'When Two World Collide..


Km : 19
Liyah had been playing volleyball since she was just a little girl. It was her passion, her escape, and her love. Growing up, she had always been told that she had a natural talent for the sport and she had dedicated her entire life to perfecting her skills.

But there was one thing that Liyah had always been secretly obsessed with ā€“ a girl named Km. Km was a stud, tall and athletic, with a love for basketball that was unrivaled. Liyah had first seen her during a school inter-sport competition and from that moment on, she couldn't take her eyes off of her.

Km was the star player of her basketball team and had a reputation for being tough, both on and off the court. Liyah, on the other hand, was known for her grace and agility on the volleyball court. They were from two completely different worlds, but Liyah couldn't help but be drawn to Km's energy and determination.

As the years went by, Liyah's obsession with Km only grew stronger. She would watch her from afar, admiring her every move on the basketball court. But she never had the courage to approach her, fearing that Km would never give her a second glance.

But fate had something else in store for Liyah. One day, during a school sports event, both the volleyball and basketball teams were practicing in the same gym. Liyah couldn't believe her luck when she saw Km walking towards her. She could feel her heart racing as Km approached her, a small smile playing on her lips.

'Hey, I've seen you around. You're Liyah, right?' Km asked, her voice deep and husky.

Liyah could only nod, her mind going blank from the proximity of her crush.

'I've been watching you play, and I must say, you have some serious skills,' Km said, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

Liyah couldn't believe what she was hearing. Km had been watching her play? She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and hope. Maybe, just maybe, she had a chance with her.

As the two of them started talking, they realized that they had more in common than just their love for sports. They both had a passion for the game and a drive to succeed. They spent hours talking and getting to know each other, and as the day went on, Liyah's feelings for Km only grew stronger.

But just when Liyah thought that she had a chance with Km, she found out that Km had a girlfriend. Her heart sank, and she couldn't help but feel disappointed. She knew that she should have never gotten her hopes up, that someone like Km would never be interested in someone like her.

But Km surprised her when she asked her out on a date. It turned out that Km's girlfriend was just a friend, and she had never thought of Liyah as just a friend. She had always been curious about her and had been waiting for the right time to approach her.

As they went on their first date, Liyah couldn't believe that her dreams were finally coming true. Km was everything she had ever wanted and more. And as they continued to date, Liyah realized that Km was not just a crush, but her soulmate.

Their love for sports brought them together, but it was their love for each other that kept them together. Liyah had finally found her happily ever after with Km, the girl who had captured her heart with her love for basketball.
