Tier 8

eh, its an okay ship

This tier is for ships I think are okay

Tallstar x Barkface: I'd like to think that if Tallstar ever got over Jake as a love interest, he would start loving Barkface. But since he just can't catch I break I imagine things would go horribly with those two. I like them as friends better, but I can definitely see them as partners. 

Tawnypelt x Rowanclaw: Rowanclaw is seen at a Gathering yelling at Tawnypelt and then they're together??? I dunno. And it's still a little iffy about Rowanclaw since the authors put him with Tawnypelt just so it can be clarified he's a boy. Huh? Other than that, I think that they're cute. I just personally don't really ship it. 

Fallen Leaves x Hollyleaf: I think Fallen Leaves needs a lot of work before he's ready to be in a relationship with anyone. And I don't even think it's romantic between them. Other than that, idrc. I think it's an okay ship.

Graystripe x Millie: I just realized this, but I'll get to it later. I ship them, but it depends on which book they're in. If it's in Graystripe's mangas, then I think it's adorable! Millie, just trying to help out a lost fella. But later, she becomes with protective jerk to Briarlight, and also, Blossomfall thinks she has it bad, NOPE. What about Bumblestripe LMAOOOO ok but anyways Graystripe is a jerk in his mangas, and Millie is nice in his mangas. That's what I realized. 

Hollyleaf x Pebble That Rolls Down Mountain: I remember in Sign of the Moon when they met. I was just dying to ship a Clan cat with a Tribe cat and you know who I picked? Pebble. And Hollypaw. So, uh, I used to ship this, but now I realize that Pebble did not care in the slightest when Hollypaw left, and Hollypaw didn't care either. So. Uh. Perfect ship, am I right??? Eh, I think it's fine.
