Diego's Headcannons

                   1) Diego is closest to Ben and Klaus. He always looks out for his two 'younger' brothers

                   2) (HC From Alex) When Ben died Diego was jealous of Klaus because he could see and communicate with the dead. This caused a riff between their relationship but they were still close. The jealousy only got worse when Eudora died 

                   3) Diego came out as Bisexual to Klaus when they were 13 To witch Klaus Came out Panromantic Asexual. 

                   4) Diego can on the rare occasion depending on how sober Klaus is can communicate with Ben via an old typewriter. 

                   5) Before Ben Died Reginald wanted the children to get jobs and work for a living so they can leave as soon as they're 18. Klaus Ben and Diego would save their money together in hopes they can move out quicker

                   6) (Alex's Headcannon) If Diego and Klaus are out with Five and someone asks if thats their kid they'll hold each others hands glare and nod saying something along the lines of 'Yes he is Karen is that a problem?"

                   7) Diego hasn't actually been in many serious relationships. Hes been in three or four serious relationships, moving in with his partner only then for it all to go south because Diego thinks of the worse and that they'll end up being like Reginald.

                   8) despite Diego acting hard and cold Diego is actually a huge softly

                   9) Diego loves pet dogs over any other animal, He favours big dogs such as huskies and St. Bernard dog.

                   10) Diego refuses to go to therapy because he doesn't think it works nor does it help. 

                   11) Diego never really understood Klaus' hate towards his own power. he thinks being able to communicate with the dead is cool
                   12) Diego's stutter is emotionally triggered, when he is too emotional he struggles to control it. his comfort is usually his mom or Klaus. 
                   13) The first time Ben communicated with Diego after he died Diego was in a state of emotional shock, causing his stutter to come back. 
                   14) Diego wants to move away, possibly to a different country all together and start fresh, forget everything that had happened in the academy 
                   15) After the siblings had got the timeline back together to the original state, Diego jokingly set up a pension to send Luther back to the moon. He told Klaus who also jokingly signed up for it too. The pension blew up so much quicker than Vanya blowing up the moon.
                   16) Diego has hell of a lot of respect for the characters Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton because neither of them have actual powers, they just train a lot and fight for what they believe in. 
                   17) Diego trusts Klaus and That if he needs or wants the help to stop with his addictions he'll ask for the help. 
                   18) Diego has freaked his siblings out when he holds his breath for so long. It usually helps when he's stuttering, or to stop his hiccups.
                   19) When Eudora died Diego blamed Klaus for a short while because he was at the scene. It wasn't until Diego saw the scars from what Hazel and Cha-Cha gave Klaus did he truly want revenge. 
                   20) Diego was Diagnosed with anxiety in his teen years. he was prescribed pills like Vanya's. Diego still takes his pills but has to hide them from Klaus because he doesnt want Klaus to get his hands on them.
                   21) Due to Diegos fear of needles he faints at the sight of them. when they where 11 Diego walked in to Klaus taking heroin, This caused Diego to faint, and Klaus to freak out massively. It was then that the other siblings found out about Klaus' drug problem. 
                   22) Diego has been rumoured by Allison on the odd occasion so Allison can get out of doing her work so she can spend it with Luther. 
                   23) (Head cannon from Alex) Abuse warning: Diego's last boyfriend was abusive and manipulative, The other Hargreeves never officially met him, Only Luther much to Diego's dismay. After time went on, Klaus and Ben found out. Klaus comforting Diego while Luther and Five go and find Diego's ex, killing him and it was never spoken off again. 
                   24) Diego loves all of his siblings even if some piss him off more than others. 
                   25) Diego wants to get closer to Vanya. He knows she had it rough growing up and he doesn't want her to feel left out even more in their late 20's early 30's
                   26) Diego Klaus Vanya and Ben (even though he's dead) spend weekends together usually at Vanya's apartment watching movies and painting each others nails. All doing something together in the comfort of a safe environment.  
                   27) Somehow Eudora was managed to be saved in time without messing up the timeline. Diego and Eudora spent time together and spoke their problems out. They started hanging out more soon Diego asked her out for another chance. Eudora agreed and they worked everything out. Happily together now. 
                   28) Diego loves Eudora a lot wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Diego hopes that she agrees with him and that they will be together forever. 
                   29) Eudora and Diego have already tried for a baby once or twice two years into their relationship. Unfortunately Eudora had a miscarriage the times they succeeded
                   30) Eudora and Diego's first I Love You's was at home watching a movie together cuddling. Eudora said it first while half asleep against Diego. 
                   31) Everytime a dead druggie was announced dead on the radio Diego's heart would drop and waits around for a location or a name. When Klaus found out that Diego would freak out Klaus promised to call Diego before he went to bed, to let him know he's okay. 
                   32) Diego hates country music the most, the only exception is Dolly Parton. 
                   33) Diego's favorite fruit is Cherry. However he can't stand Cherry flavoured things. 
                   34) Diego loves Christmas and wants to spend it with Eudora and her family over his own because something always goes wrong when they're together. 
                   35) Diego will protect Eudora with all of his heart, he won't let anything happen to her, not this time. 
                   36) He falls asleep cuddling eudora with his head on her chest listening to her heart beat to fall asleep to as his main comfort. 
                   37) Diego loved bathtime growing up compared to his siblings. 
                   38) One of their nannies had to leave him in the tub because Allison was having a tantrum.
                   39) when the nanny returned she found diego asleep in the bath. head fully submerged in the water.  
                   40) Diego can speak four languages, English Spanish Russian and German
                   41) Diego is great at Maths and Psychics. Something him and Five would bond over
                   42) If Diego ever needs to sleep they use the 'No Knives for a week' threat until he falls asleep. 
                   43) Diego and Klaus are always on the same side when making family decisions. like shutting down their mom
                   44) After the siblings were forced to get the tattoos diego refused to let Grace touch him for a week
                   45) If anyone asked Diego what song would describe him and his childhood It would be Emotionless by Good Charlotte. 
                   46) Diego loves going to parties, he loves going to ones with Klaus. Its one of the only times he can truly be himself without being judged. 
                   47) Diego doesn't like eggs unless its by his mom with a smiley face. 
                   48) Diego works at a Drug addiction unit, he helps people overcome their drug addictions, he started working there after helping Klaus after the apocalypse. 
                   49) Diego wants to be a father so he can be a better one than what his father was like to him, as well as experience true parenting and all the firsts like first step, first word. 
                   50) (by Alex) Diego and Luther bump heads quite a bit because Diego could’ve been number one but their father only made it luther because Diego’s breathing ability was seen as useless so he’s a bit jealous-
