Part 3- Meet the Crew

Disclaimer: I do not own TF2 or the music video, they belong to Valve and JT Music respectively. I only own my OC.

Tuefort, New Mexico

Hunter POV

"Okay so all your stuff will be here by the end of the week and because we're bringing you in a bit late, things will be kind of awkward since you missed the initial bonding time," said Miss Pauling as we were driving through a desert. While listening I was also looking out the window watching sand, rock formations, cacti, poles and other things you would find in a desert quickly pass by.

"So what are the requirements for my job?" I asked Miss Pauling.

"Well, you will only be referred to as your class name, which is the Hunter, and, well I guess that's about it," she said still driving. I chuckled at the small coincidence that the name of my class was the same as my mercenary moniker.

"Oh, look! We're here!" she said and drew the car to a halt. I saw that we had stopped in front of many wooden buildings. There was some kind of windmill and tower off in the distance. She then guided me to a building on the right. I noticed a bridge with a roof over a stream leading to the other side where another building identical to the one we were about to enter was. We walked onto a ramp and into a room with a dirt floor, some hay, and not a lot of light. We went into the area called the "Courtyard" which had flights of wooden stairs and some metal fences. She also told me that this was the fastest way. We went up some stairs and down another ramp. We kept walking for a little while longer and reached a door where above it had the word, 'Intelligence' Miss Pauling turned around to face me.

"You ready to meet your new co-workers?" she said. Co-workers. Is it weird that I can call mercenaries and assassins who have most likely killed as much as I have my co-workers? I took some breaths and nodded to her. She just smiled and opened the door. When it opened I saw a total of 9 people in the room.

I saw a man who might be around my age tossing and catching a baseball, with bandaged hands and a bag strapped to his back. There was another man with a helmet covering his eyes eating a brown stale bar in a wrapper, I think it was those ration bar things, who had an emblem of a rocket on his shoulders sleeves and has a belt of grenades strapped to his chest. Then there was a, uh, man I guess, with a gas mask on his face and some canisters strapped to his chest and is currently burning a towel with a Zippo lighter and he, she, it also had an emblem, but this one was a flame symbol, in the same place as the helmet man.

There was an African American man who was snoring away on the floor with a bottle in his hand and wore a skull cap, a red bomb suit that has what I guess are grenades strapped to either side, an eyepatch on his left eye, and had a ball with spikes emblem in the same place as the others. There was ginormous bald man polishing one of the biggest guns I've ever seen with an emblem in the form of a punching fist on his red shirt, he also wore combat boots, a bulletproof vest, and a chain of bullets around him. Another man was wearing goggles and a hard hat. He was also wearing overalls over his red shirt and had a glove on his right hand and seemed to be strumming a guitar and had a wrench symbol as his emblem.

There was a man who wore a doctors lab coat and glasses and was feeding a white dove and had a healing cross as his emblem. Another man in a vest, his redshirt had an emblem that was the crosshairs of a sniper scope. He was asleep and had his feet on the table, where a red briefcase with the words "TOP SECRET" printed on it. He wore a slouch hat that had its left brim bent and pointing up covering his face and on his left hand was a glove and watch. The final man was wearing a pinstripe suit and donning a ski mask that showed only his eyes and mouth and was currently smoking a cigarette. His shoulder sleeves didn't have an emblem or anywhere, just like the one with the baseball. The one thing they all had in common though was that all of these mercenaries wore red or varying shades of it.

The room we were in had two large windows, one showed a large map of, what I assumed was the world with some big or small circles on them, while the other showed what I assume is a meeting room.

Miss Pauling then coughed into her fist, catching the attention of the male mercenaries. The suit noticed that the crosshairs man and ball with spikes were still asleep and hit them to wake them up. The man with the crosshairs emblem snorted when he woke up, his hat falling into his hand and I noticed that he had orange yellow-tinted sunglasses. The African American just groaned, rolling a bit until he finally got off the ground, but he still stood a bit wobbly.

"Hey, Miss Pauling! How are you doing today? You know, I thought we could-," said the baseball boy, who had a weird accent and stopped talking when he noticed me.

"Uh, is this the-?" he said pointing a finger at me.

"Yep, everyone, this is your new team member, The Hunter. Hunter these are the TF2 mercenaries," she said gesturing a hand to them.

"Hunter, you will be on the offensive team which consists of Scout, Soldier, and Pyro," she gestured to the baseball boy who snapped his fingers, pointed, and then winked at me, the helmet man just looked at me, and the gas mask wearer who was, for some reason, jumping up and down and clapping excitedly.

"This is the defensive team made up of Demoman, Heavy, and Engineer," she said, gesturing to the one-eyed African American, the massive bald man, and the short man in the goggles and hardhat.

"And finally the support team made up of Medic, Sniper, and Spy," she gestured to the lab coat, the man with the crosshairs emblem, and the suited man.

"Okay, since its Saturday you will have today and tomorrow to show her around and-," but before she could finish the man with the helmet covering his eyes, who I'm pretty sure is 'Soldier', started shouting.



Before anyone could blink I grabbed his collar, twisted it, and dragged him down so we were eye level and drew one of my swords and pointed it at his throat.

"Listen here baka I've been hired for this job just like you, and if you ever disrespect me again, just because of my gender or anything else, I will gut you like a fish, turn you to sushi, and go to the nearest pier so I can feed you to any nearby sharks!" I threatened. Everyone was silent about my threat and I was surprised by that threat as well. I haven't made anything like that in, well I don't even remember, maybe never. The guy then smiled and laughed, surprising me to the point I let go of his collar. He threw his head back, still laughing and I saw his teammates were just as confused as me. He stopped laughing and faced me.

"You've got moxie little lady, and I like that. Keep that attitude for the battlefield!" he said, and then walked back to the group. I then heard some ringing and turned to see it was coming from Miss Pauling.

"Yeah, I did... Yes, I have Miss Administrator... Okay, I'll be right on that," she said. She then put the phone away and turned to all of us.

"Sorry guys, more work for the Administrator, I'll be back in a week to see how adapted Hunter is. See ya," she said and started to leave.

"Oh, uh hey Miss Pauling I thought we could-," started the baseball boy, Scout, she told me.

"Not now Scout," was all Pauling said when she exited the door. Scout just sighed and went back to the group of men. We now all just stared at each other.

"Well, uh, it's nice to have you on our team Hunter," started the goggles man, who if I remember correctly was called Engineer and spoke in a weird but nice accent, and held out his ungloved hand. I grabbed and shook the hand.

"And it is nice to meet you as well, Engineer-san," I said. Though now he looked at me weirdly.

"Sand?" he questioned.

"Oh, no, san. It is an honorific suffix. The closest equivalent it would have in English would be sir," I explained.

"Oh, well uh, none of that sir or san stuff. Just call me Engineer, or Engie if you start thinking the full title as a mouth full," he said.

"Sure, and it is also nice to meet all of you as well," said turning to the group behind Engineer. Then Scout came over to me and put an arm around me. Something I have seen a lot of the men do to the waitresses back at Fujis.

"Ah, well, you know, it is kind of an honor to meet me you know?" he said while flexing his arm and then looking back at me at times. Because of how close he was, I could get a good smell of him. That may sound super weird to you, but that's actually one of the reasons why I was named Hunter. They would compare me to some hunting animals that used scent to track down their prey. Scout's scent had a mix of wood-shavings, soda, milk, and dirt. Though that didn't add or detract from the fact I felt uncomfortable.

"This is weird, what do I do?" I thought. I kept on thinking about what I should do. I looked at the arm and then I looked at him. Arm. Him. Arm. Him. Arm. Him.

Then I punched him in the stomach. Hard.

He gasped as he most likely felt a lot of air come out of him. He immediately removed his arm to hold his stomach and slowly fell to the ground while my arm was now next to me, hand still in a fist. I heard him groan, but it was a bit high pitched for a man.

"AH HA HA HA HAAAAA!" I heard roaring laughter and saw it was coming from most of the men except for Engineer, the man with a medical cross, and the masked suited one who all only just sighed at their ally's plight.

"Oi, looks like she ain't honored to meet you ya ankle-biter!" said the one with aviators, Sniper, to Scout and continued to laugh. The suited one, Spy I think, sighed once more and walked up to me and Scout, who was still on the floor. He stopped right in front of Scout, looking down at him. He sighed and I think it had some hints of disappointment.

"Honestly, did you really think that would work just because she was new to all of us?" he said.

"Screw you... Spy," he said still trying to get his breath which sort of confused. Did I really hit him that hard? He just sighed and turned to me.

"Excuse the imbecile mademoiselle. As you may know, my name is Spy, welcome," he said politely and held out his hand and I shook out just like with Engineer.

"Since you will now be working with us, I suppose a tour is in order," he said and I just nodded. He nodded and started to head to another door and I followed him.

Mercenaries(Minus Spy) POV

Several seconds after Spy and Hunter left, Scout was finally able to get up. He groaned and rubbed where the newbie had hit him.

"The hell's her problem?!" he shouted but made sure that it wasn't loud enough for Hunter to hear.

"Maybe she's been around enough places to know people like you," said Sniper.

"Actually, according to zee file the Administrator gave me, it seems that she's never even left her country," the Medic said.

"So she never went anywhere till now?" questioned Engineer.

"It vould seem so," Medic replied.

"Why would the lass to do that?" questioned Demoman, after finally getting over his drunken stupor, with the help of some aspirin. Medic just shrugged.

"Well, what do y'all think of her?" Engineer asks. Scout was first to answer.

"Ugh, I don't think she talks to people a whole lot of she thinks an arm around her means 'punch me'," complained Scout.

"She's got a good amount of moxie, for a woman," Soldier said, though whether the statement was a compliment or insult they couldn't tell.

"Ow hmp mh hmm mmhs!" said Pyro in its highly muffled speech.

"The lady lass seems nice," Demoman said.

"Heavy wants to see Hunter in fight. Then he will make opinion on her," Heavy spoke in his deep, Russian voice.

"I think she's nice as well, though I do agree with Scout a bit on the whole, probably never had a lot social interaction training," Engineer said, remembering on how she was pretty formal on meeting them and how she gut-punched, Scout. True he did try to flirt with her, but most of the time it was just a slap across the face.

"The Fräulien seems very fit, just like the papers says, though I vould like to do a check-up on her," Medic said, as he remembered what her file said and that he's never done any kind of experimenting on a female body.

"I agree with Heavy a bit. I wanna see how well the Sheila is on the field," Sniper said, but he did like her a bit for punching Scout in the stomach. That was pretty funny.

"I wonder what Spy thinks of her," Engineer wondered.

Spy and Hunter POV

"This here is the Spawn Room, where we get ready for our battles," Spy said, showing her a room that was tiled white. The ceiling was covered in pipes and hanging lamps. There were some shelves and benches and there was a large, double door cabinet, where one door had a medical cross, while the other had an ammunition symbol. Deeper in were the glass doors that showed the spawn area.

The two had just started with the Spawn Room. Though in their short time they were able to make things of each other. Hunter was able to get his scent, which compounded of cologne, cigarettes, blood, and even a bit of wine. While Spy has been doing his best to analyze her since they first met. So far, he could tell that she was formal but quick to anger, seen as how she threatened Soldier due to one insult. She seems to not know many social cues and probably doesn't have that much of feminine side. In other words, trying to seduce any answers from her would yield no results and possibly even some broken ribs.

"So what was that room with the 'Intelligence' sign?" Hunter questioned.

"That room has a briefcase that, during our battles, we will have to protect it from being stolen, while at other times we will have to steal our enemies briefcase, or 'Intelligence'," he explained and Hunter just nodded in understanding. They continued walking, all the while Hunter looked around, also noticing the boxes of ammo or medical kits all over the place.

"Why is there so many ammunition and medical boxes everywhere?" She questioned.

"Those are there in case we need them," He shortly explained. They then went onto the wooden balcony of "Battlements" that showed a view of the blue building, the stream, and field.

"This here is 'Battlements', where you will be expected to see Snipers here," he said. He then went over and jumped off the side, safely landing. He looked up at Hunter, who was a little surprised at how this man just casually jumped off the side of a building. She followed suit, also jumping off the building, having to slightly bend her knees.

"And now, we go to my least favorite area, the sewers," He said annoyed. They walked over to the bridge which stood over the stream and walked around it a bit until they were in an angle where they could see a large hole with a blue sign saying "Intelligence".

"Isn't it a bad idea to label a path as an entryway to your enemies objective?" Hunter questioned, knowing that if it really did lead them to the Intelligence, then that's just a really dumb move, and if it doesn't then someone pretty smart can figure out that it's just huge red flag for a trap.

"Though true, no one has really gotten around to take it down, and no one likes to go down in water to try and take out an electrical sign," he said, emphasizing the 'water' and 'electrical' part of that sentence. She nodded, realizing that he did sort of have a point. She then yawned, which made Spy look at her.

"Sorry, I'm still suffering from the jet lag. Around this time, I would've probably woken up and had breakfast," she apologized. At hearing the word breakfast, Spy moved his sleeve down to reveal a silver watch. Unlike many of his other watches, this was just a normal time telling one and he wore it whenever there were no battles for the day.


He hummed and moved his sleeve back to cover the watch and straightened his suit a bit.

"It seems that we have lost some track of time, right now would usually be the time where we begin to prepare dinner," he said and turned to the entrance.

"Come along and hope that no one left Pyro on stove duty," he said and walked to the entrance with Hunter in tow.


Baka: Fool 

Ow hmp mh hmm mmhs: I hope she likes fires!

AN: I AM SO SORRY! Okay so it took me a long time to write this (Note that even without this authors note this thing still is a bit over 3100 words) and there may possibly be a grammar error or two and also I tried my best to follow the map layout and it is kind of hard to do so since I actually don't play TF2, but dear God do I love the story, the character, and the endless possibilities that you can do with them! Also, it's kind of hard to write for certain characters, mostly due to their accents, or trying to figure out the best way to put their speech in. For Spy, the reason why all his words don't have the "z" thing is that I don't want it to seem too stereotypically Frenchy. Pyro is another tough one because... well you probably already know. So anyway, what did you think of this chapter? Good, bad, neutral? If you liked it, hit that star and vote on it, and if you didn't then how about sending it to someone who would? Also, constructive criticism is welcomed. So until next update, SEE YA!
