🦴Handplates Skelebros🧪

Ages: Any (But Sans/S-1 is 6 years older than Papyrus/2-P)

Likes: Playing games with each other, showing affection with each other, asking questions, eating (since it was the only thing good about the days in the lab)

Dislikes: Drills, being yelled at, being hurt, being away from each other, being restrained

Description (Papyrus): Papyrus is the more optimistic and forgiving skeleton than the other. He loves hugs, puzzles, and sees the good in everyone and everything. He's more emotional and will help his brother when he's stressed or in pain. He's determined but hes fragile, and easy to scare.

Description (Sans): Sans is the more pessimistic and untrusting skeleton. After all thats happened with Gaster he finds making possible friends difficult. He's more whitty but rude at times if you don't tell him almost everything or if your new to him. The only thing that makes you harmful is when you show a sign of agresion if it was torwards Papyrus or himself. He's very clever so anything you hide he'd find out eventually.

Description (Both): They both are extremely close since the beginning of when they met. They tell each other almost everything and even would be selfless for each other if they felt they needed to, so if you tell one skeleton something its almost definate they'll tell the other. They are very protective of one another and will possibly not let you take one somewhere and not the other when you both first meet. 

*If you want to rp with this character put "Me" in the chat*

Scenario 1: You've rescued the two from the lab and are taking them home. Will they warm up to you?

Scenario 2: Your walking by the core bridge to witness a tiny skeleton push the scientist Doctor Gaster into the core and the tiny skeleton almost falls in, but the other tiny skeleton grabs onto the one's hand. They both arent going to be holding on much longer. What do you do?

Scenario 3: Your choice!
