Part 67

Hmmm...  Back to basics xD

Favourite colour:

Red: Fire

Blue: Water

Orange: Flame

Yellow: Raven

Green: Petal

Indigo: Bright

Violet: Sweet

Grey/Gray: Apple

Black: Shimmer

Brown: Lion

Gold/Silver/Bronze: Tiger

Teal/Turquoise: Dark

Cyan: Alder

Other: Violet

What do you prefer? (Events)

Christmas: Heart

Birthday: Tail

Easter: Pool

Thanksgiving (I don't celebrate this one lol): Star

4th July (Or that one x3) : Stripe(s)

Remembrance day: Cloud

Halloween: Splash

Summer/Winter Holidays: Strike

Other: Frost

Sorry if you got something weird..

I got Fireheart (XD) and Alderstrike, Maybe Petalsplash too!
