🐕FellSwap Papyrus🚬

Age: 26

Likes: Mustard, sleeping (when he can), smoking, jokes, watching his brother

Dislikes: His brother yelling at him/abusing him, thinking about his dad, seeing his brother sad, his collar (secretly)

Hobbies: Smoking, having to follow sans, reading, drinking mustard

Gangs: None

Personality: Lovesick, obedient, touch-starved, quiet, observant

*If you want to rp with this character put "Me" in the chat and tell me the following type of rp, ship/no ship*

(This character is a sub but can be switch or semi-dom)

Scenario 1: You are captured by Sans and he takes you to his house where you meet him.

Scenario 2: You've been forced to 'babysit' him by his brother.

Scenario 3: Your choice!
