daddy prank

request: @victoriamata098

warnings: using the word 'daddy' but not in a sexual form - extremely small sexual scene
word count:530 words

sorry i post late on mondays and tuesdays! it's because i'm in school

y/n's pov:
"daddy?" i called for vinnie

i saw this prank of calling your boyfriend daddy as a prank all day

me and my ways are going to do it

"w-what'd you call me?" he asked flustered

"vinnie? why?" i asked acting like i didn't call him daddy

he was sitting in his game chair while i was sitting in his bed

he turned around and came and laid his head in my chest

"no it's nothing, i must have heard something" he said letting a awkward laugh

"what do you need my love?" he asked me

"i wanted to cuddle, but we kinda are right now" i said picking his head up and laying down in a more comfortable position

he put his head back on my chest again and fell asleep after a few minutes

*time skip🏃‍♀️*

"v-daddy!" i yelled for vinnie, we lived with other people but they knew the prank was going on so they didn't care

he walked down the stairs with a pink tint on his cheeks

and came and held my waist

"baby. you can't call me that in front of people." he said

"i called you vinnie, anywho do you wanna go skating?" i asked him brushing his remark off

"y/n.." he groaned "what? do you not want to go?" i asked him innocently

"n- i mean yes but i know you called me da-" he said but i cut him off

"called you what?" i asked "nothing, let's go!" he said pulling me upstairs to grab our things

*time skip😐*

"daddy?" i asked vinnie who laying next to me

"y/n.." he let out a loud groan

"yes?" i said knowing he's getting annoyed

"you called me daddy for the 80th time today." he said now annoyed

"no i didn't." i denied, he turned around and looked at me

"yes you did. you called me it this morning, when you were taking a shower, in the afternoon, when we went skating  and now." he said

"you've been calling me it all day long." he said getting closer to me

"i have no idea what you are talking about." i said still denying anything

he placed his hand on my throat, i could feel his cold sliver rings up against my skin

"why are you lying?" he said getting closer to my face

"i'm not. it was a prank, i saw it on youtube and wanted to do it to you." i explained

"i understand now.".  he said before placing a small kiss on my lips

"now apologize." he said sternly

before i could say anything he said something

"and say it like you actually mean it." he said still holding my throat

i looked him in the eyes and said "i'm sorry that i call you daddy for the day when i knew my actions were wrong."

"good. now let's go to sleep" he said placing another kiss on my lips and letting go of my throat
