Chapter 9: Call My Bluff

Y/n's POV:

I was still pretty much in disbelief over what had just happened. That brain villain was now completely out of sight thanks to All Might. There was a large bunch of smoke where All Might was standing, presumably from the sheer force of his attacks.

"I really have gotten weaker..." Said All Might. "In my prime, five hits would've been enough. But today it took more than 300 hits."

He stood there proudly with his clenched fist raised to his chest. From where I was, it almost looked as if he was steaming.

"Now, villains..." He said as he turned to the last two. "I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible."

The guy with the hands started seething and talking to his self. He started aggressively scratching his neck to the point where it made and audible coarse sound, and I could see his neck turning red from being scratched raw.

"What's wrong?" All Might continued. "You're not coming? You said you'd "clear" this or something, right? Come and get me if you can."

The villain took a few steps back. His arms were shaking.

It looks like All Might has this pretty much taken care of. If the rest of us split now, All Might won't have to worry about protecting anyone, so it'll be easier for him to fight.

Something's off though. Why hasn't All Might just started wiping the floor with these scrubs? Is he just trying to show off? There's no reason to do that. Unless... he's bluffing.

The hand villain's scratching had intensified now.

"If only I had Nomu..." I heard him mutter. "That guy would've been able to go up against him without thinking about anything!"

He kind of just did though...
For a villain, he sounds pretty childish.

The foggy villain started whispering something to the hand villain. His scratching had also stopped.
While we stood and waited for All Might to make a move, some of the other lesser villains had picked themselves off the ground.

"All Might will do something about the main bad guys," Said Kirishima. "Let's go help the others!"

I looked back at Midoriya. He was just standing there, almost as if he were frozen in place. He was staring almost blankly over at All Might within the smoke.
Just then, the hand villain started sprinting over towards All Might at full speed.

"This is revenge for Nomu!" the hand villain shouted.

Why isn't All Might doing anything? If he could beat that Nomu guy, he could definitely beat them... so why? From here it looks like his stance is faltering. He did mention going beyond 100 percent, so maybe he was talking about some limit.

Then, I felt a gust of wind from where Midoriya was standing, and he was nowhere to be seen. I looked over and saw him flying through the air towards the villains.

"Get away from All Might!" I heard him yell.

Before Midoriya could get close enough, the hand villain reached through a portal and was now about to grab hold of Midoriya's face. Just before the villain could activate his quirk, his hand was suddenly shot.
I looked over to where the bullet came from and saw that it was fired from the entrance. The other teachers were finally here.
Soon, they started making quick work of all the villains.

"Aw man, they're here," I heard the hand villain say. "It's game over now. Shall we go home and try again later, Kurogir-"

He hadn't finished his sentence before he was shot several more times by Snipe. The two were attempting to escape until Thirteen used her quirk to try and capture them. Before they could get pulled all the way over, the fog villain had disappeared with the hand villain.

Well, we made it. The teachers though... they're on a whole different level.

"If this many pro heroes have gathered here, then it looks like they did not attack the whole school." Said Todoroki.

"Midoriya!" I heard Kirishima call out. "Are you all right?"

I ran over with him. "I don't think your legs are meant to bend that way!" I called, trying to lighten the mood.
Before we got close, a large wall of dirt had formed in front of us.

"We want to make sure that all the students are safe," Said one of the other teachers, Cementoss. "Please gather in front of the gate. We will deal with the injured here."

"That makes sense! Roger that!" Kirishima replied.

I guess they've got it covered here, then. I guess I shouldn't be trying to move Midoriya with those injuries of his. Besides, I want to make sure Hagakure's okay.

"Hey, he said to gather in front of the gate!" I called to the others as I ran back with Kirishima.

When I made it back to the entrance with the others, I looked around at everyone. They all seemed to be mostly unharmed aside from some small scrapes and bruises.

Phew, that's a relief. Now, where could-

Before I could my thoughts, I felt a sudden embrace. One that I literally could not see coming.

"L/n! You're okay! I was so worried!" Hagakure yelled at me. "What kind of numbskull Naruto runs into danger like that!?"

"Ack! I'm sorry for worrying you!"

"I'm just... glad that you're fine. Sorry I couldn't be much help."

"Nah, you're good. It's good to know you're okay too."

I gave her a warm smile.

"Where do you all think I was?" Aoyama asked out of the blue.

"Uhh... where?" I asked

"It's a secret," He said, posing dramatically.

"Let's have the students return to their classroom for now." Said a detective. "We won't be questioning them right away, anyway, right?"

The classroom? I'm tryna go home, man.

"Detective, what about Mr. Aizawa?"

The detective held up a voice recorder and played back a message; "Comminuted fractures in both arms and a facial fracture. Fortunately, there does not seem to be any serious brain damage. However, his orbital floor has broken into small pieces, and his eyes may suffer from its aftereffects."

Hagakure turned and whispered to me, "Um, could you rephrase that for me? In English?"

"Basically, the bones in his arms have been practically shattered to small pieces, and his skull was damaged." I answered.

"Ok... and what's an orbital floor?"

"The part of the skull that's right under the eyeball. Bits of bone must have jabbed into his eyes, so they won't work as well, or it might hurt to keep his eyes open for a long time."

"Oh, that's horrible..."

"What about Thirteen?" Ashido asked.

"Thirteen has been treated." He replied. "The laceration from the back to upper arm was bad, but Thirteen will survive."

Everyone for the most part let out a sigh of relief. At least it wasn't all bad.

"All Might will also survive. Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurse's office."

That last line caught my ear.
Why does he have to reassure us that he'll live? I know All Might took a bit of a beating in that fight, but it almost seems like there's something going on that we're not meant to know about.

"What about Midoriya?!" Asked Iida.

"Oh, treatment in the nurse's office is enough for him, too." Said the detective.

"Oh, good..." Said Uraraka.

After that, we ended up going straight back to the classroom as the sun was going down.

"Man what a day," I said, yawning. "I'm beat. I just wanna go home, shower, eat, then sleep. I wish I could just call my mama right now and have her pick me up..."

"How are you so relaxed right now?" Hagakure asked. "Honestly, I'm impressed. I probably won't even be able to rest when I get home."

"Eh, it's less so 'relaxed' and more so 'too tired to care'. It's all in a day's work though."

I looked out the window at the crows flying into the bright orange sky. We couldn't go in the classroom right away since Aizawa has the room key, so we had to wait for someone to let us in. I leaned against the glass as I stretched out my arms and legs and started thinking to myself.

Is this the life of a hero. Life or death, every day? And then afterwards, going to bed like nothing happened? Since even before school started, we had people almost getting crushed by giant robots.
But I guess... because of heroes, your average person will be able to live without fear. So in the end, I guess it's all good.

A few hours had passed since school ended; the sun had gone down a while ago. I was waiting outside the school with Hagakure, Uraraka, and Iida.

"Bro... how much longer is he gonna be? I'm hungry..." I thought out loud.

"Well, not everyone can regenerate like you can." Hagakure said.

"You don't have to wait with us, you know." Uraraka added.

"I know. I want to. But that doesn't stop me from complaining about the wait."

As if on cue, Midoriya had just walked out of the school building, a bandage wrapped around his left hand.
The five of us walked back to the train station, talking about basic things like what we'd do over the weekend. We said our goodbyes as we each got off at our individual stops, and headed home.
That night, after dinner, I laid down on my bed and almost immediately passed out. Probably a few hours later though, I ended up waking up in the middle of the night. I took a quick look at my phone to check the time.
While I was looking, I got a text. It was from Hagakure.

<[Hey, are you awake?]

Hm? What's she doing up? I guess she could say the same to me. And plus, she did mention something about not being able to rest tonight...
How should I reply? Just a simple "yes"? Nah, too formal.
I could go with "yeah, how are you?" Still too formal. It's not that big a deal, so why am I worrying so much about it?

[Yeah, what's up?]>

<[Not much]
<[Just couldn't sleep too well]

[Why? You good?]>

<[Yeah, I'm fine]
<[Thinking about today just kept me up is all]

Just as I thought. I mean, it's only natural. If anything, I'm the one making her feel unnatural by acting so nonchalant...

<[I just thought that maybe talking with you would put my mind at ease]

Oh, well that one caught me a bit off guard. She trusts me that much, huh? I really want to get to know her more. I want to cheer her up. It'll be bad if she starts to lose sleep because of this.

[I was thinking...]>
[If it makes you feel better, you want to hang out over the weekend?]>

...She's taking a bit to respond. I hope I didn't come off as too pushy or something...

<[I'd like that a lot]
<[Would tomorrow work?]

[Sure. Want to meet at the train station near the school?]>

<[Yeah, that works]
<[Meet around 1?]

[Sounds good. Wanna hit up the others too?]>

<[Good night, L/n]
<[Thanks for talking with me]

[No problem]>
[Good night]>

Well, it looks like I got plans tomorrow. Better get some sleep then. Don't wanna be late.


Phew, this chapter took a while to write. I was also trying to experiment with texts this chapter, so let me know if it works well or not. Once again, thanks to those who keep supporting this story.

I'll see y'all in the next in the next update.

1803 words. Finished and published on 3-10-23
