**Part 78**

First Letter of Username (The @ name not one chosen after).

A: Brindle

B: Honey

C: Bracken

D: Tawny

E: Lion

F: Leopard

G: Tiger

H: Ginger

I: Russet

J: Vole

K: Lark

L: Blossom

M: White

N: Blue

O: Wave

P: Berry

Q: Rowan

R: Drift

S: Dew

T: Flint

U: Creek

V: Clover

W: Rain

X: Misty

Y: Sand

Z: Lake

Would you rather (1) die a heroic death that saved many but be forgotten, or (2) die of old age quietly and be remembered?

Option 1: Heart

Option 2: Storm

What did you get? I got Rainheart!
