
That night, Vile had the best sleep he had ever had. Vile didn't want to wake from his dream, this time it wasn't a nightmare, he dreamed about him laying on a field of flowers and looking up at the big blue sky. He felt so at peace, until it was over.

"Ey! Wake up Vile, it's time to-why are you crying again?" said Leichi. Vile barely opened his eyes and then realized there was tears rolling down his eyes. Was it his dream?  Vile  wiped his eyes and went back to his blank face "Are you okay?" asked Leichi with worry, "I'm fine." Vile responded, he looked around the room and realized this was his room. "You know," said Leichi "I've never seen one of your kind." Vile was confused "My kind? What do you mean by that?" asked Vile, "Your a beast!" said Leichi excitedly "Your cat ears and fluffy cat or wolf tail make you a beast! Your kind is going extinct, since humans are killing them." she looked at the ceiling while she was saying this. Vile forgot about the war between humans and beasts, it all started one hundred years ago, a wizard named Melph created the species: Humans. Melph created fifty humans to live with him in his world, the humans praised him and thought he was a god, of course Melph accepted their graditude and said that he was a god. One day, Melph got bored with the humans and created a new species: Beasts. Melph made 30 of them, they were a little smarter and stronger, each one was different, one had dog ears and an alligator tail or a birds beak with cat ears, they were very unique and smarter than the humans. Once when the humans saw them, they were disgusted by them. They didn't treat them like an equal and looked at them like an animal. The beasts rebelled and fought against the humans, nobody won. The war is still going on to this very day, and Melph is still alive, watching them suffer. He is now the ruler of the planet and did not dare to speak or show his face to the people, nobody knows where he is but only six people. These are the six generals, they are the ones who sends messages to the people. Three of them are humans and the other three are beasts, they do not fight along with the people or even help the people, all they do is send messages and protect the wizard Melph. The northern side of the world is where the Beasts live, the southern side of the world is where the humans live. There is now a wall separating them and sometimes humans try to break down the wall just to kill all the beasts. The beasts do not try to break down the wall, they only try to make it more sturdier. Right now, Vile is on the human side of the wall (Which is illegal). "Can I say something?" asked Vile, "Shure!" replied Leichi, "Isn't it illegal for me to be on the human side?" Vile glared at Leichi. "Yes it is! But that doesn't mean I can't hide you. Your lucky your going to my school, other schools don't let beasts in." said Leichi "Your school allows beasts?!" Vile exclaimed, "Well...the government doesn't know we allow beasts. But since we haven't had a beast inside the humans territory, you'll be our first beast there!" she said excitedly, she clapped her hand once and said "School starts tomorrow, so lets get you ready!" 

Vile took a shower and felt very clean. Vile hasn't taken a shower in years! He missed the water spraying on him and the soap washing his body, he felt like if he were dumped in holy water XD. Vile got out of the shower and saw the clothes the Overdose gang gave him. He felt guilty wearing them but this was all he had. Vile put on his black pants and suddenly Leichi opens the door and says "You forgot your-" Leichi saw Vile and blushed so hard that her face looked like a tomato. She saw his six pack and the scars all over his body, "How do you have a six pack already?! You are so skinny, yet you have a freaking six pack. And why do you have scars all over your body?" her tone was very low now, she kept staring at those scars and wondering why a twelve year old boy has scars. "I fell okay! Now stop looking at me and leave!" said Vile angrily, "Your doing it again." said Leichi, "Doing what?" asked Vile, "Your hiding in that closet again. Now tell me how you got those scars." she demanded, "If I don't wanna talk about then I have the right to not talk about it!" Vile stormed out of the bathroom and went to his room, "Nosy little brat." Vile whispered to himself. He buttoned up his shirt and turned around to find a big mirror that showed his whole body. He wore a white buttoned up shirt with a black vest and black skinny jeans. He looked for his black boots that went up to his knee, but Vile couldn't find them. Where the hell are they? He looked around and saw something black in the corner of his room. Vile went towards it and pulled out his black wings, he had forgotten about them. Vile kinda wanted to try them out and see what'll happen. He remembered seeing a big backyard and thought he could try them out, out there. Vile opened his door and looked around to see if Leichi was there. She wasn't. He walked out as quietly as he could and sneaked out of the house to the backyard with his wings in his hands. He let out a big sigh when he arrived to the far end of the backyard, he examined the wings and tried to remember how to work them "I remember now!" He put the wings on his back and suddenly felt pain, he let go of the wings and waited a while for it to suck all the blood it needed. After a couple seconds he realized the wings were done sucking his blood, now the real question is, how do you work them? Vile jumped a couple times but it didn't work, he spread his arms and flapped them, but that didn't work, he did both at the same time, but that also didn't work. He was getting frustrated and sat down on the floor, he took deep breaths and sat there a while, looking at the blue sky. He felt the wind on his face and smelled the scent of flowers coming from the garden, it was very peaceful. After his last deep breaths he felt something twitching on his back. He didn't mind it though, he was very relaxed and didn't care about anything in the world. However, he felt the wings rising him up, he closed his eyes not giving a care in the world until the wings rose him really high above the ground. Now he cared! He looked down and thought he was ten feet above the ground! His eyes widened and started mumbling "Please-please put m-me down." and the wings did put him down gently on the ground. Vile was surprised but didn't show it, "Rise me up." Vile said, and so the wings did rise him up. Will it work mentally? Vile thought. Put me down he thought, and they did put him down. Vile found this quite interesting, for two hours he was out there, flying...

Hello me people! I know this chapter was kinda boring or if you think every chapter of mine is boring then idk why ur still reading but anyways im really sorry for making this chapter boring. Its 5:00 in the afternoon and i'm fuckin tired as shit....ごめんなさい sorry!
