Ch. 22

The exams are finally done so I'll be able to procrastinate at home. It's been like two weeks since the oldies left home. The place feels so empty and the deadly silence was so deafening. I sometimes call Jaewon to come over so that I wouldn't feel lonely and at some other days I call Crystal to accompany me.

But for tonight, it was Jaewon's turn.

09:55 pm


come here :(

stop playing games :(

cuddle >:(

last game baby

miss me huh

I immediately finished my game and went to the bed. I saw Jaewon's sulking face while his arms was wide open asking for a hug. I laid down beside him and gave him the cuddle he wanted.

"Babe, let's go to the park. Late night walks." He suggested and I just nod. I saw him smiling and kissed my forehead.

Few moments later, we got out and started walking our way to the park. He was holding my hand, putting it inside his pockets. We were just having our conversation so out of curiosity I brought out the topic I was so confused of.

"You were avoiding me before right?" I directly confronted him and he just nod.

"Then why do I keep seeing you in our area when you don't even live nearby?"

"Oh, I was always at Hyebin's place." He explained which made me more curious. I stopped and looked at him.

"Hyebin? The girl you were with at the café?"

"Yes. She's actually my close friend-- hey I know where's the way to shortcut. Come!" He stopped midway from answering my question and grabbed me to the small dim lit alley.

"Are you sure this is the way?" I asked him and he stopped moving. He looked at me and smiled.

"To be honest, I don't know. I just wanted you to bring here." He said smirking and walked closer to me reason for me to step backwards and leaned on a wall behind me.

His face keeps getting closer and closer to me. I gulped when he whispered,

"Just wanted to kiss you here."

I looked at his eyes and to his lips. I was mesmerized by it that I unconsciously closed my eyes, expecting that those lips will touch mine.

I can feel a smooth lips pressed on mine. I didn't know how to respond to it because these butterflies inside me just went wild. I feel like anytime my knees would go wobble.

He started to move his lips and I didn't know how but mine started to move into his tempo, slowly, gently, smoothly. I can feel his hand moving towards my hip, and pulled me closer. While his other hand on the side of my face, caressing it every inch. I moved my hands to his nape, pulling him closer. It was like harmony.

We finally stopped from the moment and catches our breath. He smiled while pulling me closer with his hands around my waist and kissed my forehead.

My stomach twisted.

"I love you. I won't get tired giving you butterflies."


It was a rainy afternoon when me, Crystal and Jaewon were playing some video games. As a reward for being a good friend to her, Crystal bought me a bucket of fried chicken and a cake.

It was her way of thanking me for helping her study and that eventually made her class ranking went higher.

"Come on! I've been losing ever since we started the game! Have mercy on me Jaewon." I heard Crystal whines while aggressively pushing all the buttons of the controller.

"I'm being easy on you, I'm not even trying Crystal." he responded and laughed which made Crystal roll her eyes and get annoyed.

I was sitting on the couch while scrolling through my phone, still looking for emails from various companies. I heard Jaewon's phone vibrating beside me.

He seemed too busy not to hear it since the game was too loud and he's too focused on it. So I pick it up and see who was calling him.

is calling...

Answer                 Decline

I had a bad feeling seeing the contact name but I just shrugged it off, thinking it would be okay if I'll tell him.

"Baby?" He didn't respond because he was too focused on his game. I called him multiple times.


"Yes baby?" I finally got his attention and immediately gave him his ringing phone. His face flashed into some serious expression. Without hesitation, he immersed from his seat and went his way out to answer the call.

"Who was calling him?" Crystal's curiosity blurted out. I gave her a timid smile, thinking whether I should tell her what I just saw or not.

"Nothing. Just his friend."

I chose the latter one.

"You sure about that? Jaewon isn't the type that would leave a game for anyone." Crystal made a point. I stayed silent and went back to my phone.

It took a quite while until Jaewon came back. After what Crystal said, I became uneasy, bothered and upset. So I decided to ask him.

"Jaewon?" He looked at me. Crystal seemed to understand the tone of my voice that she excused herself and went out to buy some soda.

"Yes baby?" He said and reached out for my hand. He gently squeezed it like he's loosing up my tense. I took a deep breath.

"Who called you? Your conversation took a while. You missed your duel with Crystal." I said and awkwardly laughed.

"It's Hyebin. She asked me if I could stay over at her place tonight. The whole squad is there." He explained while scratching his neck.

"Can I come with you–"

"You can't come– I mean, you won't like it. It's too loud and noisy. I will just ask Crystal to accompany you for tonight." What he said made me more upset.

"Crystal can't stay here, she got a family trip tomorrow. She needs to go home. But don't worry, I'll just go to my guy friends' place and stay over there for a night or two." I said hoping that will make him stay or stop me from going.

"Okay baby. Be safe, okay? I need to go now. Love you." He said and kissed my forehead. In a blink of an eye, he vanished.

I thought that it wasn't worth trying to make him stay when it's obvious he's eager to go and not thinking how would I feel about him stay over at his girl friend's place when I totally don't have an idea who that girl is.

"Where's the guy?" Crystal asked for Jaewon as she sees he was no longer be seen. I didn't even realize she got back already.

"He went to his friend, girl named Hyebin. His circle of friends are there."I sounded upset as I grab a soda from the bag Crystal brought from the store.

"You're jealous." Crystal laughed. I rolled my eyes and told her it wasn't a big deal.


Crystal already left so I was alone and sulky. I cannot think of anything else that isn't about Jaewon being out there. I didn't want to be sulky throughout the night so I decided to call someone to come over.

Takoyaki Prince

“Jilin!– aish! Stop pushing me.” I heard noises from the other line. It seems like Johnny wanted to steal the call.

"Hey, can you come over for tonight? My place feels a little lonely. You can bring the boys too if they want."

“Hey Jade! It's Johnny on the line. Unfortunately we have training, and I have extra classes to take tomorrow. So as the other boys, including Yuta.” He explained which made me sulk more.

"I totally understand, John. Can you give the phone to Yuta?"

“Jilin~ I'm so sorry. If we're free soon, we'll definitely visit you.” He sincerely apologized and I unconsciously sighed which I think he heard.

"Yeah, it's fine no problem. See you soon. Bye, takoyaki!" I bid goodbye and so as he.


After that phone call I just decided to watch the movie me and Jaewon supposed to watch tonight. Unfortunately, it's just me.

With my eyes glued to the TV screen, I heard doorbell ringing. No one usually rings our doorbell since everyone just barges in to our house. I immediately went out to see who it was and to my surprise,

"I bought you your favorite ice cream." A man with a plastic bag appeared.

"Yuta! I thought you have training?" I hugged him like he was an angel saving my lonely night.

"I ditched my training for you. It bothers me a lot that you're alone. You sounded so sad when we were on a call. That's why I'm here."

"You're out of your mind! That's why you're the best. You're always there when I need someone." I smiled and he patted my head.

"I wasn't your best friend for no reason, silly." he smiled and gave me my cookies 'n cream flavored ice cream.
