
warning: none
word count: 245 words

short one, please request if you have any ideas❤️
y/n's pov:
me and vinnie were laying in bed, when i jumped up "let's go get coffee!" making vinnie groan at the thought

he stood up from the bed, i gasped and my eyes went wide. "what's wrong?" he said turning back around

"umm your-your back." i said pointing at the red scratches placed all over his back, he walked over to the mirror and stared at the scratches all over his back.

"that why my back was sore." he said smiling "sorry." i said looking down

he walked over to me and lifted up my chin "you don't have to be sorry, i should be sorry." he said looking at my eyes

"what? why would you be sorry?" i said placing my hands on his waist "you look like someone beat up your neck." vinnie said kissing my head before walking into the bathroom

i walked over to the mirror confused "fuck." i whispered under my breath. there were so many hickeys on my neck.

i walked into the bathroom and hugged vinnie's waist "idk how i'm gonna cover all over these up." i said looking at the mirror

"how am i gonna skate with all of these scratches?" he said looking at me

"i don't know, but let's go get coffee!" i said running down the stairs

From:vinnie hacker
request please

vinnie hacker😀👍
