Birth of the triplets

''It's coming. Oh. The baby's coming.'' Said Wanda.

''You're pregnant?'' Asked Geraldine.


Wanda and Geraldine walked to the living room. Wanda breath heavily.

''Now, let's Get you comfortable. Ok?'' Said Geraldine as She made the couch ready for Wanda.

''I think I'm gonna lay down right here.'' Said Wanda.

She got down om the floor

''Vision ran to Get the doctor. He'll be back soon.'' Said Wanda and She collapsed on the floor.

''No, no, There's not enough time for that.'' Said Geraldine. She layed a pillow under Wanda's head. ''Relax. Relax.'' Said Geraldine.

She found a bucket and runend to the kitchen.

''You know your breathing, right?'' Said Geraldine.

Wanda breathed heavily again.

''Wanda, i can't hear you.'' Said Geraldine while searching for towels.

Wanda groaned. Some picture started to spin, it came fire in the fire place and a lamp feld down on the table. Geraldine runned imside again.

''I may be late for the party, But i imagine There is a logical explanation for this.'' Said Geraldine as She sat down beside Wanda.

''It's all perfectly natural!'' Said Wanda and She screamed.

''Hey, You're doing great. You're doing great. Look at me. Look at me.'' Said Geraldine.

She started to breath rhythmically and Wanda joined.

''I can't do it.'' Said Wanda.

''Yes, you can.'' Said Geraldine.

Wanda shaked her head. It hurt so much and She was afraid.

''I can't. I can't.'' Said Wanda.

''You can do this.'' Said Geraldine.

''Yes, you can. You can do this. Beside, it's rime to start pushing. You're ready?'' Said Geraldine.

Wanda shaked her head.

''You're ready. You»re ready. Push. Push, Wanda. Push!'' Said Geraldine.

Wanda pushed and screamed.

''Push! That's a girl!'' Said Geraldine.

Geraldine dried the little baby. She held it up in her arms.

''It's a girl.'' Said Geraldine.

Wanda smiled and chuckled. Geraldine gave the baby to Wanda.

''Hi.'' Said Wanda. ''Oh, She's perfect.''

Vision came running in the house with the doctor on his back. The doctor got down.

''Oh, no. I missed it.'' Said Vision.

He was sad he missed it But got happy when he saw Wanda's smile and his little baby daughter.

''Hey, Doc, Why don't you help me out in the kitchen there.'' Said Geraldine.

''We went so fast, it was like We were Flying.'' Said the doctor.

Him and geraldine walked inside the kitchen.

''Well done, Wanda.'' Said Vision.

He sat down beside his wife and new born daughter.

''Well, don't you wanna meet your daughter as yourself.'' Asked Wanda.

Vision looked around. Since it wasn't anyone there, he turned into his normal self. He picked up his little daughter.

''Hello there, little one.'' Said Vision. Thye had a little problem. They wasn't prepeard for a girl. They didn't hage any name for her. ''Do you have a name for her?'' Asked Vision.

''I was thinking Natasha, But i don't know.'' Said Wanda.

''Dosen't matter What her name is. She's always be pir beautiful daughter.'' Said Vision.

Wanda smiled. He leant down to kiss Wanda. They were going to kiss bit Wanda screamed. So did Vision.

''What?'' Asked Vision.

Wanda started to groan.

''Good heavens!'' Said Vision. ''There's another baby coming!''

''What?'' Asked Wanda.

''Wanda, push! Push!'' Said Vision.

Vision layed his daughter on the couch. They could hear a baby crying But to wasn't their daughter. Vision dried the new baby inna towel.

''It's a boy.'' Said Vision.

Wanda chuckled again.

''It is?'' Asked Wanda.

''It is. Hello there, little Tommy.'' Said Vision.

''Tommy?'' Asked Wanda.

''Yes, Tommy.'' Said Vision. He looked down at his son. ''You wanna meet your sister, Tommy?'' Asked Vision.

He picked up his little daughter and held his two baby's. Wanda smiled of seeing them together. But Then She screamed again. Vision looked at her.

''What?'' Asked Vision.

''I'm not done yet!'' Said Wanda.

''What? But I'm running out of hands.'' Said Vision. He turned into his normal self. ''Push, Wanda. Push. Doctor!'' Said Vision


The birth was over. Vision held a little baby boy in his arms. Wanda held her little daughter amd the doctor held the third baby.

''30 fingers and 30 toes. You've got not one But three babies on your hands.'' Said the doctor as he gave the third baby to Wanda.

''Thank you, doctor.'' Said Wanda.

''All in a day's work.'' Said the doctor. He looked at Geraldine. ''And Thank you for your assistance, young lady. I think you might have What it takes to be a nurse.'' Said the doctor.

''Allow me to walk you out doctor.'' Said Vision.

He layed his little boy down in the crib.

''Oh, all right. As long as we Actually walk this time.'' Said the doctor.

''Come.'' Said Vision.

Him and the doctor walked out. Geraldine stood up and walked to Wanda.

''I do owe you a debt of gratitude.'' Said Wanda.

She layed her two babies down beside their brother.

''You're such a strong lady. Can you belive it? Triplets! Do you have a name for the girl?'' Asked Geraldine.

''I was thinking Natasha But i don't know. It feels like I'm betraying my brother for naming my child after a girl i only knew for two years than my own brother who knew me my whole life." Said Wanda. She started to think about her brother. ''My brother. His name was Pietro.'' Said Wanda.

The little girl made a little cute baby sound.

''You like that name, don't you? I'm sure If you were a boy, that name would fit you perfectly. What If We name you Pietra Natsasha? Pietra Natasha Maximoff.'' Said Wanda.

The little girl cuckled. Wanda smiled to her.

''Pietro? He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?'' Asked Geraldine.

Wanda looked at her.

''What did you say?'' Asked Wanda. How did she know? ''What did you say just now?'' Asked Wanda.

''I Said. Wanda, You're such a strong lady.'' Said Geraldine.She walked to the couch. ''Should i sat it one more time  for Good measure?'' Asked Geraldine.

''No. What did you say about Pietro?'' Asked Wanda.

''Pietro? Uh...'' Said Geraldine.

The baby's Cried.

''Hey, i'll take a shift rockikg the babies.'' Said Geraldine as she stood up.

''No, i think you should leave.'' Said Wanda

''Oh, Wanda, don't be like that.'' Said Geraldine.

Wanda noticed the necklase around Geraldine's neck.

''What is that?'' Asked Wanda.

''What?'' Asked Geraldine.

''That. That symbol.'' Said Wanda.

''I, Uh... i...'' Said Geraldine.

''Who Are you?'' Asked Wanda.

''I don't...'' Said Geraldine.

''Who Are you?'' Asked Wanda.

''Wanda... i... Wanda.'' Said Geraldine.

''Goodbye, Geraldine.'' Said Wanda.

''Wanda.'' Said Geraldine.

Wanda used her magic and sent Geraldine Flying out of Westview. She standed infront of her babies. Vision came inside.

''Wanda.'' Said Vision. ''Where is Geraldine?'' Asked Vision.

''Oh, she left, honey. She had to rush home.'' Said Wanda.

She smiled down at her kids.

I'm just saying. If your a toxic Wanda stan.

"Wanda solos everyvone"

"Wanda claps that flop"

"Wanda Does nothing wrong"

*hate on someone who dont have Wanda as a favorite*


No toxic Wanda stan is welcome.

If your a Nice fan who loved Wanda.
But dont put other caracters down or hate on someone who dont like Wanda. You can stay. You Are welcome.
