StarFire grew up with the title 'Prime'.

She didn't think much of it, only a name that the Magic Dragon Spiros gave her as a youngling. Her life was filled with affairs such as ensuring that the Empire stayed whole. Daily appointments of political meetings kept the many species in the Rebellion Empire in line. The femme was a seeker in appearance, a dragon, jet or ground vehicle; a Sorcerer.

The Sorcerers were noted for the ability to transform biological matter into metallic matter being created of Carbonised Metals, this was commonly known as Sacorian Steel.

In the opposite sector lived the newly reestablished Cybertron. The Cybertronians were closely related to the Sorcerers, only never to have made contact.

StarFire, Empress StarFire Prime of the Rebellion Empire clicked her digits against her throne. She just had to give the order to create a new mission that would rid her of planetary responsibility for a while.
"I will command the D'rachanya on an exploration mission. I feel the need to expand" she said. Her Second in Command nodded for the ship to be prepared as they both set pedes outside of the Castle complex. The ship was the largest and the first of the fleet. A warship equipped with that of a deep space exploration vessel at quieter times. The ship had sharp ragged features to serve as aerodynamics in atmospheres, and stealth whilst in space. Painted with blacks and greys, the golden Rebellion insignia at both port and starboard stood out in stark contrast. It was a lengthy vessel, had four hyperspeed engines; two on the back at each side, and two that served as secondary power that would retract from the underside of the ship's hull.

The SIC smiled at her. "StarFire, she's ready. Which sector?" She asked.

"Commander Syrih, Terra is our destination. We haven't checked it for millions of it's years. Last time we found Dinosaurs, they might be more advanced now" StarFire replied. Syrih laughed.

"Might get to have intellectual conversation with them. Instead of the clicks and roars of our own ancestors" she said when the two boarded the ship.

Once at the bridge StarFire exvented in her chair, it was sat in the centre of the room in front of the viewscreen. "Activate primary engines, can you get hyperspeed 10 from 60% power" she said. Commander Taarin, the chief engineer, calibrated his console.

"Affirmative Captain" he said. The engines created a small hum to accommodate the artificial atmosphere as the vessel left the planet of Sacor. Once in space the Empress smiled.

"Four joors, estimated time" the engineer informed.


"Approaching planet Earth", StarFire almost jumped out of her armour. Her Second in Command smiled. "Daydreaming again sir?" She asked.

"I'm not malfunctioning Syrih" StarFire replied.

"You ought to talk to Ashley about it sometime, probably to control it" Syrih proposed. StarFire stood and looked out of the viewscreen at the planet.

"Experienced slight continental drift from our last report. Life is still detected. Forestry declined massively. Desert area increased. Areas are surprisingly urbanised..." Saasik read from his console.

"I think our old friends may be ready to join the Rebellion Empire" StarFire said, "scan the planet for suitable derelict land to bridge to."

"A desert in the North of the second largest continent, opening bridge now" Taarin said.

"Luckily we'll have some new recruits" StarFire said before she walked through the space bridge.

A desert. She jumped into her jet form and flew above the expansive wasteland.

::Any life further of my location?:: StarFire

::100 metres ahead:: Saasik

She flew onwards and landed as her default seeker form. The lifeforms were definitely not dinosaurs, they were small bipedal primates. She tilted her helm as their language was unfamiliar to her.

::They seem to have a network of their native language and culture. Patching it into your Translator Module:: Saasik

StarFire smiled, now she could talk to them.

"Greetings Humans. I am-" she started. Guns and missiles were directed at her. One of the Humans stepped forward.

"Are you Cybertronian?" He asked. StarFire paused in confusion.

"I'm Sacorian" she said.

"Don't give me any crap about something we already know about. Autobot or Decepticon?" He asked.

"Wha- oh my faction... Rebellion Empire" StarFire replied.

"Show me your symbol" he commanded. She pointed to the Rebellion insignia below her neck cables. He laughed.

"That's a dragon head! I'll ask one more time before I turn your tin aft in" he said.

"You know the dragons" she said in a lower tone. She was shot in the servo with a large dart. It contaminated her blood and she passed out.


StarFire onlined her optics, great a containment brig she thought. The only door to the room opened. A small femme human walked in, StarFire found herself in chains. "So how long have you been away from Cybertron?" The femme asked.

"I am four joors away from my planet" she replied. The femme looked confused.

"Hi I'm Miko" she said.

"Empress StarFire Prime" StarFire introduced. The femme jumped on the spot before running the way she came. The open door was staring at the bound seeker. She stood and activated her shadow element, such a convenience when getting though solid objects. The chains fell to the floor with a clang. StarFire knew that the door would no longer be an option. The seeker walked through numerous walls until she came across the biggest room. StarFire walked up to a console, to what looked like a small space bridge.

"Stop" she heard and turned to the voice.
