Four-five years old

It was a new day in the Maximoff house. Wanda walked into the living room with a crying Tommy in her arms.

''Sweet, Sweet Tommy, don't you wanna sleep?'' Asked Wanda. Tommy continue crying. ''Mommy wants to sleep. Of you go to sleep, i promise you will be my favorite triple.'' Said Wanda.

''Oh, Come on now, Darling. You know We love all our Children equally.'' Said Vision who walked down the stairs with a crying Billy.

''Well, don't tell him that. No luck with Billy?'' Asked Wanda.

''Tried reading to him, But for some reason, Charles Darwin's The Decent of Man made him cry even Harder.'' Said Vision.

''I wish They could me more like their sister.'' Said Wanda and looked down at Pietra who was asleep in her crib.

''Oh, Are to dance, Darling?'' Asked Vision.

Him and Wanda did a little type of dance.

''It's almost like We're on a date.'' Said Wanda.

''Mm. Keep it down, lads, i was about to Get my leg over.'' Said Vision.

''Vis?'' Asked Wanda.

''Hmm.'' Said Vision.

''Would you mind grabbing their binkies?'' Asked Wanda.

''Oh. 'Course not. Binkies all round, i think.'' Said Vision.

Him and Wanda Lyed Billy and Tommy in the cribs beside their sister. Then Vision went to the kitchen. Tommy and Billy Kspt on crying.

''Now, i know parents aren't suppose to take shortcuts. But i think this situation calls for one, don't you? So, go to sleep, my babies.'' Said Wanda.

She used magic to make the babies be quiet, But it didn't work. Tommy and Billy kept on crying. Pietra woke up by the sound.

''Now you woke up Pietra.'' Said Wanda.

Billy and Tommy continue crying.

''I don't think it's very funny. Why won't you do What i want?'' Asked Wanda.

''What's that, dear?'' Asked Vision.

He walked into the living room with the boys binkie's in his head. Wanda laughed.

''That is not Where those go!'' Said Wanda.

She grabbed the binkies.

''Noise cancelation is not their primary function?'' Asked Vision.

Wanda putted the binkies in the boys mouths.

It was finally quiet.

''Ooh.'' Said Vision.

''Look, i think it's...'' Sakd Wanda.

Billy and Tommy spitted out their binkies and kept on crying.

''Vis?'' Asked Wanda.

''Mm.'' Said Vision.

''What Are We doing wrong?'' Asked Wanda.

''Oh, don't worry, dear. We'll figure it out. Perhaps We all need more time to Get to know one another.'' Said Vision.

'',abyw. Or Mabye We just need some help.'' Said Wanda.

The doorbell rang. Vision quickly hided behind a pillow. Amd ir was just in time. Agnes walked in the house.

''Hiya, kids!'' Sakd Agnes.

''Oh, Agnes!'' Said Wanda.

''Agnes. I was just fluffimg this pillow. With my face.'' Said Vision. He putted the pillow away and was his human self.

Agnes walked to the Maximoff couple.

''Oh, i was just on my way to Jazzercise when i heard your new little bundles joy were on a sleep strike.'' Said Agnes.

''Oh? Who told you that?'' Asked Vision.

''Uh. My ears.'' Said Agnes.

Wanda and Agnes chuckled.

''Anyways, Auntie Agnes is here and I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve.'' Said Agnes.

''PH, Agnes, You're a lifesaver.'' Said Wanda.

''Aw.'' Said Agnes.

''Very Well. But be caredul of their belly buttons and remember to support their heads, and when was the last time you washed... Actually, you know What? It would be... just... Mabye We better not.'' Said Vision.

It was Silence. Ir, Tommy and Billy Cried. But expect for that, it was Silence.

''Um... Uh... do you want me to take that again?'' Asked Agnes.

''Uh... I'm sorry?'' Said Wanda.

''You want me go hold the babies? Should We just take it from the top?'' Asked Agnes.

Wanda looked at Vision. He chuckled akwardly. Wanda chuckled dryly.

''Oh, don't be silly. Vision, Let's... let's let Agnes give it a try.'' Said Wanda.

Wanda smiled at Agnes. Agnes laughed.

''Fussy babies, meet buns of steel. We dare you to stay awake.'' Said Agnes.

She shaked the cribs from left to right while doing some workout.

''Wanda.'' Said Vision.

Wanda and Vision walked some steps away.

''What was that about?'' Asked Vision.

''What was What?'' Asked Wanda.

'''What was what'. That, that with Agnes just now.'' Said Vision.

''Well, i think she just got confused for a moment. She seems fine now.'' Said Wanda.

''But What She Said, the way She looked at you...'' Said Vision.

''Bow did She look at me?'' Asked Wanda.

''Well, i didn't... oh.'' Saks Vision.

Wanda and Vision looked at Agnes. She did some work out while take some perfume on the babies. She looked at the Maximoff couple.

''Lavendel. It's supposed to have a calming effect. Ralph sprays it on me every night. But There's no taming this tiger, What?'' Said Agnes.

''It's so Strange.'' Said Vision.

''That's not fair. It's not Agnes's fault that She has an unusually high libido.'' Said Wanda.

''Wanda? Sid you really not see What i saw?'' Asked Vison

They could hear a door Open. They saw Agnes, grabbing a glass.

''Don't mind me. I'm just looking for your dark liquor.'' Said Agnes.

''What?'' Asked Vision.

''Not for me. For the triplets. What kind of babysitter do you think i am?'' Asked Agnes. ''I'm just gonna fo and check in there.''

''Vision, the boys haven't slept in days. It's honestly a miracle Pietra can sleep and be quiet. You and i both need a break amd Agnes is just Being neighborly, That's all.'' Said Wanda.

Vision started ro hear something. Or better. Nothing.

''Do you hear that?'' Asked Vision.

''Hear What?'' Asked Wanda.

''Absolutely nothing.'' Said Vision.

''They finally fell asleep.'' Said Wanda.

She and Vision walked to the cribs. The triplets were gone.

''They're empty.'' Said Vision.

''Then Where Are the twins?'' Asked Wanda.

''Mommy?'' Said a voice.

''Daddy?'' Said the other vocie.

''Hiya.'' Said the third voice.

Wanda and Vision turned around and saw their Children. Already as four-five years old. Little pietra's hear wasn't so loung though.

''Kids. Can't control 'em. No matter How hard you try.'' Said Agnes.

''Well, hi.'' Said Visin.

''Hi.'' Said Wanda.

Tommy went to his Mom while Billy and Pietra went to their dad. The kids got picked up and hugged by their parents.
