~Chapter Six~

(Nora's POV)

I stepped forward, pulling together every small bit of confidence I still had. 

"Wait!" I called. The group stopped, turning to look at me.

"I want..." I trailed off, starting to get nervous.

"I want to come with you." I blurted out. The group stared at me for a moment. I could feel my confidence slipping through the cracks in the ground. Then, Moxy approached me, smiling.

"I don't see why you couldn't! We could always use more people on our team!" She beamed. My eyes widened.

"R-Really?" I asked. The small pink doll nodded.

"The more the merrier, right gang?" She asked her group. They all cheered in agreement. I felt a bright smile form on my face as Moxy took my hand. 

"Come on! We have no time to waste!" She dragged me over to the ladder and we climbed it together. Michael helped pull me up into the pipe. We began walking down the dark pipe and I couldn't help but smile. I was on a quest! Me!! My eyes then fell on Nolan and his multicolored eyes.

"Are your eyes like that, naturally?" I couldn't help but question.

"Yeah." He nodded. "Why?"

"Just wondering..." I smiled softly, fiddling with the hair that covered my eye. Michael walked up beside me.

"I uh... like your s-skirt..." He smiled at me with a red face. 

"Thanks..." I smiled back, blushing. 

"Ooo~" Kitty teased, walking up beside me. 

"Shut up, Kitty." Michael glared at her.

"Whatever." She shrugged. "You guys are cute." She winked playfully before walking away to talk to Mandy. My heartbeat sped up in my chest, I could hear it pounding in my ears. I touched my face, I could feel myself burning up. Michael was no different, his face was so red, you might mistake him for a tomato. 

I giggled, blushing.

(Nolan's POV)

I watched how well Nora got along with everyone else, it made me smile. I don't know why, but I could tell she had been longing to fit in for a while. Reminded me of someone... 

"Look at how well they get along!" I turned to Lou, who was standing next to me. 

"It's sweet, right?" He looked away, not responding. 

"Lou, are you okay?" I leaned closer. 

"I'm fine." He muttered, still not looking in my direction.

"Are you sure? You seem-"

"I told you I'm fine!" He snapped, turning around and startling me. I jumped back in alarm, letting out a tiny squeak.

"O-Oh..." I could feel tears poke at the corners of my eyes. 

"Sorry..." I looked away, down at my feet as we walked in silence for a moment. But then, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey... I, uh..." Lou began.

"I-I.... I'm sorry for getting upset with you..." He sighed. 

"You were just trying to help and... I appreciate that..." I looked down at my feet, not sure what to say. Lou sighed and I felt his hand slide off my shoulder. I reached over and grabbed his hand, intertwining his fingers with my own. He looked over at me, surprised. I looked up at him and smiled. 

(Lou's POV)

His fingers slid in the spaces between mine perfectly. I looked over at the brunette, surprised. He looked up at me with glossy eyes. He smiled sweetly, and I couldn't help but smile back. My face warmed up, but I wasn't sure why. We kept walking in silence for a moment, holding hands and just enjoying each other's company. 

But then, we started to talk a little. Turns out, we actually share a couple interests. We both like musicals, walks at sunset, listening to music, reading, and other things! It was so odd; I had never gotten along with somebody so quickly. Something about Nolan was just... Different...

Suddenly, the group stopped. 

"What is it?" Nolan asked, pulling me over to the rest of the group. He released my hand. They were all peering down another hole they had come across. 

"There's a whole forest down there!" Nora gasped, peering down the hole curiously. 

"Maybe the fourth shard is down there!" Moxy beamed.

"Wait Moxy-" Mandy was cut off my Moxy sliding down the ladder, cheering as she went.

"Not again..." Mandy sighed, before climbing down after her. We all made it down. I helped Nolan carefully jump off the end of the ladder. We saw Moxy running off down a trail in the distance. Mandy chased after her, the rest of us helplessly followed. 

We stopped once we reached a small clearing. There Moxy stood, in front of a large brown house covered with moss and vines. 

"Woah..." Nolan walked up next to me, staring in awe. 

"We could stay here!" Moxy smiled.

"It is getting late..." Mandy looked up at the dimming sky. 

"I don't see why not." Michael shrugged. We all started to enter the house. We found out that there was two single beds, one bunk bed, a couch that could fit two people, and one smaller bed that two people could barely fit into together. 

(Third Person POV)

"Okay so... two people are going to have to sleep together..." Mandy told us.

"I vote Lou and Nolan do it." Kitty pointed towards the two. 

"What?!" Both boys gasped, they "so happened" to be standing next to one another. 

"I second that vote!" Tuesday raised her hand.

"I agree." Lydia nodded.

"Okay, hang on guys-" Nolan attempted to reason with them.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Michael smirked.

"MICHAEL, I SWEAR-" Lou whipped around at him. 

"Well, alright then." Nora shrugged.

"Nora!" Nolan gasped.

"What? I thought you two were dating?" She looked confused.

"NO!" Both boys shouted at her, blushing.


Mandy nodded in agreement. The guys looked to Moxy for any sort of help.

"Sorry guys... majority rules..." She smiled nervously. 

"Well, byeee!!" The group left the room, leaving the two alone.

"Have fun!!~" Michael called teasingly. The door closed tightly and the boys stood there awkwardly for a moment. They glanced at eachother, before quickly looking away.

"Well, we should probably get to sleep, huh?" Lou said quietly. Nolan nodded in response. The two squeezed into the small bed, barely fitting. They laid with their backs to eachother for a moment until Nolan spoke up.

"This isn't going to work, is it?"

"Nope." Lou responded. Nolan sighed, rolling onto his back.

"There has to be a better way!" Lou sighed, rolling onto his back as well. "Half of my body is hanging off the side..."

"Well, I do have one idea..." Nolan muttered.

"What is it?" Nolan didn't respond.


"Well, I was thinking... I could uh... Lay... On you...?" Nolan hesitated.

"That's not a bad idea."

"Really?" Lou nodded.

"Well, alright then." Nolan shrugged. Rolling over and climbing on the blonde. Lou scooted over to the middle of the bed. Nolan laid his head down on the blondes chest.

"Comfy?" Lou asked, placing a hand on Nolan head a stroking his hair.

"Yeah..." Nolan nodded, followed by a tiny, adorable yawn. Lou blushed. How is one doll so cute?!?! He thought angerly.

"Night Lou." The brunette smiled with sweetly closed eyes.

"Goodnight Nol." Lou sighed, closing  his eyes and smiling softly.
