Ch. 5: Destruction

Today was Hizashi's day. He was more confident than ever about his visit to Tigris. There were no toys, just paperwork. He walked down the hall with a folder in hand and his keys in the other.

"Mic," Shota spoke up. "Are you going to the University?"

"You gave me the work, I'm gonna do the job, yo!"

"Good, take this with you." He held up a bag with a large M on it.

"Shota, you shouldn't have!"

"It's not for you, moron. Give it to Mother Nature."

Mic took the bag from him, "Did Doc tell you to do this?"

"No but I'm tired of seeing how miserable you make each other. Give her this and she'll drop that angry facade."

"If you say so, dude. I'll do whatever!"


Mic peaked into the lecture hall through the window of the door. Students were at their desks writing down notes. His eyes scanned the room for Mother Nature only to find her at her desk with her head down. Her antlers were beginning to come through again, this time they weren't deer.

He decided to sit it out in an empty seat near the door. He slipped the handle down and opened it without making a noise. A few students noticed his presence. Before they could react he held a finger up to his lips hushing them. They nodded and went back to work.

Mic closed the door slowly and slid into a seat next to the door.

"Professor," A student called out.


"Class ended five minutes ago."

Her head snapped up with her hair stuck to her face. "Oh, gosh, I'm sorry, uh, class is dismissed. Your assignments are due Monday during class. Have a great weekend." Her head then went back down onto the table.

All the students began leaving while Mic tried his best to keep them quiet about his presence.

As the last student left they shut the door quietly leaving only Mic and Tigris in the large lecture room. He leaned on the desk and looked down the stadium seating waiting for her to move or get up. She didn't seem like she was awake.

"I can hear you breathe, Present Mic." Her head remained on the table. "Come to my desk."

"How's it hangin' Doc? Revin' up those lectures today I see!"

"Yes, lectures." She yawned sitting up slightly.

"Get yourself a sleeping bag and you could be Eraser's twin!" He reached the bottom of the steps and placed the folder on her desk. "Alsoooooo I have a gift! But not a bad one I swear." He then dropped the bag on her desk. "Bone apple teeth, Miss Nature."

She opened the bag and pulled out two burgers and fries. "Looks like Shota sent it."

"How did you know?"

"He gets a burger for me and himself, here." She handed him a burger. "It'll be weird if I eat and you don't."

He gazed at her smile for a second before snapping back to reality and taking the hot sandwich. "Thanks, Doc!"

They both moved to student seats to eat their meals. Mic noticed her immediately open up and become a much happier and outgoing person. The facade was literally separated by food. He told her hero stories, U.A. while she talked about America and her family.

He saw her laugh out loud for the first time ever as well which warmed his heart entirely. He was feeling something a bit stronger than usual just by being around her.

"Mic," She waved a hand in front of his face.

"Yo, yo, yo! Sorry, Doc, daydreaming' a little bit. What did you ask again?"

"I asked what time your radio show is tonight. He told me about it and I want to listen in, get a feel for your music taste." She smiled tiredly at him.

"Yo, Doc, no offense but you look like you'll pass out right now if I wasn't here."

"Oh please, I don't need sleep. Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Fiesty! Well, dear Listener, we start partying at 1 AM and go all night long!"

"I dig it," She laughed a little, "I look forward to listening in." Tigris wrapped up the paper to her meal then gathered the rest of her belongings. "I guess we should get going or we'll be locked in."

"I mean being trapped with me wouldn't be the worst thing in the world," Mic ended with a wink, jesting at the professor.

She grew slightly red than adjusted her voice. "Well, luckily we can leave. Thank you again for the food and the paperwork for today. Have a great weekend Mic."

"Lookin' forward to your opinion, Doc!" He finger gunned her.


Tragedy strikes northern Musutafu as a block-wide fire broke out overnight. The fire had consumed two apartments, one office building, a local library, and other unnamed public spaces. So far there has been a death toll of 38 individuals, 22 in critical condition and 40 unharmed or small injuries. While many heroes came out to help take out the fire, it had almost seemed impossible due to the temperature of the flames. The police department and fire department believe its arson by villains thus explaining the difficulty putting it out. The fire was finally extinguished at around 8 AM this morning leaving many shaken from the event.


"Class will be canceled all of next week. The exam will be the following Monday on what we have covered." Hizashi read the paper taped to Tigris's door.

Shota never gave him paperwork but he thought he'd visit anyway. To his disappointment, Mother Nature was not there to greet him. He pulled out his phone and sent a fourth text to Shota, though he didn't answer the first three he was sure he'd answer this one.

(Note: PM = Present Mic | EH = Eraser Head | MN = Mother Nature | AM: All Might)

PM: Yo, where's Tigris?

Moments later there was a reply

EH: Why? 

PM: Stopped by to say hey but class is canceled all next week.

EH: She's had to cancel. Her home was in that fire.

Mic's heart dropped. He immediately called Shota instead of texting.

"What do you want?" Shota answered.

"Where is she?"

"Insurance office. Leave her be."

"Is she okay? Did she talk to you at all?"

Shota sighed, "She called me this morning and told me about it briefly. She's alright." He paused, "If I give you her phone number you can't contact her until later, got it?"

"You are the man, Shota!"

Eraser Head soon sent out her number practically regretting it. He knew though he'd get no rest with Mic using him as a source of information. Tigris might kill him later but it was worth it for a good nap.

Mic wanted to help any way he could and he started with finding out where her apartment was. It didn't take long to find out and after a short drive later was at the destroyed block.

Yellow tape blocked off multiple areas. There were still firefighters and officers on the scene. He got through mainly because he was a hero. He had found out through Toshi her home was on the corner of the block. She lived upstairs in an apartment.

The scene was devastating but it ached his heart more to know a new friend of his had to deal with such a mess. A truck would be showing up shortly to aid in the cleanup of the buildings. He had a plan the moment he knew. A truck would be showing up to gather all the items that were important to Tigris. It would be all of her belongings that weren't singed. It was better than them tossing out the items.

He stepped over the rubble careful not to slip, or stick himself with a visible nail or something worse. Half of the building was destroyed while another part seemed untouched. Half her apartment burnt to a crisp.

Family pictures, broken on the ground or half hanging on the wall. Posters burnt at the corners, part of the roof even collapsed. It was going to be a long day.


"She's not doing too good," Toshi whispered to Shota.

"No shit. She lost her home."

They shared a booth seat across from her. After her visit to the insurance company, they agreed to take her out to dinner together to possibly cheer her up and decide her living quarter until she could get a home.

"Tigris, are you going to sit up at all." Toshi urged.

She looked up at him, glaring into his blue eyes. A tigers growl escaped her throat warning him.

"Hey, knock it off. We're trying to help."

She then sat up flat against the seat. "What would you do if you lost everything in the blink of an eye?"

"Sleep on it." Shota shrugged.

"Well, you went to the insurance company. I know the university pays decently and your insurance seems to cover the cost of everything as you said." Toshi folded his hands together on the table. "At this point, I'd figure out who you will be staying with. You know we both have our homes offered up. After that, I'd figure out what's able to be salvaged."

"I don't recommend you staying with Toshi. Mother Nature and All Might pictured together one time and the press will have a field day."

"But Eraser head and Mother nature hanging out wouldn't?" She smirked. "I can always live outside."

"No." Both boys spoke at the same time.

"Or I can't." She sighed. "Shota I guess you're the winner."

"Lucky me."

"Tomorrow I guess I'll start cleaning out. I'll take all the help I can get if neither of you have a patrol."

"Lucky me, again." 
