Chapter 8: Dumb Enough to Work

Hagakure's POV:

Where am I? Where's Y/n and the others? I hope I'm not stuck here by myself...

I landed in what looked like the landslide zone, but I had absolutely no idea where anyone was. I spotted what looked like villains coming up from the bottom of the hill.
Thanks to my invisibility, it didn't seem like any of them saw me as I ducked behind a nearby rock.

Okay, calm down. Think like Y/n. Panic is the enemy. If I use my head, I can do anything if I apply myself. That's what Y/n taught me.

Then, I heard something coming around the other side of the rock. Someone was coming. The sound of heavy metallic footsteps were getting ever closer. I had to do something. If I just stay here, I'll get caught. But if I move from my hiding place, there's no telling what'll happen.

What's the best move? Come on, come on, think! ...I got it! A sneak attack!

I took off my gloves and balled up my fists, ready to strike. As soon as they turned the corner, I immediately swung at their face. I was already in the motion of punching when I realized that the person that was turning the corner was Y/n.
Unfortunately, he wasn't able to react in time and I had already socked him in the face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said frantically. "I thought you were some villain coming to get me!"

"It's okay, but try to keep it quiet." He replied calmly with his nose bleeding. He ducked down behind the rock, trying to plug his nose.

"Quiet. Right. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm good. It'll heal in no time. Are you okay though?"

"I'm fine. Are we the only ones here?"

"I did see that Todoroki dude in another part of this zone, but I decided to steer clear of him because he was freezing over the whole area. I think the best course of action is to try and get to the exit without a fight. Luckily, it seems like this zone isn't too far from the entrance, so you could make it if you ran."

"Okay, sounds like a pla-" I paused. "Wait, what do you mean, *I* could make it? What about you?"

"It's risky for you to take a head-on fight, so the safest bet is for you to sneak out."

"But... how? There's so many of them. What if some of them have quirks that let them locate me?"

"That's where I come in. I'll distract them so you can get away while they're focused on me."

I was so shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth.

"But..." I couldn't form the words to protest this plan of his. To think he'd do that for my sake. What if he got hurt, or worse...?

"Hagakure..." Y/n continued. "I've already made up my mind. What kind of hero doesn't try to help others? Besides, ever since joining the hero course, there's something I've always wanted to do. It's a pretty dumb idea, but dumb tends to draw peoples' attention, right? So it might be dumb enough to work. As soon as their focus is on me, you gotta run for the entrance, okay?"

"O-okay." I stuttered. "Just... please be careful. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you..."

Y/n gave me a warm smile. "Alright, I got you. I'll be careful."

He stood up from behind the rock with a determined look on his face. He brought his hands to the ground, ready to start sprinting down the hill at top speed. I heard him take a deep breath before he went. I could feel my heart racing with worry. Just then, Y/n bolted down the hill.
But he didn't just run normally.
He Naruto ran down the hill.

Seriously!? That's his plan!?

I couldn't help but giggle. For that moment, all my worries just went away. Was he being silly just to try and cheer me up? Maybe I'm reading too deeply into this. He definitely had the villains' attention at that point, so I made a break for the exit.

Y/n's POV:

Never have I felt so cool, and so idiotic at the same time. But that's exactly what I'm going for. Those villains won't know what hit 'em.

As I was making my way downhill, I saw some of the villains chuckling at my display of lameness.

That's right, keep laughin'. That's exactly what I need.

Before they realized, I was right up in their faces, picking them off one by one. I used my momentum from running to bring down the biggest guy in the group with a swift kick. I counted about eight other villains surrounding me at the moment, so I'd have to fight patiently to avoid getting overwhelmed.
I sensed one coming up behind me, so I ducked out of the way and delivered a counterattack. Another villain with a sharpening quirk tried to thrust at me. I tried to wait for an opening, but this villain was particularly fast. I rolled out of the way of one of their strikes and picked up some small stones that were lying on the floor. I flung them at the villain, and one of them struck their head, giving me an opening. I grabbed the villain and slammed them into the ground.

Okay, six more to go. Man, this is gonna be a long day...

After a long back and forth, I managed to bring down all of the villains in this part of the landslide zone. I had to stop and take a breather.

Hopefully, that gave Hagakure enough time to escape.

I looked down towards the plaza near where the fountain was. Things were not looking good. Aizawa had been beaten by the villain that had its brain sticking out. In the shipwreck zone, I could see Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta coming face to face with that villain with the hands all over his body.

Shit, this ain't good. Knowing Midoriya, he'll end up trying to sacrifice his arm in a moment. If these guys are set on bringing down All Might himself, I don't know if just one punch will do the trick, even if it is Midoriya we're talking about.

Sure enough, Midoriya had jumped out of the water to attack that hand villain. His punch definitely connected with something, because there was a huge gust of wind that came out.
When the dust cleared, it turned out that he actually punched that brain villain. It didn't even look fazed by such a powerful attack.

Then, I heard a loud noise over from where the entrance was. I looked out across the facility to see the Symbol of Peace himself. All Might was here... wearing corporate casual. Only this time, he wasn't smiling. He ripped off his tie and threw his suit jacket aside. I felt relief sweep over me because I knew we'd likely be safe now.
In an instant, he was already down in the plaza, picking off villains left and right. He had made his way down to where Aizawa was and picked him up. He then moved around to the water where Midoriya and the others were at, picking them up as well.
It looked like he instructed them to get Aizawa to safety before he started fighting that brain villain. His strikes seemed like they were doing nothing to the villain though. All Might eventually managed to grab the villain and suplex him. When the dust from the attack cleared, I could see that the top half of the villain's body had passed through a portal, so his claws were now digging into All Might's torso.

Damn. Even All Might's struggling here. I've got to do something. But what, though? What am I able to do from here? If I could just even the odds...

Then, I looked over and saw Midoriya running across the plaza to where All Might is.

What are you doing!? You'll get plastered by those villains!

I found myself hesitating in that moment.
There's always a phrase my dad likes to recite to me, and his words ring especially true in a dire situation like this.

"There are good decisions, and bad decisions. But indecision is the worst decision."

I sprinted down the hill without thinking twice. I picked up a rock that was flying around, and I flung it towards that villain with the hands. It would've hit him square in the head if he didn't move out of the way. I got down to the plaza and I grabbed hold of the purple villain's armor piece while he was distracted with Midoriya. I sensed Bakugo coming from another direction.

Bakugo seems like a quick thinker, even if he's a bit rash at times. Which means...!

"Think fast, Bakugo!" I said as I tossed the villain towards him.

"Don't tell me what to do, you fly-eating freak!" He shouted before he caught the villain and slammed him to the ground with an explosion.

The tides were turning. Todoroki managed to freeze that brain villain, helping All Might get free. Kirishima even showed up and managed to get the hand guy to back off a bit.
Our advantage was short-lived, because the brain villain broke itself out of the ice, breaking off its arm and leg in the process. Shortly after, it started to grow its arms and legs back like nothing happened.

"Ew, freaky." I said to myself.

"How is All Might meant to beat something like that?" Midoriya questioned.

"Maybe it works like a demon? Where you have to cut its head off to bring it down?"

"You're joking at a time like this!?"

"It's a legit question!"

"First, we need to get our gate back," said the guy with all of the hands. "Go, Nomu."

In an instant, the large lumbering monster had made its way right up to where we were. It was gunning for Bakugo, who had the misty guy pinned down. Before we could react, the brain guy had thrown a punch so hard that it had sent the rest of us flying back.
The dust had settled after being kicked up by the sheer speed of that "Nomu", whatever that is.

"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya called out. He looked to his right and Bakugo was just right there. "Kacchan? You dodged? That's amazing!"

"No, shut up, scum!" Bakugo retorted.

I looked over to see All Might in the area of effect. It seemed like he took the blow for Bakugo.

"Do you not know how to hold back?" All Might asked, already seeming exhausted.

"It was to rescue my companions," the hand guy said. "I had no choice. I mean, earlier that plain-looking one was about to punch me with all he had, you know. Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. Isn't that right, hero? You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this once we kill you!"

He's crazy, but he's almost got a point...

"It's three against six," Todoroki stated.

"Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!" Midoriya added.

"Our biggest issue would be getting wrecked by that brain thing" I thought aloud. 

"These guys are crazy, but if we backup All Might, we can push them back!" Said Kirishima.

"No!" All Might exclaimed. "Run away."

"You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right?" Todoroki argued.

"That was a different story, Young Todoroki. Thank you. But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got."

He gave us all a thumbs up before he fully turned to face the villains.

"Nomu, Kurogiri. Get him. I'll deal with the children." said the hand villain. "Now, let's clear this and go home."

The guy started rushing towards us at a surprisingly rapid pace.

"Hey, we've gotta do this after all!" Kirishima said.

Before the villain could close the distance, a strong gust of wind suddenly burst out from where All Might was standing. He took off to deal with the villain that was approaching us, but the "Nomu" got in his way. Their fists collided, sending everything around them flying.

"Damn. Hey, you talked about his shock absorption yourself earlier, didn't you?" Said the Hand Villain.

"Yes I did!" All Might replied proudly.

The fight had begun. All Might and the villain were trading blows so fast that I could barely keep track of what was happening. The slipstreams caused by the speed of their attacks was so strong that even my clinging abilities could only barely keep me on the ground.

"If your Quirk is shock absorption and not nullification, then there's a limit to what you can take, right? If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll go beyond that and force you to surrender!"

There's no way. How is he moving so fast? And it's not like he's swinging randomly either. Each of his strikes look like they're targeted, with each one being more than 100% of his power!

"A hero can always break out of a tough spot!"

All Might managed to grab hold of the villains arm and fling him right into the ground, creating a shockwave that seemed to pulse through the very floor.
He landed right next to the villain, launching up debris as he landed.

"Hey villain, have you ever heard these words? Go beyond! PLUS ULTRA!!!"

With those words, All Might landed the final blow that sent the villain flying through the ceiling of the facility. His strike was so powerful, it felt as if the very ground was trembling.

Dude. That was one of the most badass things I've ever seen since... ever. He sent that villain flying like a discount Team Rocket machine. He made the school's grammatically incorrect motto one of the sickest one-liners ever.
I've got so much further to go before I can even imagine being on his level. That thing would've wiped the floor with me, but All Might made a mockery of it while wearing dress shoes and yellow slacks. 
Talk about a wakeup call...


It feels so good to get this chapter out after so long. I wanted to write action sequences in a way that didn't seem too cheesy, which is why this took so long. Thank you to all the people who continue to support this story! (and my wildly inconsistent updates)

Thank you all for your patience. That's all from me for now. See ya!

2267 words. finished on 2-20-23
