After talking to Kamol, Kim handed the phone back to Day and sat down again to eat together. When they were done, they went back to the living room.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" asked Kim.

"I was going to take Brick and Salmon to the waterfall, do you want to go?" Day said, Kim was silent before slowly nodding.

"Umm... yes I want to go, I don't want to be alone, I'll get bored, I want to get some distraction" Kim muttered in a low voice, suddenly remembering Kamol's face.

"Umm, who do you want to be distracted from?" Day asked causing Kim to pause with a flushed face.

"No one, no... it's hot, I better take a shower again" Kim walked into the room. Day only sneered at him for being with Kamol. Kim felt waves of heat and shame, when he entered the room he didn't take a shower as he told Day, the slender figure stopped at the balcony door and looked out. Kim was asking himself a question: had he really forgotten Day completely? The answer he got was yes, but it was almost a whisper.

Which also surprised Kim, it took him months to get over Day, but he can't be indifferent when he is sleeping alone. He thought about Day's hug that is now only available to Brick, how much will he accept? He still feels hurt and jealous when he sees the two of them together caring for each other.

It doesn't take long for Kamol to agree to Kim's request to go and help satisfy Kim's need to forget Day's embrace, even if only for a moment to forget that pain in his chest. The longing for Day's embrace quickly subsided, and Kim believes that he will soon be able to safely tell himself that he has completely forgotten the feeling of Day's embrace.

Kamol covered Kim's need and the emptiness in his mind, but Kim still didn't dare to open up to him. He still couldn't admit his feelings for Kamol because he feared that one day Kamol wouldn't need him anymore because Kamol only wanted people who had the same taste as him. The day Kamol meets someone he likes more than Kim, that his tastes are the same, on that day, Kamol would definitely bring that person to replace Kim. Kim thinks.

"Oh" he let out a sigh of relief before turning around and walking to his bag and grabbing his phone, he saw that it was Kamol who made almost a hundred calls.

"I don't care about you, don't worry too much about me, I don't want to think about you anymore" Kim muttered in a low voice and kept the phone in the same place, he didn't return the call....




"Khun Kamol, did you call Baiboon to see something?" Baiboon asked as Kamol walked towards Baiboon to meet him in the living room.

"Sit first" Kamol replied clapping his hands on the couch next to him, Baiboon sat down giving a glance to Kom who was sitting in the distance.

"Baiboon, can you help me with something?" Kamol asked first, Baiboon made a confused face.

"Help with what?" she asked suspiciously, although he could help with anything.

"Baiboon could you give me this gift? I let Kim go on vacation with his friends first while I work" Kamol replied because Baiboon only knew that Kim had gone out with his friends because Kamol didn't have time to take care of Kim.

"Yes" replied Baiboon

"That's why Kim is angry with me and not taking my calls, so I want Baiboon to call him, ask and talk about anything, then turn on the speaker so I can hear him, can you?" Kamol said again with a still expression on his face, meanwhile Kom secretly laughed at his boss because he still had to use the young man to contact Kim.

"Am I going to use Baiboon's phone?" the young man asked because Baiboon had a phone that Kom had bought for him, he gave it to him so that when he had time at school, he could contact the house.

"Yes" Kamol answered again.

"Ok, that's why P'Kom told Baiboon to get the phone, but what if Baiboon calls, will Kim answer the call?" the young man asked worriedly.

"Trust me, he will definitely take it" Kamol said confidently because he knew Kim's personality well. Baiboon nods his head before calling Kim and putting the speaker on for Kamol to hear.

"Baiboon, what's going on?" Kim asked as he took the call, Baiboon turned to smile at Kamol.

"How are you doing, P'Kim? Are you going to sleep now?" Baiboon asked, inviting Kim to speak.

"I'm not going to sleep yet. Why aren't you sleeping yet? Don't you have school tomorrow?

"Ask Kim if he's still mad at me" Kamol told Baiboon softly not knowing that Kim could hear him whispering to Baiboon.

"It's almost bedtime, but I called P'Kim first.... Hm... Is P'Kim mad at Khun Kamol?" Baiboon asked immediately with Kamol listening intently

"Why do you ask if I'm mad at Kamol?" Kim asked suspiciously.

"Why..." Baiboon was stunned and turned to Kamol asking for opinions on how to answer because the young man did not know how to lie.

"Who told Baiboon to call? Khun Kamol, right?" Kim's voice asked before Baiboon answered.

"Umh... well" Baiboon was speechless, this made Kim finally convinced that Kamol really made Baiboon call him.

"Since when do you care more about Kamol than yourself?" Kim asked in a disgruntled tone, but it was enough for Baiboon to know his mood.

"P'Kim... aah, don't worry about it, well, Khun Kamol said that P'Kim was mad at Khun Kamol and that's why you don't want to talk to him, but Khun Kamol wants to know how P' Kim is doing, so Baiboon called to talk to Kim now" Baiboon said with many tones in his voice because he was afraid that Kim would be mad at him.

"Is he sitting next to Baiboon?" Kim asked again.

"Uh... ah..." Baiboon answered softly.

"And you're on speakerphone, right?" Kim asked again.

"Isn't my wife super smart?" Kamol muttered to Baiboon.

"Khun Kamol!!! Why do you enjoy making me so angry? Why do you have to bother Baiboon? Tomorrow Baiboon has class, why are you playing with the boy?" Kim's voice came out of the phone. Kamol and the subordinates who were in the distance stiffened. Kom smiled because his own boss had been scolded by his wife for disturbing Baiboon's sleep.

"If you don't answer the phone, how can we talk?" Kamol said through the phone that Baiboon was holding.

"I won't answer it if you call me!!! Let's just talk face to face, I won't talk to you on the phone, that's all. Oh, Baiboon can go to sleep now, otherwise he'll wake up late tomorrow" Kim finished speaking and immediately hung up. Baiboon smiled dryly and looked at Kamol, but Kamol was not the least bit angry or offended. Instead, he laughed in his throat and reached out to gently rub Baiboon's head.

"There, that's my wife. I can't touch him yet" Kamol said good-naturedly before standing up and stretching. "I heard my wife's voice screaming and now I have the energy to keep working. Kom go take Baiboon home and then come see me in my office" Kamol said turning to tell Kom before walking into his office leaving his subordinates standing before looking at each other in disbelief.__________________________

The next morning...

After that he hung up with Baiboon and Kamol. Kim couldn't sleep, he struggled in frustration, he wanted to call back and yell at Kamol to get rid of his frustration, but he had to control himself. He fell asleep at 3am and woke up when Day knocked on his door at 8am to wake him up.

"Hey, you look like someone who didn't get enough sleep" Day greeted as Kim, after showering and getting dressed, left the room.

"Well, I could barely sleep when it hit 3am" Kim replied.

"Have you been talking to anyone?" Day asked in a normal tone.

"I haven't talked to anyone, I just couldn't sleep" Kim replied immediately, Day showed a smile on his lips.

"You probably miss someone so much that you can't sleep" Day said again, making Kim's face pale.

"Brick, get Ai'Day and take him away, he's not hearing right this morning" Kim turned to Brick who was combing Salmon's hair.

"Day, why are you making fun of Kim? Then why couldn't Kim sleep? Is the bed uncomfortable?" Brick turned around to see his lover and Kim, who was a little embarrassed.

"No, nothing, I was just lying down and thinking for a while" Kim said softly before changing the subject, and went to talk to Salmon. All preparations done, Day took them to visit Than Mayom waterfall, in the afternoon he took them back to sit at the hotel pool, Kim sat and talked with Brick and Salmon making him forget Kamol for a moment, when Salmon asked Day to swim in the water, Kim also came down to play, he took off his shirt and put on his swimsuit and then went swimming with Salmon.ย 

Kim's soft skin caused many youngsters to turn to look at him with interest. As for Brick, he was sitting talking to Day about something that Kim couldn't help but wonder what it was, but when Brick came down to play in the water, Day was forced to wear a T-shirt.

"Kim, put your shirt on, you can be sure that if I let you take your shirt off and swim, it will kill me" Day said throwing Kim's shirt into the water.

"I don't know, I don't want to wear it anyway" Kim immediately refused.

"Then I will call him and tell him that you took off your shirt to seduce a young foreigner" Day threatened causing Kim to immediately put on the shirt that was floating in the water while swearing at Day, but silently because he didn't want Salmon to hear the rude words he was saying. He put the shirt on because he doesn't want to have a problem, that Kamol will blame him for something because Kim is the one who is angry with Kamol.

After swimming in the pool, Kim and Salmon continued to swim in the sea until Day called them, so they went back to their room to shower and get dressed.Day ordered food for the room, Kim didn't care or think anything of it, he just thought Day saw that they were exhausted, so he ordered the food for them to eat in the room....



"Day, after Salmon went out in the sun like that, I doubt sunscreen will hold up" said Brick's voice.

"That's why I didn't want him to take off his shirt and throw it in the water" Day grumbled a little.

"Get a towel soaked in skim milk and put it on him, that might help" said Kim because he had previous experience.

"I don't think the hotel wants to give it to us" said Day.

"I'll go out and buy it at the convenience store" Kim offered to buy it.

"No, I'm not letting you go anywhere" Day said leaving Kim confused.

"I'm going" Kim said stubbornly.

"You can't go" Day ordered again, making Kim even more suspicious.

"Then what should we do? Wait until tomorrow? Salmon is scratching" Brick said. Day frowned.

"I will go out and buy it myself, you two stay with Salmon in the room, you will not open the door for anyone, understand?" Day ordered again.

"Why are you giving us orders as if someone is going to do something to us?" Kim asked suspiciously.

"Come on, we better hurry up and fix Salmon, I'll be gone in a bit" Day said before grabbing his wallet and leaving. Brick immediately locked the door.

"What's up Brick?" Kim asked, surprised at Day's worried expression.

"It's nothing Salmon, you better wait for P'Day in your room, I'll put some cream on you to make the burning go away" Brick told his nephew before taking him to the room where they slept, then Kim went to get a towel and wrapped ice in the fridge and went with Brick to put it on Salmon.

Toc.... Toc....

There was a knock on the bedroom door causing Kim to look at Brick in surprise because Day had just left earlier.

"I'll check first" Brick said before leaving the room, so Kim sat up and put the towel on Salmon's back, then stood up and followed Brick. When he came out, he saw that Brick was still standing in front of the door without opening it.

"What?" Kim asked

"She says she is coming to clean the dishes, P'Kim" He turned to Kim.

"Ok, then let him in" Kim said extending his hand to the door.As soon as Kim opened the door, some people came in and slammed the door, causing Kim to take a step back.

"P'Kim, hide in the room quickly!!!" Brick immediately shouted, before kicking the first person who entered.

"Hey... who are you guys?" Kim shouted as he reached out and pulled Brick worriedly.

"Come with us, if you don't want to get hurt" the two men said in a deep voice. Kim and Brick ran into the room, but Kim was dragged by the hair until he felt pain and numbness all over his head.

"Let him go!" Brick shouted before turning to help Kim. Kim confided an unwilling blow, turning to kick the man's belly and pull his hair, causing the other party to take a moment to let go of Kim's hair, but Kim still hadn't moved much. The other party blocked Kim's neck and Kim struggled even more using his elbow to hit the other party, so they let go.

"Uncle Brick" Salmon's voice sounded, along with the small figure of a child peeking out of the room, Kim was surprised and worried, he didn't expect Salmon to come out of his room.

"Salmon, go into the room!" Brick's voice said to his nephew, causing Brick to lose concentration and be beaten by the other party, Kim was shocked to see Brick being beaten until his mouth broke.

"Hey, don't do anything against my Nong, you want me? I'll go with you, but don't do anything against him." Kim shouted at the man and agreed to stop fighting because he knew the intruders wanted him.

"Take him away" The man who was punching Brick said to the other, but Brick refused, standing up and pulling Kim immediately.

"Uncle Brick... hug... Uncle Brick" Said Salmon who saw the incident that happened in front of him, he was so surprised that he started crying because of the chaos that was happening. When Brick wanted to pull Kim, then it was Salmon to want to save his Uncle Brick, but he was thrown to the ground, Salmon was captured to negotiate.

"Brick, that's enough" Kim told Brick, Kim didn't want Brick to fight with the other person anymore. Kim doesn't want anyone to suffer because of him. When he saw that Brick had already agreed, the man captured Kim and put two handkerchiefs on Kim's back, leaving him motionless. Kim was taken to a car parked in front of the village.

"Can't you make it a little softer?" Kim said, the other party's voice hardening as he was pushed hard into the car, he quickly turned to look at Brick and Salmon who were standing in front of the village, worried.

Why at a moment like this did Khun Kamol's face appear? Kim thought of Kamol even though it was impossible for Kamol to come and help him, he could only hope that Day would come back soon....



"P'Kom, let me go first" Day said in a low voice while standing with Kom and Kamol not far away, Kamol called Day to set up a meeting in front of the hotel not thinking that the other party would act faster than I expected, but it is not too late for Kamol to help.

"Kom, let Day handle it" Kamol said in a monotone tone because he was confident in the abilities of his former subordinate. Kamol's prepared gaze fell on Kim, who was being led to the car, his eyes gleaming, but he tried to suppress his emotions so as not to do anything to ruin his plan.

"Everyone disperse as quietly as possible and do it when you can" Kamol said calmly. Before his subordinates are distributed to all the trees, Kamol stood up and looked at Day who was still holding a knife to the neck of the man who imprisoned the boy, Brick walked in and picked up Salmon, he took him back to the room.

And things happened as Kamol expected, when the person who picked up Kim got down from the car to look for his friend. Kamol's subordinates attacked immediately, without the other waiting, in fact, Kamol would like to join this attack, but Kom stopped him, because the subordinates want to do so themselves, Kamol stood by and watched his own people take control of the situation. Kamol went to the car where Kim was detained. Kamol opened the car door to get Kim out.

Kim was a little confused when he saw the chaos outside, but when he saw Kom, Kim immediately looked for the head of that group, but didn't see that Kamol was there. Causing a slight superficial indignation, but after a while, he saw Kamol walk straight to open the car door. Kim's heart shook violently, he really didn't think Kamol would come when Kamol ducked into the car to pull Kim out. Kim forgot to kick Kamol in the stomach because his hands were tied. Kamol pushed the tissues away a little.

"Crazy person! Why did you come?" Kim yelled at Kamol immediately. Kamol also shook his head slowly and smiled because he understood Kim's mood at that moment.

"Shh, don't worry Kim... go see Brick in the room" Kamol said finishing untying Kim, Kim shook his head before going straight to the room because he was worried about Brick and Salmon.

"P'Kim, are you okay? What's wrong?" Brick's voice sounded, he was hugging Salmon, he turned around and cheerfully told Kim he was entering the room. Kim looked at Brick and Salmon with guilt as she sat on the bed next to Brick.

"I'm fine, Kamol brought someone to help you" Kim replied.

"What about Day?" he immediately asked about his lover.

"Day broke up with Khun Kamol, I think he will take care of them first, Brick, what's wrong?" Kim asked Brick gently stroking Salmon's head. The boy sobbed into Brick's chest.

"It's okay, it's okay" he said to reassure Kim, Kim gave him a soft smile.

"I'm sorry for putting Brick and Salmon in danger" Kim said.

"No need to apologize Kim, Kim did nothing wrong, those people were wrong, if he wasn't worried about Salmon, he would have helped Day knock them to the ground" Brick said resolutely. Then he turned to comfort the frightened Salmon.

A little later Day and Kamol came in. Kim looked at Kamol angrily, but deep in his heart he was secretly happy to see the person come to help him. Brick raised his hands to greet Kamol, Day went straight to look at Brick with concern.

"Sorry Day, sorry Brick, I am the cause of this problem" Kim said softly before turning to Kamol.

"It's because of you, Kamol" Kim said to Kamol.

"What did I do wrong?" Kamol asked with a small smile.

"Think for yourself" Kim said angrily.

"Er... let's talk later, Kim... I'm sorry you got hurt like that, Brick" Kamol said to Kim before apologizing to Brick.

"Is there anything to make it up to me?" Brick asked jokingly.

"Would you like to ask for something? You can ask for Day, I'll arrange it for you" Kamol replied.

"I'm not asking for anything as long as they don't take Day to work with you" He said in a serious tone, Kamol smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, no matter how much I want Dayman back, he definitely won't go with me because Dayman cares about you too much, more than anything" Kamol said again making Brick smile.

"Day, I will be hosting your lunch tomorrow, oh, tonight I would like to sleep here in your room" Kamol said again, causing Kim to abruptly turn to Kamol.

"How will you sleep?" Kim asked immediately.

"I will sleep with you" Kamol replied immediately, he knew that this room had two separate rooms and that Kim slept in the other room of course.

"Are you crazy? Go find another room for you to sleep in, Khun Kamol" Kim said with a flushed face when he saw Brick looking at them smiling from the edge of the bed.

"What? I can't sleep with my wife?" Kamol said with a blank expression, this made Kim feel embarrassed at the look on Day and Brick's face.

"Let's talk outside... Day, let's sleep together, don't worry about me" Kim finally said before leaving Day's room, Kamol following right behind. As soon as they left Day's room, Kim immediately turned to look at Kamol.

"Why did you come, Kamol?" Kim asked in a deep voice.

"Shh, let's talk in the living room, we are still in front of Dayman's room, the noise will bother the child" Kamol said turning around and grabbing Kim's thin waist, immediately taking him into the next room, without Kim being able to keep pace as he entered the room. Kim stepped back to meet Kamol's eyes.

"Are you angry with me again? Hm, you told me that if I wanted to talk, we would talk face to face, I'm here" Kamol replied and sat down on the bed in a relaxed manner.

"I'm not mad at you for that!" Kim said in a stern voice.

"Then why are you angry?" Kamol asked.

"You know! You knew these things could happen! And you even sent me to Ai'Day. I almost hurt Day and Brick's nephew, don't you see?" Kim said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, I don't think anyone else had thought about attacking me lately" Kamol said bluntly, because at first he was only thinking about Chen, he didn't think Danai would use this moment to secretly attack him through Kim.

"Anyone else? Do you have problems with someone else, Khun Kamol? Do you have to live in the middle of attacks all the time?" Kim said angrily and was also quite concerned about Kamol's situation.

"I don't know, it's a matter of..." Kamol was about to say something

"A matter that is only about you, are you going to say that? If it's just about you, why do you have hair?" Kim said in disbelief and dismay.

