---- Starscream's Flashback -------

"Sire, the dragons speak of conflict with us. The new dragon on the Avalaran throne wants to rid of anything that is stronger than her-" the young crimson and grey dragon said panicking. His sire, his bronzed scales and red patterns glimmering in the light of the sunset.

"Calm Starscream. Keep the calm before the storm" he whispered.

"Sire! But what about StarFire" Starscream said looking up, his tail twitching.

"Our creator would have intervened-" the larger Sorcerer said, keeping to their Dragon forms to not alarm the dragons. The small femme in question flew into the room and perched on Starscream's back.

"What's up?" She asked. Starscream looked back at her, the blue dragoness folding her wings.

"Nothing is wrong lil sis. I'm going away for a while, to stretch my wings and clear my processor" he said. StarFire nodded.

"Okay, I'll guard your berthroom and make sure no one goes in as I know you don't like anyone in there" she replied. She hopped off onto the floor. Starscream nodded to his sire. "I'll see you later brother" StarFire said in her high pitched sparkling vocals.

"I'll see you l- later dear StarFire" he replied, his voice cracking with emotion. He couldn't let her know that this was the end.

The young mech flew to a secluded part of Avalaria before transforming into his jet mode, shooting to the stars to find refuge for his kind.

After what seemed like a thousand deca-cycles, the Sorcerer came across a mechanical planet. He entered the atmosphere and inspected the life there. He transformed in his seeker form to land in a street.

Many mechs and femmes looked at him without any suspicion of his arrival. Starscream walked up to some city gates, a guard outside regarded the maturing youngling. "How did you get out of the city? Are you an orphan?" He asked. Starscream stared at the mech.

The frame of a Sorcerer's seeker form, no wonder nobody saw anything amiss. "Come along, you must have hit your helm" he continued nudging the frozen sparkling into the city.

The bots inside the city were all seekers. Starscream walked and came across a grown scarlet femme, she looked like an alpha on Avalaria. "Hello, what is your name? Are you lost?" She asked. The mechling looked at his pedes.

"My name is Starscream. My creators are gone" he replied. The femme scooped him up in her servos. A silver and gold mech of the same class walked over, he had a crown upon his helm.

"MoonCatcher, who is this?" He asked the femme.

"This is Starscream. SunStorm, he lost his parental units in the allspark, can we adopt him?" She asked. The mech smiled.

"Of course my MoonCatcher. Starscream will make a fine heir to the Vosian City" SunStorm said.

*years later*

"Starscream stay in your room!" MoonCatcher shouted outside of her adopted creation's room. The rebellion of the so called 'Decepticons' had finally stormed the City of Vos and many of them surrounded her. A metre away from her SunStorm had been shot through the spark, the femme screamed.

"I just want to talk to your young mech" the rebel leader said too calmly for the situation.

At the other side Starscream was huddled in a corner. He did not leave Avalaria just to be trapped in another war.

The femme swallowed, "you will never get to him Megatron" she growled.

Starscream whimpered when he heard the dying screams of his adopted carrier. The door was flung open, the silver gladiator loomed over the helpless seeker. Almost helpless seeker.

He could've transformed into a Dragon and dispatched this Megatron in a few klicks. But he didn't. These Cybertronians could travel through space.

One thing repeated in his processor:
If I transform, the Sorcerers will be hunted. I will protect them
The seeker bowed in front of Megatron.

"I see that you have some sense. You're not like the others, you're different. I need a second in command if I am to take over. You may call me lord" Megatron said. Starscream withheld an energon tear.

"Yes Lord Megatron" he said, 'this is for you StarFire' he thought as he followed.


StarFire continued to sieve through his memories. What shocked her was his violent almost constant beatings that he got from Megatron for seemingly miniscule things. The fact that never once in his time with the Decepticons did he transform into a dragon or human. For the sake of her and her people. To ensure their safety.

StarFire tightened her grip on him. "Sorry" she said.

"Don't be sorry. Megatron turned good after his frame got temporarily taken over by Unicron" he replied as she finally pulled apart. Although the femme kept her digits on Starscream's servo. "Star, don't go after him. He beat me for being a traitor. I tried to take over many times. I decided that if I could lead the Decepticons and stop the war, I could finally find you StarFire. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of seeing my sister again dearest StarFire" he said.

StarFire grunted, "so I guess he was the captain of the Nemesis. Now a lone ranger" she replied, "I'll find him. If he was controlled by Unicron I must pursue him." She flew off as a jet and shot through the clouds.

She activated her Energon Tracker, then scanned for Dark Energon. She picked up a single signal, a mech. She landed as a dragon about half a mile away from the cave that emitted the signal.

From what she had gleaned from Starscream's processor, this mech could be dangerous; cue the dragon form.

She padded slowly to the clearing outside of the cave. From the world's view, she was biological. Not one of the mechanical Predacons from Cybertron. She entered the cave and followed the signal. Then she found a spark signature. A spark once strong, saddened by defeat. This had to be the mech she was looking for.
