Chapter 16- Let run down to memory lane

Chara softly yawns as the sun beams through the window and into her face, the warm fuzzy feeling made her almost tired again until a small cry made her eyes widened. Her motherly instincts kicked in and hoped off bed to see her children, she sighed then smiled as she realized the pacifier from one of the cribs fell down.

She eyed the color and looked between the two, one of the twins, Cherry, were feeling around with one hand and where she felt it last and whimpers as her hand touched the air off of the crib. Gently, Chara placed the pacifier to Cherry's lips and smiled when she opens her mouth to teeth into it.

Frisk opened the door after Chara placed the blanket of Cherry,"Did something happened?" He asked as he took a sip from his coffee, Chara shook her head and stared at the coffee in his hand, "You usually don't drink coffee, what's the occasion?" Frisk twitched one of his eyes and ruffled his hair before taking another sip.

Chara stared at him confused before frowning, "you stayed up all night?" Chara asked worried, Frisk stared at the widows in the room and nodded.

"I mean the reports of the A-Anti monsters cult have been filling more in my I-Inbox recently." Frisk stutters through all of the caffeine in his systems, Chara crossed her arms and gave him a stern glare, Frisk raised an eyebrow and took another sip,"What?" He asked confused. She took the mug out of his hand and pulled him on the bed, "ever since we were young and when you were involved with the anti monsters experiments, you been very cautious after Cherry and Frost were born."

Frisk stood up and held her shoulders, "I C-Can't even risk any harm on the three of y-you!" Chara placed the mug on the nightstand and took his hands off of her shoulders, "look at you! The caffeine is getting into your system this isn't healthy for you." Frisk opened his mouth but Chara placed her finger on his lips, " Focus more about the children then the dangers that are threatened you."

Frisk frowns before mumbling 'sorry' under his breath, "it's okay." She hugged him and smiled, Frisk returns the hug before letting go. "Now then let's get rid of that sugar in your body." Frisk looked confused,"How?" Chara dragged him out of the room, she walked him downstairs towards the living and into the front door. She giggled as she pushed him outside and smirked, "Now take a jog or something and your not coming back until..." Chara glanced at the clock near the door frame, "15 minutes."

"Good luck!" Chara smiled before closing the door and locking it.

Now where to start? Frisk tapped his chin and looked around, a smile grew on his face when his eyes landed on Mt. Ebott. Now that was going to be some exercise he's gonna have. Almost instantly he made his way to the dirt trail towards the mountain and smelled the piney tree scent, when he enter were the Barrier once was he smiled from the recalled memories and booked it inside.

The throne room was where he met Asgore, Frisk took the elevator down and went out to a black stage, this is where he battled mettaton and everything was explained why the shows were 'rigged' by doctor Alphys, then Frisk went past the MTT Resort and through the different elevators to the Tv show sets he was in and made it to muffet's room and bake sale. Frisk smiled when he spotted the same lab where he met Alphys and mettaton along with the amalgamates in the true lab, he went past Sans station through waterfall from the garbage dump to Undyne's old house to the echo flowers towards snowdin. When the cold breeze hit him Frisk felt the sweat from his face cool down, he remembered when Papyrus tried to capture him through the puzzles he planted in the snow, past the dog sentries and through the forest was the ruins door. Frisk gain his strength to push the old door and fell to the ground when it slipped from his shoulder, he gain the smile and went upstairs into the old homey house, the puzzled recalled the fun times he and Chara had when they first met before he past where he met flowey and into the patch of golden flowers.

This is where everything started.

They met here.

They were first friends here.

When they both experienced love at first sight.

When he revived her.

When their first kiss happened.

When he proposed.

Now that he thought about it, Toriel said it was common for red souls to experience true love at first sight because the DETERMINATION is very passionate about love, the combination of our being.

He smiled at the memories before check his clock on his phone and ran back home to return to his family.

Frisk heavily pants as the caffeine wore off and made him exhausted, the jog was really useful but tiring, it took him the whole underground and towards his house to made him this tired. "I hope Chara has a reward for this, but it's really my fault for staying up all night." Frisk knocked at the door then waited as soft footsteps made its way to the door, he smiled when Chara waited with a towel and a fresh cold bottle of water.

Frisk walked inside, closed the door, then grabbed items she provided him. Chara giggled when he pouted at her as he chugged the bottled and wiped his face off, "Now if you do this again you won't getting any refreshments." Frisk huffed before smiling softly, "Okay..." he mumbled quietly.

"Oh! I forgot something!" Frisk wrapped the towel around his neck and held the empty bottle, "What is it?" Chara pecked his lips which surprised him before he melted into the kissed and held it longer then it should, Chara pushed him away immediately when the soft crying came from their room.

"Mom mode activated." Chara said before dashing into their room without hesitation, "Pfft, and she said I was acting like a mom." That was until another crying was heard, Frisk ran upstairs and quickly made it to his newborns.
