
ok back to the story!
yeah i don't actually know anyone in this class and i can't find any info online so i'm making it up lol sorry
also this is the chapter i delayed the other one to write yeah sorry i had an idea and i was excited to write it lol
also this one's really long like double length-

pov: tamaki
i walked into class that day and saw a smaller girl with wings standing nervously at the front of the class with our teacher and mr aizawa from class 1A. she was strikingly beautiful but in a cute way, her lavender eyes wide and her hands clasped together near her chest. i remembered meeting her before at the tournament and wondered to myself what she was doing here. the bell rang and we all sat down, mirio and nejire looking at me with the same questioning look, asking if i knew why she was here. i shrugged and our teacher cleared his throat to get our attention. "we've got a special guest in class today, this is Tsukina (Y/N) and she'll be joining us for training." mr aizawa placed a hand on her upper back comfortingly as she was clearly nervous about being here. "Tsukina excels in all of her studies, not to mention amazing combat skill, so i figured it'd do her good to train with you guys as a challenge." aizawa said, nudging her forward slightly. she gave a little wave, smiling at us, "hi" she said in a barely audible voice. we waved back at her and a few people including mirio shouted "hello" and "welcome". her cute little smile became more relaxed and she sat down in the seat our teacher had saved for her, right next to me. she looked over and smiled, making my heart flutter as i smiled back shyly. "i remember you tamaki, you're super cool i've seen you in action" she said in her quiet little voice. i nodded and tried to hide my blush, "thank you". before i could get the courage to say anything else mirio and nejire came over and mirio wrapped her tightly in a hug, lifting her out of her chair. "hi tsukina, welcome to our class! i'm mirio togata" "hiiii! i've heard so much about you, you were on the news right? twice! even though you're younger i still think you're really admirable! oh yeah, i'm nejire hado, it's so nice to meet you!" nejire gushed. Tsukina gave a small squeak in response and mirio put her down, "sorry to scare you, we're just so excited to finally meet you! tamaki's told us about you" he said with a cheerful smile. i gave him a look and blushed but tsukina smiled up at them not thinking anything of it, "it's really nice to meet you guys too!" she said, her voice slightly louder now but still quiet. the teacher clapped loudly and told us to go back to our seats so we could start training. they went back to where they were sitting and he cleared his throat, "we'll be doing combat training in the stadium today. here's the list, come up and find your name to see who you'll be fighting." i went up to look at the list and saw my name next to a girl with a foam quirk. from what i understand she can shoot a foam like substance from her hands which she can harden at any time. she's pretty powerful and i was a little nervous, she could trap me within seconds! i followed everyone outside into the stadium and saw midnight standing there. "hi kids! same rules as the sports festival, to win you have to immobilize your opponent or push them out of bounds. have fun and try not to fatally injure anyone."

pov: (Y/N)
my name was next to a boy's name i didn't recognize, takai. i asked nejire who he was as we were walking outside and she explained that his quirk was called blade. basically he can create and expertly wield any type of sword or blade including knives and spears too, pointing to a tall boy on the other side of the crowd. he had dark hair, gray eyes, and a mischievous smirk on his face. "everyone thinks he's hot at first but he's actually kinda mean", nejire said with a little pout.

the teacher said to get with the person we'd be fighting and he sauntered over to me, hands in his pockets and an interested look on his face. "hey, tsukina right? guess they thought we'd make a good match" he said with a wink. "don't worry, i'll go easy on you." i glanced over at nejire but she'd left already so i just looked up at him. he was a lot taller close up, at least 6'2, and he had a faint scar across his eye kind of like kiri's but longer (presumably from his quirk). "don't" i said quietly. he scoffed with a laugh, "what? don't go easy on you? does the little fairy think she can take me?" i was kind of annoyed at his attitude, i hate it when people underestimate me. i flew up a few inches to his eye level and smiled sweetly, "i'm here for a reason aren't i? i'm gonna do my best and i expect you to do yours too takai", i said in a soft voice, my tone not matching my words. i tapped his nose and dropped back down to the ground, turning away and sitting down in the stands next to tamaki to watch the first match. tamaki looked shocked and turned to face me, "you're up against him? wow you've gotta be amazing, he's one of the best in our class!" i smiled at him, "i do my best." after the first match tamaki was called up, he was against a girl who looked pretty powerful. "good luck tamaki!" i smiled and patted his shoulder. he smiled back and walked into the ring nervously, the girl waving to him politely. "start!" midnight yelled, and the girl attacked, shooting orange foam out of her hands. tamaki dodged and made his hands into octopus tentacles, grabbing her and throwing her out of the ring... but before he could get her all the way out she covered his arm in foam, hardening it. when he dropped her she delivered a swift kick to his arm encased in the hardened foam, shattering it and leaving his arm broken. sharp shards flew everywhere and he kicked some up into her face using a wing to help him, his broken arm dangling at his side. i watched fearfully, worried he'd get hurt worse when i saw someone slide into the seat next to me. takai. he patted my head and i flinched, raising my hands over my face on instinct. "jumpy are we? are you that scared of me? i don't blame you, i guess i am pretty intimidating" i relaxed and gave a small smile out of politeness, don't flatter yourself i thought, but didn't say anything. "you seem worried about tamaki, you guys friends?" i nodded and he leaned in closer to me with that smirk of his, "not better friends than us though right?" "...sure" i said, not really paying attention to him. my eyes were still on tamaki as he fought that girl, he was winning i think but she'd definitely put some damage on him. takai frowned and put his hand on the side of my face, turning it to face him and leaning in so our noses were only a few inches apart. "why are you ignoring me tsukina? girls never ignore me." i gently pushed his hand away and backed up, "sorry" i said, looking back to tamaki. he was pretty beaten up, but so was she and they were both losing energy. finally he picked her up and tossed her out of the ring, midnight waving the flag to say tamaki won. we cheered for him and he hid his face as always, coming back up into the stands to sit next to me. his lip was split and his arm obviously broken along with other small cuts and bruises elsewhere. "oh tama are you ok? come here i'll heal you" i said, hoping he wouldn't mind my shortening his name. he blushed and sat down next to me, holding his broken arm up painfully. i held his arm gently in my hands and hummed a simple melody, sending warmth through my hands into his arm and mending the broken bones. once i was done he shook his hand as a test i guess and smiled, "thanks". i motioned to his split lip, "do you want me to fix that too?" he nodded sheepishly and i brought my hand up to his face, sitting up on my knees to reach. i cupped his face in my hand and brushed my thumb over his lip, humming the same tune. it healed up quickly and i sat back down, "better?" he nodded gratefully and i smiled, "are you hurt anywhere else?" he shook his head. "alright go see recovery girl just in case." he nodded and left and i felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned to see takai still watching me. "you've got a healing quirk? i thought aizawa said you had combat skills" he chuckled condescendingly. "i guess you'll have to wait and see then hm?" i said with a smile, turning my attention back towards the ring where nejire was fighting a boy with a bubble quirk. they were both in the air, her with her energy and him in his bubble until she popped it, sending him flying out of the ring. we cheered for her and she made sure the boy was ok before jumping up and down happily and sitting back down in her seat. "Tsukina and Takai, your turn!" Midnight yelled, and i glanced at tamaki who gave me an encouraging look before i walked into the ring. takai stood on the opposite side and cracked his neck, smiling cockily at me. i smiled back and midnight yelled "start!" causing him to lunge at me, creating dual swords in his hands. i dodged easily, going behind him and kicking him in the back, sending him sprawling into the dirt. not enough to hurt him of course but it definitely bruised his pride. he stood back up quickly and ran at me again, creating bigger swords in an attempt to reach me quicker, but i dodged again. after a while of him charging and me dodging his every attack, he was getting frustrated. "fight back! you can't win if you don't attack me too!" he said, breathing hard. "you've tired yourself out takai, i am winning", i said, flying up into the air so if he looked at me he'd be looking into the sun. he saw what i was doing and created multiple throwing knives, hurling them into the sky and hoping one of them hit me. i created a shield in front of me and they all bounced off, one ricocheted straight back to him. it cut his arm open and he hissed in pain but didn't stop throwing knives. i dissolved the shield over his head, golden dust raining down on his head and temporarily blinding him. he yelled in frustration and threw another knife at me, this one bent. i moved out of the way easily but it curved back around in the air and sliced a deep cut in my thigh. i inhaled sharply but didn't give him the satisfaction of a reaction, swooping down and kicking his legs out from under him in one swift motion. he hit the ground again but pushed himself up quickly, wiping dirt off his face with a scowl. "i told you not to go easy on me" i said with a wink, knowing full well he was trying his hardest. his eyes flared with anger but before he could throw a punch i grabbed his wrist and flew up into the air, carrying him high into the sky. he flailed, "put me down you dumb bird!" but i just held on tighter, "i'm not a bird, but if you really want me to let you go..." i loosened my grip on his hand and he fell towards the ground, eyes wide and fearful as he reached for me, for anything....i swooped down and caught him a few feet off the ground, my arms tightly around his chest as i glided to the edge of the ring, setting him down gently outside the circle while i remained in. midnight was speechless for a second before laughing and joyously yelling "Tsukina wins!!!" the crowd erupted into cheers and i hid my face in my hands. we went back to our seats and i peeked at takai, seeing him looking shaken, hands slightly trembling and face pale. i felt bad for scaring him like that and patted his hand, "sorry for dropping you like that, i had to scare you enough to get you out of the ring easily. you didn't think i would actually let you fall did you?" he gave a small smile and shook his head "nah, you couldn't hurt a fly could you". i laughed, "flies have feelings too! i really am sorry though, you still look kinda freaked out, are you ok?" he shook his head in disbelief, "you're worrying about me? i threw knives at you with full intention of hurting you and you're worried about me? i suppose angel does suit you doesn't it. and to answer your question i'm fine, just didn't think you would dROP ME FROM FIFTY FEET IN THE AIR". i flinched away from his sudden volume change and he panicked a little, placing an awkward hand on my shoulder. "whoa hey, i'm sorry..." i straightened again and gave a small smile, "don't apologize, i'm just...jumpy, like you said. anyway, do you want me to heal your arm?" takai took off his shirt exposing the gash in his bicep along with the rest of his muscular upper body. "sure, thanks. whatever you're gonna do beats being kissed by an old lady that's for sure." he flexed his muscles, "pretty ripped aren't i?" he was, but i wasn't going to tell him that. "don't hurt yourself." i said, rolling my eyes slightly and reaching up to touch his arm. i placed my hand gently on the gash and hummed a cheerful tune, sending warmth into his arm and closing the cut. i looked up at him, "better?" he flexed his arm and grinned at me, giving my shoulder a light push, "not bad, pixie!" i raised an eyebrow, "pixie?" i stifled a giggle. he faked looking insulted, "you have wings, you literally glow sometimes, and you're small, it seemed fitting! you don't like it?" "they're angel wings takai, not fairy wings! and i'm not that small" i mumbled with a smile. he shrugged "whatever same thing. and you are small. so small. tiny in fact. i was shocked you could lift me, hell i'd have been surprised to see you lift a chair!" he laughed. "ha ha, funny" i said, making a face at him. "that's not a pretty face" he said, stifling a laugh. "and you're not nearly as buff as you think you are, but i didn't say a word did i?" i laughed. he busted out laughing and i couldn't help but giggle too, "cute, strong, and funny. you've got it all haven't you" he said, leaning closer to me. "whoa there loverboy. you've known me for what, an hour?" i raised an eyebrow and pushed him away with a finger on his forehead. he looked genuinely confused for a second before regaining his cocky grin, "playing hard to get are we? normally girls are all over me, but you'll give in to my charm eventually." he said with a wink. i rolled my eyes, "if that's what you have to tell yourself." tamaki came back from recovery girl and sat back down next to me and my expression immediately brightened. "hi tamaki! feeling better?" he nodded and smiled at me, "mhm, recovery girl said you did such a good job she didn't have to do anything at all. and i saw your fight, you did so well! he's strong, one of the best in our class and you beat him so easily, you're amazing!" he said and i blushed, "thanks, although i'm not any better than anyone else" i smiled. "yes you are, you're one of the best in the whole school i'd bet! definitely way better than me, i can't do any of that..." he mumbled, looking at the ground. my expression softened and i held his face in both my hands, looking him in the eyes. "don't say that about yourself tama, you're one of the best heroes i've ever met! you're so brave and talented and kind" he blushed deeply and smiled, "t-thank you (Y/N)" "of course tama" i said, letting go of his face and giving his hand a little squeeze. "hey! i'm still here pixie! why don't you hold me like that" takai pouted, annoyed he wasn't getting my attention anymore. i turned towards him again, "do you want my attention that bad takai? i didn't think you needed it, the girls are all over you right?" i said, trying not to smile. he seemed to be at a loss for words, trying to think of something to save his dignity. i shook my head incredulously and reached up, cupping his face in my hands the same way i did tamaki's and bringing our noses closer so they were only a few inches apart. "is this what you wanted?" i asked with mock innocence, tilting my head to the side slightly. his face turned red and i planted a quick kiss on his nose before letting go, wiping my lips in theatrical disgust, and sitting back down like nothing happened. he was thoroughly flustered, blushing hard and sputtering for words. "is that all the attention you'll be needing or do you want me to carry you back to class too?" i asked, enjoying teasing him. this is definitely uncharacteristic for me, i never tease people, but i don't think he minded... i turned back to tamaki and saw him looking shocked, surprised i would do something like that. midnight yelled it was time to go inside and, still acting like nothing happened, i stood up and took tamaki's hand, starting to walk back to class. takai however, had composed himself again and grabbed me from behind, ripping my hand out of tamaki's and scooping me up bridal style in his arms, holding me tightly so i couldn't escape. i yelped in surprise and pain form the cut in my thigh but he didn't seem to notice, grinning down at me mischievously, "how about i carry you back to class pixie?" before i or tamaki could protest he started running, weaving through the crowd and streaking through the halls. nejire and mirio yelled at him to put me down from the crowd but he ignored them. i kicked my legs as best i could and punched his chest (not to hurt him of course) in an attempt to make him put me down but he just held me tighter, running even faster and turning corners sharply so i had to cling to his neck to not fall. a slouched figure came out of a room at the end of the hallway holding a stack of papers, although the second he got a look at us he dropped them. a hundred sheets of paper fluttered to the floor, scattering across the hall. "PUT HER DOWN!" mr aizawa yelled, and we both froze, him standing there awkwardly and my legs in mid kick. he set me down surprisingly gently on the floor and mr aizawa stormed over to us, clearly angry. takai just now seemed to notice the blood from the cut on my thigh that had soaked through the skirt of my uniform onto his hand and arm. "is that bloo- are you hurt?" he asked, looking down at me and trying to mask his concern. before i could answer aizawa grabbed me and pulled me behind him, looking at takai angrily.

pov: aizawa
i was making copies of flyers for the winter dance thing and walked out of the copy room with them when i saw one of the boys from class 3A running down the halls carrying (Y/N). she was kicking him and clearly trying to escape and he was just smiling and laughing, not even noticing she was obviously hurt. he had one hand on her (bleeding!) thigh and the other behind her back dangerously close to her chest, holding her tightly and not letting go even though she clearly wanted him to. i couldn't tell if he thought she was joking, if he was just oblivious, or if he was just a massive asshole but either way it boiled my blood to see someone touching her like that. she was like a daughter to me and i'd grown quite protective of her over the years. i yelled "PUT HER DOWN" and he obliged, setting her down hesitantly. he said something to her but i pulled her behind me and looked at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation. he ran his hand through his hair and crossed his arms, looking at me coolly, "i was taking her back to class mr. aizawa." "by picking her up and running around with her against her will?! she's obviously injured too!" "i assumed she'd healed herself like she healed me. and i thought she'd like it." he said, still not showing much emotion at all. "and when she was kicking you?? punching you?? telling you to put her down?? that didn't give you a hint??" he shrugged, "normally girls love it when i do that. they hold on to me and squeal and laugh like it's the most fun they've ever had. and then they'd give me a kiss or two after" he said, looking behind me and winking at (Y/N) with a smirk. my eyes flared and i grabbed him with my scarf, throwing him against the wall. hard. "back. off." (Y/N) tugged at my sleeve to get my attention like she's done since she was a baby, "don't throw him so hard, he'll get hurt..." she said, peeking out from behind me to see if he was ok. "you're worried about him? oh my god (Y/N) you've gotta be kidding, he's obviously a dick. you're too nice for your own good." i said incredulously. she shrugged sheepishly, "he's not that bad...and he's still human right?" he'd gotten up by now and was standing in front of me again where he was before. "rude." he mumbled, fixing his hair and dusting off his uniform. i pointed down the hall to the 3A classroom where the rest of the group was starting to file in. "go back to class. and if i catch you near her again i'll personally deliver your consequences." i said, glaring at him. he snuck one last glance at (Y/N) and gave her one of those cocky smirks of his. she rolled her eyes at him in return and he put his hands in his pockets, walking lazily back to class. i turned back towards (Y/N) and motioned to her bleeding leg, "are you alright? did that happen during the fight?" i asked. she nodded and touched her leg, her hand coming away bloody. "it's bleeding more than i thought" she laughed sheepishly. i shook my head and put my hand on her shoulder, guiding her back into the classroom where i had bandages stashed for her in case something like this happened. her quirk doesn't allow her to heal herself and no other healing quirks work on her so we have to do everything the old fashioned way. i have her a roll of clean bandages and she went to the bathroom to wrap her thigh, coming back after a few minutes and sitting down in her seat next to tamaki. he gave her a worried and questioning look and she waved her hand dismissively with a reassuring smile. she was almost scarily good at this, making everyone think she's fine...it's worrying.

pov: takai
i really do feel bad for hurting her, i thought she could heal herself like she healed me. plus she's such a genuinely nice person even the worst person wouldn't want to hurt her, she even got on my good side within a few minutes of knowing me, a feat only achieved by one other person. i really thought she'd enjoy being picked up and carried around like that, most girls do, and i suppose under normal circumstances she would've but i should've noticed she was in pain. i'll make it a point to apologize later, i'll go see her without her teacher (dad?) finding out. for now all i could do was watch her from across the classroom, mesmerized by how the sunlight shining through the window made her eyes almost glow. i can't remember ever wanting to be friends with a girl, only flirting with them and having crushes on them and getting asked out by them (a lot). but i found myself wanting to be with her, not necessarily dating her (although i wouldn't say no to that), but just to be around her! i've come to the conclusion that i do have a crush on her, yes, but i want to be her friend whether we date or not. i glanced over at her again and she was talking happily to tamaki, him blushing a little and smiling down at her. i couldn't help but be a little jealous of him, she seemed pretty fond of him and he seemed even fonder of her. i don't understand why she doesn't like me the same though! i'm so used to girls ogling at me like i'm a prince or something but she just looks at me like i'm a normal person. part of me loves that but the other part is frustrated, why can't she like me? normally it's so easy to get a girl i like, i wink at her or smile and she'll be mine in a second, but tsukina's gonna be a challenge. one i'll thoroughly enjoy.

A/N: hihi! i've got a question, do you like takai? he was kind of an experiment, i was curious to see if you guys would like a character i made on my own i guess? idk anyway tell me honestly if you like him and if we should bring him back in future chapters love you guys <3!
