Closet Door

It was so soft. I didn't want to let go. I wanna be like this forever...

"Why am I crying?" Vile asked so calmly. He suddenly felt...strange. He pushed her back and looked at her with a disgusted face, "Don't touch me again or i'll slice your throat like I did with my father!" he yelled, "Why do you resist me? You actually had an expression on your face. You were crying." Leichi said, "Hasn't it been so long since you actually...felt something..." she added. It has been a long time since Vile felt something, he hasn't had a feeling in so long. "Was this your plan? To make me come out here and believe you were in trouble just so you can make me...feel something?!" he was pissed, "No and yes. My father is in trouble and I heard your 'The Man With No Soul'. That was the nickname they gave you. I wanted to see this 'No Soul' person in the ring to see if the rumors were true, about you being the person who never lost." she got closer to him, "But when I saw did have a soul. You felt guilty when you killed that kid in a monstrous way. I knew you were strong in the outside, but sensitive in the inside. That's why you were crying right now, because you know your scars, you know your weaknesses, and because you know your history. That's why you stayed away from people, because you see them as a disgusting creature just like your father!" She yelled, Vile's eyes were wide and couldn't handle this. "Vile, i'm helping you to realize that not all people are bad, and that you should express yourself, not hide in a closet where no one can reach you! I will be the one to open that closet door and show you that everything is beautiful and not disgusting!" she was right in his face yelling at him with a determined look, "Vile, don't forget what your scars are, but don't let your scars affect who you are now!"...


He had fear in his eye...

He didn't want to get out of that closet...

But he saw her, right outside that door...

She opened it and held her hand up to him...

"I will help you, and you will help me. Deal?"


AAAAAAAH!!!!! I don't have any smut story ideas! I mean I do but, should I do Lemon or make my characters up! IDK. I need help guys. TEEEELLLL MEEEE!!!!!! Also, I will be gone for 2 weeks again. I'll be writing stories every 2 weeks. But guys please tell me what to do and I will see you not soon. (Maybe I should do a smut story based on Vile or Levi. IDK)
