
The lab was quite the strange place- it was dark, a cold breeze flowing in from the broken windows. The only warmth and light coming from a dull bulb hanging by a cord.

Mechanical devices lined the walls, seemingly in all states of repair. Benches were strewn about, chemicals and vials seemingly randomly placed on their surfaces.

This definitely wasn't a place she ever thought she'd see...


The golf ball led Puffball to one of the benches, seemingly covered in random notes and loose mechanical parts, some of which appeared to have been broken and repaired many times before.

"So...you want arms too, huh?" Golf Ball hurried up to her bench, hopping onto a small stool and gesturing for Puffball to come closer. "I've been working on some prototype limbs here- they're still in early stages, but they seem promising!" The spherical object gestured to the multiple mechanical parts strewn across the table in various states of repair.

Puffball floated toward one of the mechanical devices, going to pick it up with her mouth, before GB kicked it away from her. "No! It's not finished yet! You can't touch it!" The little sports ball looked quite irate, huffing in annoyance and gently picking up the prototype with a foot. "Well, when WILL they be done?" the fluffball asked, backing away slightly. Golf Ball looked down at the mechanical limb she was holding, her brow furrowed in frustration. "I- I don't know! When I get the time to- Look, I can't work on these right now, I have other things to do!" And with that, she placed down her working prototype, hopped off the stool, and began walking to the door.

"Wait- you're just gonna leave? You're not even gonna let me test it? You're just-" "I TOLD you, NOT NOW! I have work to do!" The little ball snapped at Puffball, turning toward her furiously. "Look- I'll let you know when you can try it, ok? But I haven't had time...and I've been under a lot of stress lately, so don't get your hopes up." As Golf Ball walked back toward the door, Puffball felt a twinge of sadness flow through her body, her fur drooping slightly from the disappointment. Reaching the door, the furball gave one last glance at the table of parts, before turning and exiting the small lab.

"So, how did it go?" Fries was sitting on a tree stump outside the lab, Tennis ball standing next to him. They seemed to have been in the middle of a conversation, which Fries was eager to interrupt. Puffball glanced at him sadly before mumbling under her breath. "Not great...she didn't even let me try them out!" The pink object huffed out in frustration, floating down to rest in a bush next to Fries. "Oh yeah- GB is really possessive over her creations- don't tell me you tried to touch it, that completely shuts her down." The tennis ball replied, sighing in contemptment. "She really doesn't like people messing with her inventions before they're finished." Puffball rolled on her back, staring up to the sky annoyedly. "Why didn't you tell me that first?!"


The ride back home was mainly quiet, as Puffball idly stared out the car window, not wanting to talk much after her disappointing day. "Well- TB was telling me that him and GB are gonna be on a TV show- some kind of competition game I guess..." Fries tried to spark a conversation, yet Puffball simply groaned in response. "Yeah well...that's not gonna help me out now, is it?" Fries sighed, pulling into his driveway. "Look- don't let this ruin your day- I'm sure things will work out for you..."

~~~Author's Notes~~~

Hey uh its been a while lol

sorry for the short chapter but i had no clue how to end it so i just went "yeah if i dont publish this now i never will lol"

anyway, college is poop

