~Chapter Five~

(Moxy's POV)

I peered down the hole at the large black gate that held doll knows what behind it. The rest of the group walked up behind me. 

"What... is that?" Nolan asked beside me. I chose to ignore the fact he was wearing Lou's jacket, for his sake. 

"I'm not sure..." I responded. My eyes suddenly lit up. 

"Maybe there's other dolls down there!" I smiled. I reached over and grabbed the metal pole that lead down to the gate. 

"Moxy wait-" Mandy began, but I had already slid down the pole. I walked up to the large gate, the area behind it was covered in a thick fog. Everyone else slid down and walked up behind me. I slowly pushed open the gate, it creaked slowly and the fog poured. We all coughed, fanning the air. When our eyes adjusted, we were in awe with what we saw. 

It was a beautiful town! There were buildings covered in moss lining the streets, small shops and cafes at ever corner, streetlamps and benches with flower pots on the sidewalks, and, most interesting of all, perfect dolls roaming around freely! We walked into the town, getting a few odd looks, but much more waves and smiles.

"What is this place?" I whispered.

"Better question, why are there only perfect dolls here?" Lou whispered back. 

"Who cares what it is, look how beautiful it is here!" Nolan smiled. All of us walked through the streets, admiring the sights.

Just then, a female doll with light blonde pigtails and a purple suit with a skirt approached us with a bright smile. 

"Hiii!!" She beamed, her baby blue eyes sparkled. She had a large scar on her face and leg.

"Who are you? What is this place?" Mandy stepped forward. 

"You must be new." The girl chuckled. Her purple boots clicked as she stepped forward, adjusting her lavender tie. 

"My names Skylar, I'm the on in charge around here." She said brightly, extending her hand to Mandy. The two shook hands and I began to notice her striking similarity to Lou...

"And this..." Skylar turned around, gesturing to the city. 

"Is the Refuge!" 

(Third Person POV)

The whole group of dolls was stunned in confusion. Skylar turned back to them, still beaming. 

"I wish I could stay and chat, but I have things to do today." She told them. Just then, she spotted a brunette girl leaving a shop nearby. 

"Hey Nora!" She called. The girl turned to Skylar, cocking her head.

"Come give the newbies a tour!" Skylar giggled. 

"Oh! O-Okay!!" Nora ran over nervously.

"Meet Nora!" Skylar introduced the girl. She had long brown hair that covered one of her eyes, the part that covered her eyes had a purple streak in it. She had freckles dotted across her face. Her exposed eye was a soft emerald color. She was wearing a light green shirt and shoes with a light purple pleated skirt. 

"Hi..." She spoke in a soft, quiet voice. 

"Hello! I'm Moxy!!" The pink doll skipped forward, shaking the girls hand.

"That's Mandy!" The glasses girl waved. 

"Lou, Kitty, Lydia, Tuesday, Nolan..." The dolls waved at each other, but Nora couldn't help but stare for a moment. 

"And Michael!" Moxy smiled. Nora gave the blueberry boy a small wave. He stared at her, red-faced. 

"H-Hi..." He stuttered, clearly lovestruck. 

"Hello." Nora smiled nervously. The rest of the group smirked at each other watching the two.

"A-Anyways... We should probably start the tour now!" Nora turned back to the rest of the group.

"Follow me!" She began to walk away, the group scrambled to follow her. She showed them cafes, shops and more! Finally, Moxy stepped forward and asked the question they were all thinking.

"That Skylar girl said this place is a refuge, what is that supposed to mean?" She questioned.

"Well, this is supposed to be a place for perfect dolls who left or got kicked out of Perfection to go to so they can escape... you know... Recycling" Nora muttered the last part. The dolls looked at each other knowingly.

"So, why are you here?" Lydia asked.

"Personal reasons..." Nora muttered. "What about you guys?"

"Were actually looking for pieces of the portal, have you seen anything like this?" Mandy pulled out one of the shards in her purse. Nora shook her head.

"Sorry..." Just then, a guy with dirty blonde hair and a grey jacket came running over.

"Nora!" He tossed his arms around the girl.

"Jason!" Nora giggled, hugging him back. 

The group watched the two curiously. 

"Is he your... Boyfriend...?" Michael asked nervously. The two dolls looked at him before bursting out into uncontrollable laughter.

"Never in a million years!" Nora giggled. Michael sighed in relief. 

"Jason was my first friend, I met him when I first arrived." Nora explained. Jason stepped back.

"Anyways, I was going to ask if you have any more flowers for me?" Jason said. 

"I told you they were still growing!" Nora elbowed him.

"Okay, okay! I'll wait!" Jason put his hands in the air as he walked away. Nora giggled and they continued the tour. Turns out Nora had a few friends here. An artist named Amy, a nerd named Max, and a person named River! And finally, the tour was done and they had made their way back to the gate.

"Well it was really nice meeting you!" Mandy smiled. "But we should probably go now, we have a quest to finish!" The group nodded in agreement. 

"Oh... Good luck..." Nora waved them off. The group turned around and started to push open the gate. Nora clicked a button that dropped down a ladder for them to climb. They started to climb, but suddenly Nora stepped forward.

"Wait!" The group turned to face her, confused.

"I want..." Nora paused, hesitating.

"I want to come with you." She finally spoke. 

Also, here's what the refugees look like:
