{14} Mom I am in love

Virat's P.O.V

As soon as I left from the studio mom called.(me and Anushka go together but she said she had to plan some surprise so I left Alone)

Virat's Mom: Virat! Did you eat you lunch?

Virat: (ah this Indian moms always worried about food) yess Mom I did

Virat's Mom: good, so what were you doing right now?

Virat: (so many questions ) mom I just finished my shoot and I am coming home tomorrow.

Virats' Mom: great news! I heard about you and Anushka so what is all this son?

Virat:mom actually me and Anushka! We are seeing each other! No actually we love each other!

Virat's Mom:wow! Son I am really very happy for you and I really like Anushka she is a good actress and if she is my sons choice than she will be definitely good

Virat: yes mom she is very good! And I am going to make her meet you tomorrow, she is also coming with me to Delhi tomorrow.

Virat's Mom: that's amazing I want to meet my Daughter in law as soon as possible.

Anushka's P.O.V

As soon as I reached home I got a call and It was from mom

Anushka's Mom: Anu, did you eat your lunch?

Anushka : yes Mom!

Anushka's Mom:you won't mind if I ask you something Anu?

Anushka: yes Mom of course you can

Anushka's Mom: is there anything between you and virat

Anushka: yes Mom I am in love with him and we are seeing each other and mom I am going to dehli tomorrow for an ad shoot

Anushka's mom: it's ad shoot or something else Anu?

Anushka: actually I am also going there to spend some time with Virat and meet his family.

okay so this is some drama don't kill me for this I know this episode is hell
