{20} Spotted together!we don't care

Anushka's P.O.V

It was 4:30 and I got up to get ready and than to choose what to wear was the most hardest thing coz I was going to meet his family today than after a lot of thinking I choose to wear black denims with a whit t-shirt and and a black denim jacket than I tried to keep my make as simple as it could me just a light shade lipstick and a bit of touch up than I heard my bell ring I opened my door to find Virat standing in black t-shirt and blue jeans and honestly telling he looks damn hot in black ,"read madam your driver is here" he said in an joking manner I answered yes and than took my bags locked the door and than followed him we got into the lift and than he carried my bags.

Virat's P.O.V

I parked my car at the back exit coz I did know even if its just 5 in the morning those media people would be here and the good thing about all is Anushka was known to the media and she knew how to handle them so without and question she just understood why I parked my car at the back than I placed her bags at the back and than opened the door for her like and typical boyfriend and than we talked about media and all while our way to the airport and luckily there was no traffic we reached on time but as always those shutterbugs I mean media were there and off course the photographed us together but none of us seemed to care.
