Her books ..??



Sevyn had always been a loner. Ever since she came out as a lesbian in high school, she had been shunned by her classmates. But she didn't care. She was proud of who she was and refused to hide it. That is, until Kyla walked into her life.

Kyla was the new girl in school. She had just moved to town with her family and was starting her first day at a new school. She was nervous, but excited to make new friends. Little did she know, she would make a special connection with Sevyn.

On Kyla's first day, she was walking down the hallway, trying to find her first class, when she bumped into Sevyn. Kyla had accidentally knocked all of Sevyn's books out of her hands. She quickly bent down to help her pick them up.

'I'm so sorry,' Kyla said, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

'It's okay,' Sevyn replied, trying to hide her irritation. But when she looked up and saw Kyla's beautiful face, she couldn't stay mad. She was mesmerized by her deep brown eyes and her kissable lips .

Sevyn couldn't help but feel drawn to Kyla. She had never seen her before and she was curious about the new girl. As they picked up the books, they started talking and Sevyn couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to her. They had so much in common, from their taste in music to their love for art.

As they walked to their first class together, Sevyn couldn't shake the feeling that she had just met someone special. They exchanged numbers and promised to hang out after school. And just like that, Sevyn's life changed.

They became inseparable. They would spend every free moment together, talking and laughing. Sevyn finally felt like she belonged somewhere, like she had found her people. And Kyla was the one who brought her into this world.

One day, as they were hanging out at Sevyn's house, Kyla confessed that she was also a lesbian. Sevyn couldn't believe it. She had never met someone like her before. They talked about their struggles with coming out and their hopes and dreams for the future.

As the months went by, their friendship turned into something more. They fell deeply in love with each other. Sevyn couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found someone like Kyla. She had brought so much happiness and love into her life.

They graduated high school together and moved in together in a small apartment. They continued to support each other and chase their dreams. And through it all, they remained madly in love.

Sevyn couldn't help but smile as she looked back on the moment she met Kyla. She never would have thought that bumping into her in the hallway would lead to the love of her life. But she was grateful for that moment, because it brought her the greatest happiness she had ever known.
