Chapter 33

Hello everyone, welcome to a new chapter today I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. So I know I forgot to update Take A  Closer Look, uh I am actually gonna take a break updating it because I want to focus on updating this book more often since it is Pride Month it is also summer break so I have a lot of time on my hands so I really want to update this book more often, therefore, Take A Closer Look is on a small break. 

 So in today's chapter, I kinda left the last chapter on a crappy note but I had to end the chapter I wanted to hurry up and send out the chapter because it was super late and the word count was long so I didn't want to drag on the story. We will pick up where we last off, Barry captures Pied Piper but Tony is interested in what Piper said about Wells' secret. I have to admit bringing Tony was a good thing because in the tv show I kept screaming at the tv saying 'why can't you figure it out Barry!!' because it was pretty dumb that Barry a detective basically couldn't figure out that there was something up with Wells and having Tony and Steve work together (as allies sort of) to help expose Wells and have cool crossovers. Now the whole situation with the Cap's shield I have a slight surprise later on in this book that gives Steve a reason to use the Wakandan shields instead...but that is like chapters away...very...long away

But anyway here is the chapter



Steve's Pov

So, The Flash likes me and I am starting to like him back which is bad because my heart belongs to Barry Allen, not The Flash but I couldn't help but blush after what he said to me, saying that my eyes are beautiful I couldn't help but look down at his lips for some odd reason his lips look so familiar, looks so soft...and so kissable if only I could just-

"Would you two stop eye Fucking each other and fucking help me!" Tony shouted getting hit with the guy's waves. 

I broke out of my thoughts and looked at The Flash "We should uh help him" I said clearing my throat

"Right o-o-of course Captain Gorgeous- I meant Gorgeous America-I meant-I got this," The Flash said and flashed off tackling the guy, Hartley, to the ground and taking off his gauntlets and placing cuffs on him. Well, that was easy. I met up with Tony who looked at me, ugh I can totally see his 'Famous Captain America got distracted by red-leather speedster' face. 

"Not a word," I said to him

"Hey Flashy, where are you taking that young man?" Tony asked

"Taking him back to S.T.A.R. Labs we have a prison-like cell' The Flash replied

"Can I meet you there? I have some questions for this young man" Tony asked. The Flash gave Tony a weird as did I.

"Um yeah sure I'll see you there Tony," Flash said and scooped Hartley up off of his feet.

"Ooo" Hartley cooed placing his hand on Flash's chest which caused me to growl.

"Uh...h-h-hands to yourself" Flash stuttered before flashing off

"See you at home Cap," Tony said and flew off. 

Barry's Pov

I looked behind me and saw Tony flying trying to keep up. I felt Hartley scan his hand up and down my leather-covered chest which made me blush.

"I-I- I said hands to yourself," I said to him

"Hmm so are you single?" Hartley asked. I sighed in annoyance and flashed back to S.T.A.R Labs. I walked out of the elevator guiding Hartley in.

"Being scooped up by a guy clad in head-to-toe leather is a long-time fantasy of mine, so thanks," Hartley said smirking I rolled my eyes and felt Tony walk in behind me. Hartley looks at the team "Well, well, well the gang's all here, you've lasted a longer than I would've thought Cisco" Hartley said looking at Cisco. 

"And you didn't last ten seconds against The Flash" Cisco said crossing his arms

"I was thinking of calling myself Pied Piper," Hartley said smirking

"Hey! I assign the nicknames around here...although that one's not bad" Cisco said. Hartley turned to Caitlin

"Caitlin, I never got that wedding invite," He said giving her a smug look which made Caitlin look sad. 

"Shut the hell up," I said to him pushing him forward only to get stopped

"Wait I picked something up on my scanner," Tony said "some sort of foreign metallic object in your ears," He said looking at his gauntlet.

"Take them out," Cisco said 

" I suffered from head trauma when S.T.A.R. Labs exploded. My hearing was severely damaged. without these, I'm in pain you can't imagine." He said. Cisco was hesitant but let me take Hartley to the pipeline, Tony was following behind

"You said you know Wells' secret I want to know that secret," Tony said which grabbed my attention. I looked at Tony and glared

"So I was right about you spying on him" I growled out Tony waved his hand at me like 'not now' I felt Hartley smirked. I threw Hartley in the cell and closed it

"Feels good to have the great Harrison Wells behind you doesn't it? But one day he will turn on a won't see it coming. I only hope that he leaves you in better shape than he left me. If you're lucky, you'll only be dead. Because every day I have to live with the agonizing, piercing screaming in my ears" Tony and I looked at Hartley. I walked back into the main room with Tony. 

"Well, Hartley was telling the truth. I have not been honest with you. with any of you." Wells said

"I knew it!" Tony yelled. I stood there in shock. 

"The accelerator...Hartley warned me that there was indeed a chance that the accelerator could explode. His data did not show 100% certainty, just that there was a risk, but it was a real risk. And yet I made the decision that the reward... that... everything we could learn and everything we could achieve, that all of that... simply outweighed that risk. I'm sorry." Wells confessed. Tony stood there confused like that wasn't the confession he was looking for...the way he is investigating him is concerning me but that didn't matter anymore I looked at Wells with anger in my eyes. 

"Then the next time you choose to put our lives, and the lives of the people that we love, at risk, I'll expect a heads up. After the explosion, when everyone else left you... Caitlin and Cisco stood by you. You owe them more than an apology." I said angrily I was so angry at Wells that I didn't see Tony sneak out of the lab. I ended the conversation quickly and walked out of the lab to meet up with Iris at Jitters. I walked in and was greeted by Steve was working behind the counter I went up there and ordered my coffee before sitting down and wait for Iris. 

"Why the long face Barry?" Steve asked me putting my coffee down

"Just...a long day," I said sighing

"Same here, been covering shifts for some people and Tony is getting on my nerves so" Steve said 

"Hmm yeah same here, he was at the crime scene at Wells' house after a break-in only to find out he was spying on Wells I don't know why but I am starting to not like the fact he is looking for something to expose Wells," I said slightly pissed

"Tony told me about that, he also said he helped you with some sort of lead?" Steve asked

"He was doing that to cover his tracks," I said sipping my drink

"Hmm alright I'll have a talk with him and tell him to back off maybe force him back to New York," Steve said I nodded and said thank you to him and he went back to take more orders. 

"I am having the worse day ever," Iris said walking to the table I am sitting at

"We both can't be having the worst day ever. Okay?" I said sighing

"And I was really looking forward to getting some good complaining in" Iris sighed

"Well fire away," I said. Iris then told me that the people only hired her because of her supposed connection to The Flash which she denied to cover my tracks she also said she is working with Mason Bridge who is someone she has liked for a very long time and is complaining about how much of a dick he is.

"Honestly I should've asked Eddie brock if he had positions opened," Iris said

"You could've but then you would have to travel around the world doing journalist stuff and possibly live in New York or Los Angeles and I don't think Joe could handle that especially since you moved out already he doesn't want you going too far," I said and she sighed I looked at her and told her how much I believed in her and how she can be a better writer than Mason and better reporter/journalist than Eddie Brock himself.

"Thanks, Barry having someone believe in me is uh a really big thing," She said and I nodded with a smile. She looked off and saw Steve and smiled widely and went over there. I watched those two talk when I felt my phone buzzed and answered

"Hey What's up?" I asked 

"Listen to me Hartley escaped. He's loose in the facility." Caitlin said in a full panic mode. I quickly hung up and looked around to make sure it was safe for me to Flash out, okay there is not that many people here, in fact, it is literally just me, Iris, and Steve. I took a deep breath and prayed that Steve doesn't see and flashed out. 

I flashed into S.T.A.R. Labs and saw Caitlin on the ground I helped her up "Hey you okay?" I asked

"Yeah uh, Cisco and Dr. Wells," She said I flashed out to find Cisco and Dr. Wells. I saw Dr. Wells in the middle of the hall.

"He's gone," Wells said I huffed a breath before flashing out to look for Cisco who was laying on the floor in the pipeline, the cell holding Hartley was blown to pieces. I quickly grabbed Cisco and flashed him to the med bay. Moments later Cisco woke up and rubbed his head, it was clear that he had a concussion. He looked around

"Caitlin?" He asked 

"Hey she's fine you need to rest you have a concussion," I said to him and he groaned in response.  I sighed 

"I guess the attack on his father's company was a fake-out so we'd catch him and give him full access to S.T.A.R. Labs but..why?" Wells asked

"I should've known he was up to something. This is my fault." Cisco said

"Hey, man. This is on me, too. I shouldn't have left before" I said

"This is no one's fault but mine. I earned the blame... I'm not interested in sharing it. Hartley doesn't think I've paid for my crimes. And he's right." Wells said before going out

"Where are you going?" I asked 

"To earn back your trust" Wells said before leaving.

A few minutes later Dr. Wells appeared on tv and talked about the Particle Accelerator during a Press Conference. 

"The truth is... I was warned there was a chance the particle accelerator might fail. I was warned by a former colleague... a friend. I chose to ignore the warning and in so doing, I let down all of you. As a new friend pointed out... I failed this city. I failed this city and I failed those who trusted me the most. By coming forward today... it's my hope I'm taking the first step toward regaining that trust." Wells said using a small quote that Oliver always says to criminals. I turned away from the tv and sighed.

Steve's Pov 

Iris was talking to me about her day which was the worst day according to her I felt bad and gave her 2 cups of coffee on the house I always noticed that Barry disappeared all of a sudden

"Hey, where did Barry go?" I asked

"Um looks like he had to know how Barry is he is always on call and has to get an early start so he can show up late," Iris said chuckling. I couldn't help but smile at her remark. I heard the door open 

"Sorry Jitters is closed," I said

"Oh shame you should lock the door next time," Tony said I looked at him

"I have to get going," Iris said looking at her phone "there is a press conference going on," She said and walked out leaving me and Tony alone.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Well you weren't at home or at Big Belly Burger so I figure you were doing a late shift," Tony said leaning against the counter "I got Wells to confess but it wasn't the confession we were looking for," He said I looked at him

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You are about to find out," Tony said and flipped on the tv and there was a live press conference going on. Tony and I watched the press conference, Wells confessed about how he knew about the Particle Accelerator going to exploded and that he was warned but he ignored it. I balled my hand up in a fist are you telling me that he knew about it but didn't do anything and people got hurt or died from the explosion. I mean Barry almost died well did die a few times because of the explosion. 

"That bastard," I said Tony looked at me but didn't say 'language' because he knew if he did he will get punched.

"I'm pretty pissed at him too Cap, trust me," Tony said turning off the tv once Wells was done giving his speech. "Trying to prove to everyone that he can be better than me you know if he called me and asked to help with his project we wouldn't be in this mess," Tony said shaking his head I sighed. He is right Tony would've made S.T.A.R. Labs part of Stark Industries and probably have a company war with Queen Industries but we wouldn't be in this mess if he had helped Wells.

"Well we got one confession out of him, we need to get him to confess again, tell the world who he really is," I said and Tony nodded. 

Barry's Pov

After the conference Wells returned to S.T.A.R. Labs. Cisco was busy trying to figure out what Hartley wanted from here even though Cisco should've been resting. Since all we are doing was waiting around for any signs of Hartley I decided to check to see if I got any messages from a certain someone. I sighed seeing zero messages, I miss Steve but I couldn't help but feel guilty after my encounter with Captain America I can't believe I almost kissed him after I flirted with him what is wrong me? I keep telling myself that Steve is the one, he is that one guy I ever fell in love within my life. And yet I turned around and almost kissed Captain America. I was broken out of my thoughts by the speakers coming on

"Nice gambit, Harrison. But this isn't over" Hartley said over speakers apparently he was listening in to whatever conversation he was having with Cisco. 

"Hartley, what do you want? What do you want, Hartley?" Wells asked snapping slightly

"The city already hated you. You don't think I noticed that press conference that was a pathetic bishop sacrifice? No, no, no. I've played with you too many times to let you get away with that." Hartley said

"This is between you, me, and The Flash. You don't want to play for those kinds of stakes with me, Hartley." Wells argued back Actually, I really do. What do you say? One last game of chess? You and I both know that the winner of the game is the one who makes the next-to-last mistake, and you clearly have a move in mind." Wells suggested during this small argument Cisco was trying to track down where

"You're right. And I'm already at the board. So why don't you move your precious scarlet knight... While I take out a few pawns." Hartley said I am guessing Hartley is about to hurt some people. 

"I suggest we should call some reinforcements" Wells suggested and looked at me

"I'm on it, Tony loves to wear his suit a lot so I'll hack into his suit, which has been an all-time dream of mine," Cisco said and began to hack away. Tony is not going to like this. I heard a lot of tires screeching and people starting to yell. I flashed out of S.T.A.R. Labs and flashed around the city trying to figure out where he is. 

"All right. All right, Cisco, where do I go?" I asked through coms

"I can't trace the signal. He could be sending his messages from anywhere. And I am trying to contact Stark but I don't think he's in his s-" Cisco started but was cut off by some weird music playing, sounds like AC/DC

"Trying to hack into my suit kid? Nice try I placed 40 different types of the firewall so people DON'T hack into my suit especially when people around the world are trying to become like you. So anyway what do you want? I am currently flying around the city" Tony asked

"We need your help, Hartley is somewhere around the city attacking people to flush me out" I explained through slight panic

"And I am guessing you can't find him?" Tony asked

"No I can't trace the signal," Cisco said

"Remind me to update your systems so you can track people better and be able to communicate with other heroes outside of your little fortress," Tony said

"That's not necessary Stark our technology is fine," Wells said 

"Is it now? I mean if you would've called me and asked for simple technology to build your stupid Particle Accelerator it wouldn't have exploded killing people create people with different mutant-like abilities and your Flashy friend here wouldn't have missed out on months" Tony said slightly angry "I mean what the hell were you trying to prove? Were you trying to prove the world that you could be better than me? Better than Stark? Well congrats Harrison Wells you showed the world that I didn't build a Particle Accelerator in my lifetime nor did my dad but you showed that you can kill people" He growled out

"Alright alright enough! People are probably dying right now because of Hartley" I said trying to break up the fight

"Right, hmm, young man uh nerdy hacker, sorry don't know your name but scan for seismic activity. If Hartley's using sonic blast, the vibrations could cause tremors." Tony suggested "Also I am calling Captain America," Tony said

"Tell him that I said Hi," I said 

"Found him! I found some sort of Quake activity but no fault line it's at the Keystone Cleveland Dam" Cisco said

"On it!" I shouted and flashed off

"I'm on my way" I heard Captain's voice through coms

"H-Hi" I stuttered through coms

"Hi Flash, so I take it Hartley escaped?" Captain asked I could hear the roaring of his motorcycle through coms

"Y-yeah he wanted to get caught," I said sighing 

"It happens Flash, back during the Avengers time we had a bunch of enemies escape like Loki for example," Captain said

"Yeah till his ass got smashed by the Hulk" I heard Tony snicker I couldn't help but grinned at that part I remember hearing about the Attack in New York back in 2012.  "I remember sending a Nuke up in space, I almost died," He said

"Yeah but you're here now and we didn't have to 'kiss' you to wake you up," Captain said

"Wait what?" I asked

"You just had to bring that up?" Tony asked

"Hey now if I was you I would like Captain kiss you, I mean I call that an honor," I said slightly blushing

"Are you guys seriously having that conversation?" Cisco asked. I forgot that he was even on coms. By the time we got on the bridge, there were people screaming and cars in the air, one woman was screaming about to fall off the bridge. I flashed over there and saved her 

"Cap get these people to safety," I said through coms, it is easier to have other heroes from different areas with me especially Captain. 

"Flash, you need to disarm Hartley immediately. Immediately! Do you hear me? He is a master of distraction. He is a master of hiding his true endgame." Wells said through coms

"Kid go I got the people," Tony said

"Ah-ha!" I heard Caitlin shout and heard Cisco say 

"Ah-ha what?" I asked helping Tony and Captain save more people

"I figured out what Hartley stole from S.T.A.R. Labs, why he let himself get caught," Caitlin said

"Which brings us to the 'uh-oh.'' Cisco said

"He has all the data on Flash's molecular scans," Caitlin said I wasn't really paying attention I was busy trying to save people

"Why would he want that?" I heard Tony ask

"He can get Flash's frequency," Caitlin said

"Flash!, you need to get out of there! You need to get out of there immediately!" Wells yelled

"Kid listen to him go!" Tony yelled but by that time I had taken down Hartley and threw his gauntlets away from him

"It's over you lose!" I shouted at him

"Amazing, he replaced me with you? Total moron. I got you with the same trick twice." Hartley smirked. I heard a loud vibrating frequency in my head. I screamed and hit the ground 

"Flash!" I heard someone yell but all I felt was vibrations in my head which caused me to cough up blood. 

"I got the idea, watching you, Cisco and Harrison chit-chat... to use your suit's own speakers to kill you." Hartley growled

"Gah!" I screamed in pain

"That feeling? That's your organs shearing apart. And you activated the frequency when you disarmed me. In chess, we call that a discovered attack. You don't see it until it's too late. Right, Harrison?" Hartley asked my vision was starting to get blurry but I saw Tony smack Hartley with his gloved hand.

"Turn it off!" Tony yelled and kept hitting him I kept screaming in pain, my insides felt like breaking apart I continue to cough up blood, I felt someone hold me 

"Stay with me Flash" I heard Captain's voice, despite the vibrations vibrating my insides and my head I can still hear Captain's voice. I could also hear Wells giving instructions to Cisco and Tony 

You don't seem so special anymore. Given how easy it was to bring you down, I wonder if Harrison will even miss you." I heard Hartley say to me and Captain growled then all I heard was static and the vibrations were slowly going away then it all stopped. I sat up

"No no no!" I heard Hartley screamed I looked over and saw Hartley holding his gauntlets which were smoking. I saw Tony tackle him to the ground and held his hands at him getting ready to blast him if needed

"Stay down you son of a bitch" Tony growled I heard Captain sign I looked at Captain and smiled

"Language Tony," I said to him

"Oh for god sake" Tony groaned.

After the intense battle that got me killed, I raced back to S.T.A.R. Labs and threw Hartley in the pipeline, Captain America went home or the night and Tony went off to do whatever Tony Stark does in his life.

"How do you feel?" Caitlin asked as soon as I walked through the door

"Fine! I mean there is a little ringing in my ears, but other than that I'm good, so..." I yelled not realizing I was yelling

"You're speaking very loud" Caitlin chuckled

"Sorry," I said quieter and chuckled 

"it's okay it'll pass," Caitlin said smiling. Cisco looked at me with a smile

"Nice moves," He said

"Thanks" I replied

"Anytime, I think I'm gonna take my doctor's advice and go lie down," Cisco said

"Great idea," Caitlin said. I smiled at those two. They both left the room leaving me and Wells.

"Man, I feel like I'm hung over times ten," I said rubbing my head. I have this huge pounding headache thanks to Hartley's stupid machines. and Wells smiled slightly "Oh hey I found out that Tony is spying on you trying to expose you for whatever reason, he got a confession out of you but I don't think it was a confession he was looking for," I said and Wells' smile disappeared 

"Thanks for the heads up Mr. Allen I'm sure Stark won't find anything else that was the only secret I had," Wells said and I nodded "I'll take care of him," He said

"Alright I'm off good night Dr. Wells," I said smiling

"See you tomorrow," Wells said as I walked off.

3rd Person POV

As Wells watched Barry walked away, he turned around and wheeled off to his secret fortress. Once he was inside he stood up from his chair and went to his computer.

"Gideon show me footage in Stark Industries in New York" Wells

"Certainly doctor" Gideon said and pulled up a live feed of Pepper Potts doing a phone conference. Wells smirked himself  "Gideon record tonight's entry," He said

"Recording now" Gideon replied

"Every hero and villain has a weakness,  like tonight where I let my guard down and had Hartley escaped but Hartley's weakness was anger, revenge which made Barry, Steve, and Tony take him down.  But hero like Tony Stark has a weakness, under all of that suit is not only a billionaire, inventor, genius, playboy, and philanthropist no, he is human and humans have one flaw that clouds their, and  Wells is staring at Tony Stark's weakness right now.

Pepper Potts...

Tony Stark is willing to do ANYTHING to assure Pepper's safety like breaking up the Avengers so he can finally start his life with Pepper, finally engaged, it would be a shame if someone was to go over there right now and end it all" Wells said to himself but took a breath "Sadly she is too important in this timeline but that doesn't mean I can't just go over there and use her as a bargain, if Tony sees Pepper in trouble he would do Anything to save her...and that includes closing the case of me, exposing me of my true identity Tony is smart I applaud him but not smart enough, he shouldn't leave Pepper all alone, defenseless, out in the open where anything can happen. Tonight Tony Stark goes home" Wells said smirking still and zoomed into his suit "End recording," Wells said with his voice disoriented and flashed off. 


Well...that got dark

But anyway I am ending the chapter here I hope you all enjoyed this, votes and comments are welcome. I update as soon as I can

See ya everyone
