Chapter 14- Two small beans

Frisk frowns as the gray clouds started to sprinkle water droplets onto the earth's ground and flourish the plants, he shook his head and pushed the acceleration down as he rushed into the park lot outside of the tall building with a cross, he parked and stepped out of his car to enter the hospital in quick breaths, once he saw the front desk Frisk walked up to the lady and caught her attention by waving. She looked up and down for a moment before going back to her computer and handing him a card with a room number and a fresh bottle of water, he thanked her and took sips of water while going to the room Chara was in.

Frisk stopped when a group of Monsters and humans were waiting outside a door, Asriel waved from his seat and pointed towards the room with a smile, Frisk glared at Asriel and pulled his ears, Asriel yelped and apologized to Frisk. When He was satisfied he let goes of the floppy ears and quietly enter the room.

Frisk could easily spotted the two boss monsters waiting on each side of his wife, he approached the little group and felt his eyes welled up with tears as he stared at the two small twins sleeping.

"Frisk Don't cry yet..." Chara giggled quietly and exhausted, Frisk fans his eyes and shook his head, "I'm not crying!!! I just caught something in my eyes." He whispers lowly, "and what is it?" The corners of Chara's lips turned into a small smile, "Tears..." Frisk wheezed out.

She giggled again and slowly rocked the small children in her arms, Asgore moved out of the way as Frisk approached the three quietly and weeps as he covers his mouth with his hands, Chara grabbed one of his arms weakly and slipped in one of the smaller version of himself. Frisk giggled and held the small child wrapped in a blue blanket close, Chara slipped in the other child but wrapped in pink on the other side.

He stared down at the two and they started adjusting to the feeling of another person's arms and warmth, they whimpered a bit as cold air flew threw their faces, Chara smiled grew a little as Frisk felt his eyesight got blurry again, He felt his soul shattered into a thousand of pieces and felt the tears falling down from his cheeks.

"I know they're precious but your going to wake them up..." she whispers, noticing the two grimaced at the sudden feel on the cold tears dropping on their cheeks, The small newborn in the pink blanket stuck a small hand out from the warm blanket and moved it around a bit touching a big finger in their little hands, they soon stuck it in their mouth and started suckling on it.

Frisk smiled widely and glanced at Chara which she giggled before blinking slowly and yawns, Toriel noticed this and gently smiled, "I suggest we leave Chara here to rest." The two other adults nodded as Chara silently snoozed, Toriel stopped Frisk from moving, "which means we have to leave the twins to rest too." Frisk opened his mouth to say something but Toriel took the twins and handed them to a nurse.

"But my—!" Toriel grabbed his arms and dragged him out of the room, "No! Wait! We didn't get to named them!" Frisk farrows his brows together as Toriel closed the door afterwards, "it's best for Chara to get plenty of rest." Frisk huffed, crosses his arms and pouted as Asriel smirked.

Frisk knocked the phone out of his hand and received a glared from Toriel, a doctor came out of the room next door and placed the clipboard away from the patient they were aiding, they turned around and softly gasped, "are you here for Chara Dreemurr?" Toriel nodded and a smiled lit up the doctor's face.

"Very well then!" They grabbed the clipboard from outside where Chara was staying and flipped the pages, "is Frisk Amour here?" Frisk stopped pouting and stood up with a hand on his chest, "That will be me." The doctor turned their head towards them and motion them towards them, "I would just need you for a Moment alone for a few minutes."

Frisk with the Doctor a few good feet away from the waiting photographers and news people, "Now if you thinking I'm giving you bad news because she was not due on her due date you're wrong, but since she was early her determination has be wasted a bit while giving birth." Frisk sighed in relief, "The twins are healthy and their souls has nothing wrong with them despite you use to having The Black Death." Frisk looked at the paper the doctor handed them. "These are the stats of the twins if you were curious, and since you weren't here for the birth the baby girl was first to be born." Frisk looked over the stats and smiled, it was much more then he was as a newborn.

"Chara will have to stay here for a couple of days before she can go home, we just need to have some test over her to see if she nothing is wrong with her and she will be ready to go back home along with the twins." Frisk nodded, the doctor waved goodbye and smiled, "have a nice day!"

Frisk waved goodbye and felt a fleshy arm go around his neck in a rough way, "congrats! I never thought you ever grown even more!" Brendan said as he wipes an imaginary tear away, Frisk chuckled a bit, "I'm just a year younger..." James moved his hat away from his eyesight and smiled, "but you're a father now! And lil' Frisk is all grown up!" His childhood friends picked him up from the ground a bit and hugged him all together.

"Guys! You're embarrassing me!" They all laughed and watched as Frisk pouted and stomped away with a red face all the way to his car.
