Ben's Headcannons

                             1) Ben wanted to become a doctor, put people back together instead of tearing them up. The day before Ben died he'd just been accepted into med school

                             2) Ben used to have a stuffed red octopus teddy growing up it wasn't until the first 'mission' did Ben start hating it and throw it away. 

                             3) Ben had many favorite bands, most would be My Chemical Romance. 

                             4) Ben forces Klaus to play songs for him so he can experience new music. 

                             5) Whenever Klaus gets high or drunk Ben has to fight to stay by his side even if it's hard too. 

                             6) It wasn't until Ben followed Klaus and Reginald to the graveyard did he find out why and how bad Klaus' power truly was. 

                             7) Ben only ever communicates with Diego if Klaus is sober enough. 

                             8) The first time the iblings saw Ben after he died was when Klaus nearly died during a 'mission' and pulled Ben forward last minute for some back up. 

                             9) Ben suffers a lot with PTSD, his tiggers where loud yelling and fireworks. 


                             10) Ben was always afraid to be around children because of the monster inside of him. 

                             11) Ben calls himself a monster and hates himself a lot, leading to him suffering from depression. 

                             12) Ben listens to a lot of different music, mostly 2000's music 

                             13) Ben can not swim at all to save his life. this was found out when Diego and Klaus had tried to dunk Ben's head under water at a pool. Both ending in getting punished. 

❥TW Self harm

                             14) Ben self harmed in the past, he self harmed in an attempt to feel some other type of pain that wasn't the horror. Later he realised he had to start treating it like a growing child, to witch Allison and Luther laughed about when they found out.

                             15) Ben is closest to Diego and Klaus because they made their own little squad, but also because Ben didn't want to be near Allison alone when she could use her powers against him, And Five left before Ben had the chance to get close to him. 

                             16) Ben Klaus and Diego would each give a teddy to each other new years eve eve so they can go into a new year with some new hope and love.

                             17) Ben hates, absolutely hates solo missions when he was alive 

                             18) Ben loved cuddles. he always wanted cuddled growing up, a form of comfort.

                             19) Ben makes up 70% of the even number squads brain cells, it was originally 100% until Ben died. 

                             20) Ben ages up a lot, just like the others thanks to Klaus

                             21) Ben doesn't like being brought forward at all, he hates the attention the siblings would give him, after being dead for such a long time and only communicating with Klaus, sometimes Diego he hates it. 

                             22) When Reginald died Ben had begged Klaus to bring them both forward so Ben could actually fight their father in front of the siblings. 

                             23) Ben is always there to comfort Klaus after a nightmare, dead or alive. Ben would stay with Klaus until the next morning. 

                             24)  ben is klaus' impulse control 

                             25) Ben is the voice of reason.

                             26) Ben has a tendency to yell Wham! songs in Klaus' ears because Klaus Hates Wham! songs in general. 

                             27) Ben has managed to convince Klaus to stay sober for mid November so he can come forward and see Diego every year  what they call Christmas not Christmas. Just the three of them, at Diego's apartment spending time together.  

                             28) Ben is convinced that Klaus is immortal with the amount of near death experiences Klaus has had

                             29) Ben is biromanitc demi sexual

                             30) Ben is always cold, even if its summer Ben is still cold, he was the same when he was alive always cold. 

                             31) Ben usually Klaus alone at the time of his death to mourn. it isn't a selfish reason to do so. But Klaus doesn't mourn many people because he can see them and it doesn't make sense to mourn for them. So he leaves Klaus alone or with their siblings

                             32) Ben loves listening to Klaus sing, its somewhat relaxing to Ben hearing Klaus enjoy himself

                             33) Klaus and Ben have pranked the others with ouija board. Ben moving the piece around to random letters, once spelling out  LUTHER WILL DIE to witch they instantly throw the board away Ben and Klaus laughing for days on end because of their reaction. 

                             34) If Ben would have failed med school He would have opened a college dining area for students who needed a nice quiet place to sit and relax. The place would have free food for anyone under 25. 

                             35) Ben would allow students to work their for work experience too 

                             36) Ben knows he can't ask Klaus to do it for him because it'll be thrown out of a window by the bank because he's a clear druggie. 

                             37) Diego showed Klaus (And ben) a singer called Andy Black and Ben is in love him- His music speaks out to him a lot. But his friend Ronnie Radke's solo music also speaks to him. 

                             38) Ben lives by the song lyric by Ronnie Radke 'I am not a monster i am just a man'

                             39) Ben has managed to see so many live concerts because he's dead and he won't have to pay. it's a free opportunity 

                             40) Ben used to play the piano before he died. He was going to start teaching Diego and Luther together. 

                             41) Ben actually loves Vanya's book about their family. He knows that it outed all of them in so many ways but the world should know the truth. 

                             42) Ben regrets not running away from the academy when he could have. It would be so much better and he might have found love. 

                             43) When Ben died his heart broke, completely not for him. but for Klaus, Klaus had refused to believe ben was gone officially because Klaus could see him.

                             44) Klaus had managed to shut All ghosts out for months it wasnt until christmas did Ben return and Klaus saw Ben again. 

                             45) Klaus calls Ben ghost of ohio even though ben isn't from ohio or ever been

                             46) Ben is a sarcastic spirit according to Klaus

                             47) Ben will hover around his siblings when they have something huge going on like a Vanya's first live performance as first in chair. Allison's first movie release 

                             48) Ben will give Klaus dating advice for him to repeat to others. He gave Klaus the ideas on how Diego and Eudora should start again and rekindle their friendship first. 

                             49) Ben hates sea food like tuna, fish and others. 

                             50) Ben loves Kiwi. 
