
A/N: sorrysorrysorry this one's gonna be kinda long too


i stumbled out of the portal and into a filthy looking run down bar. "look, i'm sorry about destroying your home but you guys are villains. i was more gentle than i could've been. i didn't tell the heroes about everything you did to us. i don't hate you as much as i probably should but that's only because i've seen that you guys are human too." dabi slapped me across the face. "human?" he spat, "you should be more afraid of us. you do remember what happened to your friend don't you?" my expression hardened and i touched my face, looking down at the floor. "yes. but i know people can change. it's not too late for you guys, just turn yourselves in, i'll vouch for you!" he punched me again in the stomach, doubling me over. i collapsed onto the ground and tears sprang to my eyes. "you're sickening. we're villains by choice and you are our prisoner again." he knelt down and whispered in my ear, "the only reason you're still alive is that shigaraki won't let me kill you. he's got a bit of a soft spot, that weak bastard". i steadied my breathing and stood back up as kurogiri, toga, and shigaraki came through the portal. "hiiii~!" toga said, coming over to me. "i missed you, it's been way too long (Y/N). remember that other boy who was here with you the first time? i never liked him, too protective of you. if he'd just gotten out of the way he might not have died, poor thing" she said with a giggle. "don't talk about him. and i never said you could call me by my first name", i said, not meeting her eyes.

toga just laughed and bounced off to put away her needles and blood or whatever, "you're so silly~". i sauntered over to tsukina and bent down to meet her eyes, surprised at how tiny she still was. "so angel, how've you been? you haven't changed much at all." she looked down at the floor, not looking at me. "fine.", she said quietly. i grabbed her chin and yanked her face so she was looking at me, "now, you may be wondering why we kidnapped you in the first place." her eyes widened slightly. "your quirk. it's characteristically good isn't it? we've been experimenting and we think we can change that. you could inflict pain with a touch instead of taking it away. then we could be together forever." i said, enjoying the look of fear in her eyes. "oh, and don't bother trying to escape, we've disabled your quirk. temporarily of course, as you'd still need a quirk for us to change it." she looked back down at the ground. "you can't make me hurt people. i won't do it. even if you manage to change my quirk i would never join you." i just rolled my eyes and grabbed her forearm, careful not to place all five fingers and dragging her to the nearest cell. i heard her inhale sharply in pain and squeezed her arm tighter, "aw, someone's gotten weaker", i said with a smirk. i let go and tossed her roughly into the cell, wiping blood off my hands. wait, why's there so much? i told toga and dabi to hurt her just enough so she would be easy to capture, this seems like a little too much. i looked back over at her and saw her sleeve was soaking through with even more blood. she didn't acknowledge this, just sat there with this look on her face. not scared for herself, but for her friends. "everyone left right? now that you have me you'll leave them alone?" she asked. "that was the deal" i replied, "although shouldn't you be more worried about yourself?" i motioned to her arm. she brushed it off, "doesn't matter. you promise they're ok?" i rolled my eyes, "ugh they're fine, will you stop talking now?" she looked back down with a hint of a smile on her face.

i walked into the small cell the next day with a plate of food for tsukina. she was sitting in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chest. her eyes were glassy and her skin pale. her shirt was soaked with blood and there was a small pool of it forming on the floor next to her. this wasn't supposed to happen. BUT ITS FUNNY. she's in pain. SHE SHOULD BE. dabi and toga were told not to hurt her this badly, we still need her for the plan. BUT SHE'S OUR PRISONER. i set the plate down on the bed and left to get the others. i didn't find everyone but shigaraki, toga, and dabi came back with me to see what was going on. she looked up and saw all four of us standing there. pressing herself farther into the corner, she held her arms across her chest. "what are you guys all doing here?" she asked shakily. shigaraki went up to her and put his finger under her chin, tilting her face up. "what, i can't come see my angel?" she was silent, keeping her eyes on the ground. "still calling her that? aren't we a little old? NO ITS FUNNY KEEP DOING IT. stop teasing, just do what we need to do. NO THIS IS FUN" i said. "shut up twice you're confusing" dabi said, glaring at me. i crossed my arms and huffed. shigaraki spoke to tsukina, "why haven't you slept. and why are you bleeding all over the floor." he turned back to us, "someone get this girl some bandages or something, and something to cost up the floor". she looked up, expressionless. "i'm sorry" "why the fuck are you apologizing you stupid bitch" dabi said, coming back with a first aid kit. shigaraki stood up and turned to dabi and toga, "i thought you said you'd only hurt her enough to capture her, what the hell is this?! we can't have her all weak if we want to finish our plan!" "aw come on shiggy, you know i wouldn't disobey you! this wasn't me, i only sliced her wing to get blood~" toga said, licking her lips. dabi rolled his eyes and went over to her, yanking her up off the ground. she yelped and he lifted up her shirt slightly to show a deep gash in her side. "it's bigger than i intended" he said with the tiniest hint of guilt in his tone. he caught himself and his face quickly hardened again as he threw her back down onto the floor. "you moved bitch." tsukina remained silent as she mostly does, turning away from us.

i took the bandages from dabi and pushed tsukina onto the bed, sitting down beside her. "give me your arm." she shook her head and scooted away from me. "i'm fine" i saw dabi eyeing me, i knew he thought i was soft on her and i had to show him that wasn't true. i took out a small knife and sliced a shallow cut on her leg. "i said give me your arm." she tentatively placed her hand in mine and i rolled up her sleeve, seeing a bloodsoaked bandage already there. "damn you bleed a lot. what even happened? if it was toga or dabi there wouldn't already be a bandage". she didn't answer and i unwrapped it, handing it to twice to throw away. i scrubbed all the blood off her arm not-so-gently but she stayed quiet, only wincing once in a while. she's got amazing pain tolerance, that's weird considering how sensitive she is emotionally... when all the blood was gone i saw layers upon layers of cuts and scars crisscrossing across her entire arm. the newest ones still oozed blood and they were all red and irritated from the scrubbing. it was obvious these weren't accidental injuries or combat scars. i looked up at her but she wouldn't meet my eyes. dabi spoke up with a short laugh, "i guess she didn't get enough pain from her time with us, had to give herself some more! was two years not enough for you bitch?". none of us acknowledged that he even spoke, not wanting to laugh nor contradict him. i haphazardly wrapped her arm in new bandages, careful not to set off my quirk. she quickly took her hand back and pulled down her sleeves again. "you're not done, angel. dabi here decided to practically stab you and we can't have you bleeding out on the floor now can we?" she shook her head again, "it's fine". i raised an eyebrow and jabbed her in the side. she let out a shuddering gasp as color drained from her face and she started to fall towards me. she slumped into my chest, barely conscious. i froze for a minute, not sure what to do. her breaths were shallow and ragged and her skin was cold. i snapped out of my shock and gently sat her back up, leaning her against the wall. "you were saying?" i noticed that dabi, twice, and toga had already left. guess they got bored. she tried to steady her breathing and wouldn't look at me, "well if you didn't poke me so hard it would've been fine", she said, her voice strained. "mhm, right", i said sarcastically, "now take off your shirt. i need to get to your side and your wing, you're wearing a bra right?". her eyes snapped back up "of course i am, but can't you just lift up the shirt?" "well it would get in the way, plus if you're wearing a bra it wouldn't matter. and your shirt is covered with blood don't you want to wash it? plus maybe i just want you to." i said the last part quietly but i guess she still heard. "pervert", she mumbled, pulling her shirt over her head. she folded it up and set it on the bed next to her before covering as much of her body she could with her arms and looking at me warily. i let my eyes wander for just a second, taking in her appearance as i couldn't before with her loose clothes. she wore a grey sports bra that didn't show a lot, (high neckline and covered about 1/3 of her ribcage). she also had countless scars all across her torso from her last time with us, but that's not what i was focused on. she looked like a skeleton! i could see all her ribs clearly and she looked so fragile. now, i knew she was far from fragile and i wouldn't underestimate her again but i couldn't help but worry a little bit. like she said, we're all still human. i averted my eyes and grabbed some more bandages to wrap her wing first. "they not feeding you at that damn school? you literally weigh nothing and you look like a skeleton". she barely flinched as i wrapped her wing, "you see why i wear loose clothes all the time now?" i pulled harder on the bandage and she gave a small yelp, "you didn't answer my question. why the hell do you look like that." she pushed my hand away from her, wrapping her own wing. "i can do it myself. and why do you care?" i definitely wasn't worried about her... "well it's not natural to be that skinny. i'm just curious." i took a closer look at the cut on her side, seeing that it was pretty deep and badly burned. dabi must've used his quirk too. "well stop it. i don't need to tell you anything", she said. i took a wet paper towel and cleaned it out as much as i could, occasionally hearing a small whimper or yelp from tsukina. i couldn't help but have some respect for the girl, even grudgingly. she was strong, but people don't see that. they see kindness and therefore weakness, although she's anything but weak. i took a small scraper tool from the first aid kit dabi brought and started scraping the charred bits out from inside the wound. her breathing grew labored and she squeezed her hands into fists but she never complained. this stupid kit didn't have any disinfectants so we would have to do with what we had. i had to keep wiping away more blood that kept coming out of the deep cut and soon there were just bloodsoaked towels all over the bed. i worked in silence as i wrapped new bandages around her ribs and stomach. by the time i'd finished, she'd gone a pale greyish green and looked like she was about to pass out. she quickly grabbed her shirt and tried to stand up to get away from me, but stumbled and almost fell. i pushed her back down and gave her a pillow to prop herself up. "whoa it's ok. i'm not gonna hurt you like before. dabi thinks i'm soft for you and i had to show him. i suppose cutting your leg wasn't the only option but it convinced him." i handed her the last bandage, "you can wrap that one yourself", i said, motioning to her thigh where i cut her before, a twinge of guilt in my voice. "i won't touch you there don't worry". she still looked wary but gave a small smile. "thank you" she said weakly. i allowed myself the tiniest smile and stood up. "eat your food." i ordered as i walked out of the cell, locking it behind me.

at least i know shigaraki wouldn't hurt me more than absolutely necessary, but i still had dabi to worry about, maybe toga. i hope my friends aren't worrying too much, they'd be better off without me anyway. oh my gosh i hope they don't come looking for me! they'll be killed! i thought about asking shigaraki to tell ua they'd killed me so they wouldn't come looking, but i don't want my friends to grieve. i didn't know what to do at this point, if they think i'm dead they'll be sad but if they come looking for me they'll get hurt. i know it seems like an obvious choice but physical wounds can be healed easily. you carry grief forever. i don't want them to blame themselves for my 'death'. there's nothing i can do now so i guess i'll just sit here until i think of something...
