
It was the winter season, and the first flurries began to fly, soon dusting the area in a fine white blanket.

Yet despite the frozen scenery, Puffball was staying warm inside, snuggled up in her fluffy blankets, huddled close to her caregiver.

She was happy.


Puffball had been feeling better recently, her stomach bug nearly over, and her mood definitely improving from its previous state.

And now, she was snuggled up to Fries, chirping softly in her blankets, nuzzling him softly as he patted her fur.

It was almost Christmas in Goiky, and objects everywhere prepared their celebrations for the season. Trees were cut and decorated, lights were strewn about, and delicious snacks and toys filled every storefront.

Fries was gonna give Puffball the Christmas she deserved. Last year she was too young for celebrations, but now that she had blossomed into a healthy young puffling, she could finally celebrate with him. He was going to take her to see Snowclaus in the park this year.

He had told her the legends of Snowclaus, how every year, when the snow begins to fly, it forms into Snowclaus the Snowball and he brings presents to all the good objects in exchange for a few sweets left out by the tree.

Earlier that week they had prepared some cookies for his arrival, making a few with the native Moonfruits that wild puffballs snacked on, as it was said that a team of white puffballs pulled Snowclaus's sleigh. Pin had even stopped by, dropping off some of her signature baked goods, and a small gift for Puffball- which Fries was told to keep a secret from her.

Well, a secret until the big day came.

But they still had 3 days to go.


"Alright Puffball, you're next!" Fries stood next to the pink puffling, who was excited to meet the jolly figure, yet this iteration of Snowclaus looked a bit more annoyed than amicable. He was, of course, a snowball, with burly looking arms and a scowl on his face. He looked a bit younger than Fries, perhaps around his late teens in age. Next to him was his assistant, a red wooden cube, who seemed to be equally as annoyed.

Fries gently nudged Puffball forward, and she floated over to the snowball's lap, settling down on the blanket draped across him. The snowball looked down at her, muttering something about arms under his breath, before patting her head.

"Alright, what do you want?" He sounded bored.

Puffball fluffed herself up (partly because of his cold hands) and got ready to tell him her wish.

"I wish....." she looked around, glancing at Fries, who gave her an encouraging nod.

"I wish I met another puff! Like- like my momma!"

Fries felt as if he had just been punched in the gut with sadness- he didn't expect her to say that.

The snowball, however, simply shrugged it off, passing Puffball to his assistant, who looked at her with a mischievous grin. "Ey, another puff? Y'know, Snowclaus over here has a full sleigh of 'em! Maybe you should try out pulling it!" The wooden cube gestured to the fake puffballs pulling a sleigh statue, fully loaded with heavy-looking decorations.

Yet before the block could trick Puffball into embarrassing (or worse, hurting) herself, Fries stepped in, taking the puffling away, much to the cube's disappointment.

"Aw come on- Pen would've loved to see that! Would've been hilarious!"


As Fries tucked Puffball into her hammock, he couldn't help but think of what she had said to Snowclaus earlier.

Poor thing had no clue what happened to her family.

He was surprised she even remembered them.

But he couldn't just bring in another random puffball for her- he had to think of something else.

But then it dawned on him: The perfect gift.


"Snowclaus came! Snowclaus!" Puffball floated around Fries's head, sparkling more than usual as she spoke, her voice having a higher tenor to it, showing her excitement in every word.

"Mnnhhh- whaa..." Fries was still asleep, as he reached for his phone, flipping it open and checking the time.

"Puffball- it's 5 am! Go back to bed-"
"Ok- ok...fine- we can go get presents..."

He knew better than to argue over that.


As Puffball opened her gifts, Fries looked ok with a warm smile, feeling the joy that emanated from the puffling as she tore through the wrapping paper with her teeth. He was sure to put anything that couldn't take a good bite inside of a durable box, preventing her from accidentally ripping her gifts to shreds while trying to open them. Pin had given her a small jar of homemade Yoyleberry jam (boiled to remove the fruit's odd side-effects), and a small stuffed Snowclaus, which according to the tag, was picked out by Coiny. Fries had mainly gotten her soft blankets and toys, along with some more of the fruits and plants found in her natural habitat

But it was the last gift that he was most excited for. It was similar to what he had gotten her for her birthday, being that it pertained to her mother, but this would actually help real puffballs in the wild.

He had donated to a puffball conservation fund, and in return, received a beautiful puffball plush, in the exact shade of purple as Puffball's mother- he had been sure to match the picture exactly.

And her reaction when she saw it...

It nearly brought him to tears.

~~~Author's Notes~~~

merry Chrysler

I dunno I wanted to do a holiday chapter lol

Also yes that is snowball and blocky from the 2010 animated web series "battle for dream island" by Michael and Cary huang

also sorry if formatting on this chapter is a bit different I wrote it on my phone bc my computer was being dumb and I was out of the house

grumpy mall Santa snowball fanart greatly appreciated

Happy holidays

