"  I was still only wearing a bra and my panties. 

  "Eh, you look fine the way you are.  Not shy are ya?"

  I could feel my face getting hotter as a blush spread across my cheeks.  "That's not the point. It's freezing down here!"

  "Guess we'll have to find some way to warm you up, yeah?"








