Chapter 13

March 1st
12:00 pm


Me and kehlani were in the store doing a little grocery shopping for the chief. Now that August is out the hospital

"Ouuu can we get pineapples." I asked
"Sure." My arm got snatched causing kehlani to look back at me.
"So this is where you staying now." I looked up seeing johnny.
"Don't grab me like that."I yanked my arm away from him.
"So this what we doing now, where's my baby." He touched my stomach.
"I lost it okay leave me alone i'll be sending you the divorce papers."
"Come on you leaving with me." He pulled me
"Let her go you punk ass nigga." Kehlani grabbed me.
"Oh dont be mad at me that your dad set you up with jason."
"What do you mean."she asked
"Oop I wasn't supposed to say nothing. Imma just leave you two sisters watch your back is all I got to say."He walked away.
"What was that all about."
"I don't know sissy let's hurry and get out of here august needs his pain medication."

We checked out and heading out to the car there was a note on the window.
"Read it out loud." I told her
"It says, meet me at the floridan park or you and your sister die."She froze and looked around. "We have to do this by ourselves the guns are in the trunk." She opened the trunk grabbing the big silver box.
"Sis you think so this is really dangerous."
"We have to kill this nigga we have to." She said serious.
"I can call cha-"
"No Sawyer no we need to kill him." She screamed getting in the car.

We drove down the street.
"Can slow down please."
"Let me drive got damn SAWYER stop bickering." she screamed causing me to scrunch up my face.

"You know what let me out right here, i'm your big sister. I'm tired of you screaming and yelling at me. It's not my fault you got beat and raped it's not my fucking fault. Maybe you are insane like they say." She turned the car around.

"I'm taking you home for I beat your ass." She fakes laughed
"I want you to beat my ass too." I said seriously.
"Let me guess are you going to go snitch and tell them where we stay."She asked nervously
"No why would I."
"You said the same thing that bitch Krystal said." She rubbed her temples stopping at the red light.

We pulled up to the house
"Let's go, get the fuck out, you want to fight me let's go." She looked at me like I was crazy.
"Sure about this sawyer unless you want to take this uppercut." I nodded and without any hesitation she punched me right in my face.
My nose started bleeding but I was taking it.
I walked up to her and tried to stop her cause she was getting way too rough.


I started to come to life when I noticed what I was doing to my sister.
"HEYY STOPPP STOPPP." Chance grabbed me and helped Sawyer up.
"I'm so sor-"
"Save it, don't look at me or even talk to me I hate you."She cried.
"Come on sawyer you asked for it."
"Yeah I know but you didn't have to take it that far." I took deep breaths.
"Also chance she was going to be meeting some guy at the park because supposedly our dad." She hugged him. "I tried to stop her and try to get you and August help." She had blood running down her face and her eyes were swollen. Boxing class payed off good.
"Look what you did mayweather." chance said taking her in the house.

"Tell August i'm sorry I have to leave town before anything bad happened."
"No don't do this please."

"Nah i'm good chance I love you bro. Imma call an uber. Take care of my car." I handed him the keys to my mercedes that august transported all the way from my house.
"At least tell me where you going."
"I'm good find out on your own, i'm not gone for ever." I hugged him and he kissed my forehead.

My uber finally came and I still had blood on my hands but I had to catch this flight to new york. I checked my bank account.
I smiled because I had enough to get a hotel a flight, clothes and food for a couple of a weeks.

I looked in the mirror putting my hair in a pony tail. My flight was in 10 minutes. I rinsed the blood off of my knuckles and changed my shirt.

Short chapter
Kinda boring
more stuff coming up
I know you want august and kehlani to date but just watch and see. Or should I say read and see.😉
