harry thought carefully about how to use the potion his godfather gave him and to be honest could you ever really plan when you will need luck the most so harry decided that at the school he didn't really need the boost in luck so on the day that he was to go see Amelia Bones he downed the potion and apparated to the ministry, he was supposed to go to the check-in desk but he made a turn into a quiet hallway and was snooping in a dest before he heard someone coming, hiding under the desk harry listened silently.

"the mans a fool he cant even do the basic paperwork, he has been palming it off on me, I have been running the ministry basic functions, the man makes stupid discussions then I have to clean it up and make it work, I hate that man"

the second person a woman sighed.

"I know percy but we don't have a choice the man has our contracts we literally cant do anything, if he didn't i would help you become minister, look i have to go our minister wants his....double chocolate parfait and death by chocolate cake"

the weasily boy snorted.

"you are  one of the best workers here who is qualified and you are being used to bring sweets "

Percy sighed, it was clear this wasn't what he expected when he took the job to be secretary to the minister of magic.

"stressful working with idiots isn't it?"

the young man nodded.

"wait wha-"

he turned to see harry perched on a desk green eyes seeming to glow in the dark.

"i think we should chat"

Percy sighed and pulled out a chair.

"so you heard that I'm going to ignore what you are doing here until i hear you out, because no i didn't plan for this"

Harry smiled.

"if you had the contracts would you be able to campaign to be the minister of magic?"

"not without the seal of 3 heads of house to amend some of the clauses in them"

harrys eyes narrowed.

"and if i could get you that, could we use that to discredit the man taking photos of the contract before its amended and spreading slander?"

the young man stopped.

"what do you get out of it harry?"

harry played with a lock of his hair.

"i want you to join us, we have made a third faction that is sick of the war and dumbledores ineffective attempts at stopping this mess never getting anything done and skirting around the law when it suits him"

the young man looked at harry for a long time.

"Alright, I'm assuming that you want to use the minister's influence and power to help you do this?"

harry didn't even hesitate.


"why would you tell me this? am i not going to be a puppet"

harry snorted.

"I'm not interested in puppets if you become loyal to the cause that's great but I'm not going to leash you with lies"

the estranged weasily boy set his shoulders stood up formally and held out his hand to shake.

"then its a deal"
