Stories by: Reptillia94
3 stories
(UP FOR ADOPTION) The New Girl (TF2 fanfiction, female mercenary)

When the Administrator sees how badly RED team is doing she tells Miss Pauling to recruit a new member for the TF2 gang. Akari aka The Hunter, a Japanese mercenary. The only problem about her is that she barely remembers anything of her past life and seems to have no family to her name. What secrets hide in her past? Will she find family in this crazy group of mercs? What adventures await her and the mercenaries? Find out in my new story, The New Girl!Sorry if this description sucked. Also I do not own anything besides Huntress.

808 3 18
(UP FOR ADOPTION) Star Wars One-Shots

Small short stories from Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars the Clone Wars. Shipping stories, fluff/angst stories, different outcomes of episodes, au(alternate universe) stories,

1.4K 6 20
(UP FOR ADOPTION) What if...? (Star Wars Rebels fanfiction No Order 66 au)

What if...Order 66 never happened? What if Anakin didn't fall to the Dark side and Padme didn't die and still had Luke and Leia? What if Depa Billibia was still alive and Caleb Dume aka Kanan Jarrus was able to become a fully-fledged Jedi Knight? What if Ezra's dad Ephraim Bridger and his mother Mira Shan were part of the Order, but for some circumstance left the Order a few months after Ahsoka did? What if the Separatists aka the Empire had an army of kidnapped force sensitives they had brutally trained to become dangerous, murderous, soldiers call "Inquisitors"?Well here's my answer to all these questions.Sorry if this was a sucky description. P.S There will be a lot of edits. Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Only ( to some degrees) George Lucas(creator), Disney and the fans own this incredible masterpiece series/fandom and I also don't own the title image. If you want to see more than here's the link.

26.2K 16 415