Hiiiiiiiiii, i'm back yesterday night i read all of your comments it was so nice reading all of your reactions. So it gave me energy to update. hihihi anyway here is the first update for today but i believe another one will come today too. Have fun!


"Do what my wife tells you" Kamol told his subordinates with a slight smile.

"Uh... yes" Kit replied before continuing to eat porridge. When everyone had finished breakfast. They spread out to rest. Kamol made an appointment for them around noon.




"Khun Kamol, when are we going back to Bangkok?" Kim asked as he prepared his clothes and towels for diving.

"So when do you want to go back?"

"Tomorrow night is fine. Actually, I'd like to stay longer. But I don't want to interfere with your work" Kim replied, smiling.

"You're worried about my work, aren't you?" Kamol pretended to ask, smiling slightly.

"That's right" Kim said with a small laugh. When the preparations were over, Kamol and Kim left the room. Kim walked to the kitchen to find Baiboon, because the young man was helping his grandmother and the others. They packed food for the boat. Kamol then walked toward the house next door.

"Where are the rats you caught?" Kamol asked softly. Kamol ordered Kom to contact his subordinates in Bangkok. They drove to pick up Chen's subordinates who broke into Lad Lao last night. They were quarantined in the other house first, because Kamol didn't want Kim to see.

"Here" Ruth replied.

"Um, Kit, call the children in the house, so people will mess with Ai'Chen's wife's restaurant. And send people to burn down his warehouse in Samut Sakhon. I want to socialize a bit" Kamol said in a calm voice, because before he went back to dealing with getting out of the dark circle, he wanted to get rid of all the thorns at once.

"Yes, sir" Kit replied immediately.

"During that time, you must also be careful. There are more sensitive ears than before. They play like dog bites. We must not be careless" Kamol reiterated.ย 

Everyone responded in unison. Kamol let everyone get ready and go together to the car to dive. And when everyone was ready, they took the car to go straight to the meeting point. The advisor immediately recognized Kamol.

"Hello sir" a male voice called out. This caused Kim, who came up behind Kamol, to look around curiously. He found that it was a man in his 60s, with tanned skin, a slender but strong looking figure.

"Uncle Som, I told you that you don't have to raise your hands to pay homage" said Kamol as the other party raised their hands to pay homage to Kamol.

"Not a bit. I am very grateful. I really respect you" said Uncle Som humbly. Kamol shook his head weakly, before turning to Kim, who was being teased by a certain figure.

"Who is it?" Kim asked curiously.

"Uncle Som is a boat driver who takes tourists on trips to different islands. We have met before" Kamol said succinctly.

"Uncle, this is Kim, my wife." Kamol introduced Uncle Som to his wife. Because Uncle Som also knows Kamol's taste.

"Hi." Uncle Som waved his hand in greeting. Kim was startled, he had to hastily wave his hand back.

"Ah man, don't pay homage to me, I don't want to be fleeting" Kim said quickly. Uncle Som smiled slightly.

"It's okay. His wife is also like my boss" replied Uncle Som.

"Uncle, you are as stubborn as this one" replied Kamol, making Kim smile softly. Uncle Som allowed everyone to get on the boat. Life jacket and snorkeling gear on board.

"Kom, look out for Baiboon too. Let him be careful not to fall into the water." Kim turned to tell Kom as he got into the boat with Kamol.

"Khun Kim, Baiboon is not a child" The young man replied in a hoarse voice. Kim just smiled. When everyone had already boarded the ship, Uncle Som immediately pulled everyone from shore. Kamol turned to Kim and saw that the young man was looking forward with a smile on his face. His hair was fluttering in the wind.

"What are you smiling at?" Kamol asked, turning to look at Kamol.

"Well, I'm a little excited" Kim replied, still smiling.

"Have you ever gone diving before?" Kamol asked again.

"Yes, but it's been a long time. I did when I was a kid with my parents" Kim replied with a smile.

"Speaking of your parents. I haven't officially introduced myself to them yet" Kamol said as he recalled.

"You will introduce yourself as what?" Kim pretended to ask with a smile on his lips.

"How about as their son-in-law?" Kamol replied immediately, making Kim's face blush.

"Are you going to give my parents a heart attack?" Kim said calmly.

"Why? Don't your parents know that you like men?" Kamol raised an eyebrow slightly, asking back.

"Well, it's not that they don't know, I think they know, but they don't talk. Another thing would give them a heart attack, is the impression of seeing you bring in your subordinates, like in a parade." Kim said softly, making Kamol smile.

"So when we go, it's just the two of us, okay?" Kamol said in a serious tone.

"I guess we'll talk about that later," Kim said with a forced smile. Kamol didn't think to ask any more questions, because he knew enough to understand Kim as well. The difference with Kamol is that he has no relatives to think about when he decides to do something. Kamol didn't want Kim to think too much during the vacations like he did now.

"Ah, here we are." Kamol pointed out to Kim the Island of Nom Sao, where everyone dives together. Uncle Som stopped the ship so everyone could get ready.

"Khun Kamol, would you prefer to eat first? Before you dive or when you come back?" Auntie approached and asked Kamol, who was teaching Kim how to use various equipment.

"What do you think, Kim?" Kamol asked Kim's opinion.

"I'd rather go diving first, then we'll go up to eat, as for the others, if they want to eat, let them eat first. Because it's noon." Kim said, Aunt Nee went to call the others to eat lunch first.

"Have you applied sunscreen yet?" Kamol asked reminiscing.

"Not yet" Kim replied, and Kamol looked in the bag that Kim had provided. He took the sunscreen from the bag.

"Come on, I'll do it for you" Kamol replied, before applying the cream to Kim's arms and legs, everywhere he could.

"All right" said Kamol with a smile. Kim took the cream in Kamol's hand and held it up.

"I'll put it on you too. Don't object. You did it for me too" Kim quickly interjected. Kamol had to allow Kim to apply some of the cream on him. When they were done, they both went to get ready to enter the water.

"Always stay close to me, you know" assured Kamol.

"Yes" replied Kim. Now there were tourists from other ships. They gradually entered the water to see the corals as well. Some of Kamol's subordinates had already started swimming. Kamol knows that his subordinates were the first because he also wanted to follow Kamol's tracks. Kamol took Kim to the stern of the boat, which had a platform for him to descend into the water.

"Ready?" Kamol asked Kim, who is now wearing a mask with a breathing tube.

"Yes" replied Kim, before they both put the end of the breathing tube in their mouths and dove into the water at the same time. Kamol used one arm to block Kim's body. They were both notย 

wearing fins. Because Kim doesn't like that. Kim leaned over to look at the underwater coral in awe. Both were swimming together, close to their subordinates, Kim and Kamol were swimming and looking at the coral reefs not far away. Periodically, Kim had to lift his head out of the water to breathe because he was not used to breathing through the snorkel for a long time.


Kim's push made Kamol turn to look where the small figure's hand was pointing. Kim wanted Kamol to look at the colorful fish swimming in the coral clusters. Kamol couldn't look Kim in the eye, but Kamol knew that the other party's eyes were definitely glowing. They both met to watch the coral for a long time, then floated back to the ship. Kamol got on the boat first and pulled Kim to follow him. Auntie approached and handed them some towels.

"Auntie, didn't you go diving?" Kim asked, surprised to see his aunt sitting on the boat, getting into the water, Kim forgot to notice who was diving.

"Auntie is old, so I can't go down to swim like all of you." Auntie said with a smile. Kamol took off his life jacket and took off his diving gear.

"Are you going to swim again?" Kamol asked.

"No, that was enough" Kim replied, Kamol pulling the fabric of his shirt until it stretched over Kim's body.

"What are you doing?" Kim asked as he tried to remove his shirt to clean himself and change his clothes. Kim doesn't want to sit and wait for everyone while he is wet.

"I don't want anyone to see you change clothes. Hurry, the others will be here soon" Kamol said as Kim shook his head.

"You really are amazing. I am a man." Kim said, but he didn't mean it. Although he quickly changed his clothes as Kamol wanted.

"Dry your hair or you'll catch a cold" Kamol said, before taking off his shirt to change. Kim sat up and looked at Kamol's tattoo with still eyes, reached out his hand and touched it lightly. Kamol stopped and turned to look at Kim.

"What's wrong?" Kamol asked, shaking his head slightly.

"When are you going to let me go?" Kim asked, smiling back.

"No way, I told you I will never leave you, your body will have my memory and you will never forget the scars caused by me." Kamol replied with a throaty laugh.

Kim patted Kamol's back in a bad mood.

"Then hurry up and put on your shirt. You can't just stand there and show off your figure." Kim said, so Kamol quickly changed his clothes. Kamol took Kim to sit down and eat the food his aunt had prepared.

"Would you like to eat grilled seafood again tonight? On the way back home, I will let you stop to buy food and cook" Kamol asked sympathetically.

"Eat, eat, buy soft-shell crab too. I want to eat soft-shell crab with garlic. Some?" Kim turned to his aunt.

"All right" Answered his aunt with a smile.

"Then I would like Auntie not to make another menu other than this one. I will ask her to buy some ingredients for them. And tomorrow we will return in the afternoon. Aunt should just cook breakfast," Kamol replied, knowing that he could not stop Aunt Nee from cooking.

"Yes," Aunt answered, before letting Kamol and Kim sit and eat for a while....



After returning from the dive Kim and Kamol went back to shower and change clothes. With such exhaustion, Kim fell asleep. Kamol let Kim sleep first. As for him, he went downstairs to check the order and talk to his subordinates about work and general matters. By 5 pm, Kim was out of the house while Kamol was drinking with his subordinates by the pool.

"Kamol, why didn't you wake me up?" Kim asked softly before sitting down next to Kamol.

"I saw that you slept so well and I didn't want to wake you up. I will wake up around 5 o'clock " Kamol said in a soft voice.

"I stopped playing in the water in the afternoon. Can I play now?" Kim muttered.

"No, it's time to eat" replied Kamol, Kim was silent for a while before nodding and sitting with Kamol, until Kamol's subordinates prepared dinner for today. Just like yesterday, everyone was having fun chatting. They were relaxed. Kim, Kamol, Kom and Baiboon sat down to eat by the pool. Kim thought about having fun swimming in the pool, but was forbidden to take off his shirt, Kamol sat down to drink and talk with Kom. His eyes were always looking at Kim. As for Baiboon, he sat at the edge of the pool and chatted with Kim, who was swimming around him. Kim also looked at Kamol from time to time.

"Kim is tired now. He has been playing in the water for a long time. It doesn't look good" Kamol said, and Kim jumped out of the pool.

"You guys just sit and drink and eat together. Tomorrow afternoon we will return. I'll take Kim to my room" said Kamol, seeing that it was very late. Kim would have to shower and change again.

"Yes" replied Kom, before Kamol took Kim to his room.

"It's better to shower together" said Kamol and Kim nodded. Kamol put the hot water in the basin, besides taking off his clothes to get into the tub, Kim got in as well. Kamol made Kim lean against his chest.

"Was the water okay?" Kamol asked, and Kim nodded before leaning his head back to lean on Kamol's strong shoulders in a relaxed manner. Kamol continued to massage Kim with his palms. Kim then invited Kamol to talk about something for a while.

"Kim" Kamol called out to Kim in a serious tone.

"Yes" Kim replied softly as he felt relaxed, Kamol sat up and massaged him with his palm.

"Remember you told me that if I decide to do something, I will tell you" commented Kamol as Kim frowned because he couldn't remember.

"What?" asked Kim.

"You said that if I decided to stop working in this industry, I would tell you" Kamol replied, making Kim freeze. He straightened up and immediately turned to look Kamol in the eye.

"What do you mean...are you saying...will you stop being a mobster?" Kim asked, surprised.

"I don't know. The word -mafioso- might end? But I'm not going to work illegally again. I'm getting out of the arms trade, stopping gambling takes time. That's why I wanted to tell you first." Kamol said in a serious tone. Kim looked at Kamol with trembling eyes, he didn't think Kamol would really dare to do what he asked.

"Why did you decide to give up?" Kim asked softly.

"It's because of you" Kamol said, holding Kim's hand and kissing the back of his hand softly.

"I'm going to resign for you. I don't want you to worry about this again, Kim, you know how I feel about you. You made me feel that in my life there are still people beside me to worry about. Before, I was alone, I could do anything, live or die, it was no different. Because I had no one to worry about. But when I met Mr. Kim. From the beginning I had the feeling that I liked you. But now it's more than that, I feel like I can't let you leave my side anymore" Kamol said, looking at Kim. Kim looked at Kamol with trembling eyes. His heart danced furiously.

"I don't want you to worry, I don't want you to suffer. I don't want you to have trouble with the enemies around me," Kamol said again.

"Did you really do everything for me?" Kim asked, his voice trembling. Kim's heart was now as if embraced by a feeling of ecstasy.

"I can do anything for you. But I need time. Do you understand me?" said Kamol again.

"So what will you do next...and the others? What will they do?" Kim asked, knowing full well that if Kamol stopped working the dark side in this way, it could affect many of his subordinates.

"I have spoken with Kom. I will go back to working in real estate while the others will help me work as usual. I already have other duties for everyone. You don't have to worry" Kamol replied, happy that Kim felt sympathy for his subordinates. Kim looked at Kamol in shock. He did not dream, even in his dreams, that the other person actually did what he asked.

"I... I... I don't know what to say" Kim was really speechless. He didn't know how to put into words how I feel when I hear all this from Kamol's mouth.

"Before, I used to take you to my house, make you come in. You didn't agree in the first place, but now can I ask you one more time? Are you ready to be with me of your own free will?" Kamol asked, looking at Kim with tender eyes.

"Are you sure you want to hear the answer?" Kim asked.

"More than confident" Kamol replied immediately.

"Besides, how do you feel about me? But I told you before, no matter what you answer, I will never let you go" Kamol said, causing Kim to raise an eyebrow slightly.

"Ah, in a dictatorship like this, no matter what I answer, you're doing what you want" said Kim sarcastically.

"That's fine, even if I am a dictator. By the way, don't you like my dictatorship?" Kamol asked back, Kim rode on Kamol's strong lap. Both bodies were naked under the warm water. Kim frowned his lips.

"I like it, why don't I like it?" Kim replied calmly. But Kamol heard him, the strong figure smiled.

"Hmm, what do you like? How is my dictatorship. Or do you like me?" Kamol grumbled back.

"Both" Kim said, his face flushed. Kim felt that he really liked Kamol. Not just in bed, a lot of things Kamol did for Kim, that Kim felt sincerity. Kim didn't even think he would meet Kamol. He met someone who made Kim forget the past in one night. Kim reminisced about the story with Kamol until he couldn't forget it, also that night, Kamol smiled happily. A strong hand caressed Kim's back and shoulder, then moved to rub his cheeks.

"I'm glad that you and I are on the same level" Kamol replied.

"And no matter what happens, I will never let you go. I want you to trust me" Kamol said again.

"Actually, I should thank this person" Kamol said, looking suspiciously at Kim.

"Who?" Kim asked confused.

"The person you wanted to forget his hug from. If you didn't want to forget him, you probably wouldn't have looked for someone to hug you. And we wouldn't have found each other" Kamol said softly, causing Kim to stop. Since this is still of concern to Kim, from the beginning Kim wanted to tell Kamol everything, that the person Kim wanted to forget is Day, Kamol's acquaintance.

"Khun Kamol, I have something to tell you" Kim said calmly. while thinking in his head how to start talking to Kamol, will Kamol accept?

"Hey, what's up?" Kamol asked.

"Yeah... you want to know? Who is the person I wanted to forget his hug from?" Kim asked, Kamol remained silent before shaking his head.

"There is no need for me, Kim. It's the past you want to forget and I don't want you to relive it" Kamol said seriously.

"But I have to ask you. Have you forgotten this person?" Kamol asked:

"I have forgotten. I forgot for a long time, but I have to tell you, because I am afraid... if you find out later, you will hate me" said Kim with trembling voice.

"Okay, I will never hate you. You don't have to tell me, because if you tell me, it's like digging up that person's history so you can remember them again. Which I don't want to" Kamol said seriously, leaving Kim speechless.

"We're together now. We just have to talk about ourselves, right?" Kamol said before leaning over Kim's neck to slowly move toward him.


Chapter done, next one gonna be spicy.

Also 24h before Kinnporsche new ep i'm so excited. Kim better get his brain cells to function again and go apologies to Chay.ย 

Now i'm just ranting lol, its just so many new series and trailers and i'm going crazy this year is just so full.
