TWO | i could die

Waking up sucked. I rubbed my tired eyes and groaned. School was something that I was very much not intrested in. If I was less honest, I'd skip that hellhole. Staff are all like 'Fill each other's bucket, don't dip in it! Be friends with everybody! Eat well, do activities outside of school, do your homework, exersize, eat a well balanced breakfast, and get eight plus hours of sleep!'

Seriously? My life already revolves around school. Good thing I'm a senior.

I sat up in bed like the morning grouch I am. "Why me?" I whined. I trudged over to my closet, grabbing some black sweatpants, a baggy, maroon t-shirt with a a line art black rose. I then grabbed my black long socks, and my shoes from goodwill.. that were like $6... but they kinda look like Doc Martens so it's cool. I quickly changed and cracked my neck.

Yea, it's routine for me to make my neck crack. Honestly there's some pretty intense cracking.

I trudged to the bathroom and washed my face, all the zits on my face becoming bright red. Nice. I did what you do in the morning, brush your hair, brush your teeth, all that jazz. I put on some makeup, some red eyeshadow that I put under my eyes, some mascara, and some Vaseline on my lips.

"Oh this is so dumb," I mumbled to myself.  I waddled in the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of milk. I downed it and looked around. The clouds were dark from the sun barely rising. I grabbed a piece pf bread, threw it in the toaster, and prepared my backpack.

The toaster springs and I grab my piece of toast, quickly telling my parents goodbye. I grabbed my keys, started the car and drove off.

I practically froze the entire drive. It was 20 degrees Fahrenheit. I hurried into the school for warmth. The warm air hugged me and I sighed in relief.

"Orchid! Do you have a dollar?"  Leigh sped towards me, "I didn't eat breakfast and I'm starving!"

Leigh was a friend of mine in Junior High, but I separated from her crowd because they made me uncomfortable.

I looked at her with discontent, messily pulling my wallet from my back pocket. I pulled out a dollar and handed it to her. She squealed, "Thanks!"

"Yea yea whatever," I mumbled, hiding the grin on my face. I walked to my locker and entered the combo.

River walked up behind me, "What up Orchid?"

River was the popular pretty boy who plays football, he's been like this since 7th grade. In 9th grade is when we formally met, and we've been friends since. He was pretty cool, even if he wasn't the brightest bulb.

"What up, River?"

"Nothing much, but I was thing the gang and us could go to the roller rink?"

"Ah, totally.. well, if I'm not busy."

"Huh? You're never busy on Fridays. What's happening?"

I smiled slightly, "There's a guy here buying me food."

"What? You're going on a date?"

My face heated up, "I- What? Me? I've never been on a date in my life! I went to Cumin with Aphie and he worked there. I just didn't get any food, so don't get the wrong idea."

"Oh my- Orchid! Congrats! Baby steps sister..." He walked off smirking and wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Oh shut up." I laughed.

The day passed by in a blur, same routine everyday. It was habitual.

Lunch came around and I sat with my friends, Aphrodite, Elijah, Amyah, and River.

"How has your guys day been?" Amyah asked mindlessly. We all grumbled with our crummy attitudes. I heard River clear his throat.

"Orchid's going on a date."

"You wanna die?" I threatened.

"Quit being a diva, Orchid," River chuckled.

"You're a dead man."

Elijah interrupted my empty threats, "He better treat you well."

I looked in Elijah's piercing blue eyes and replied with a smirk on my face, "He'd regret of he didn't."

Amyah 'Ooh'ed at my cockiness, giggling, "Honestly, he'd pro'lly be so black and blue." I sat up with pride, lifting my chin up with a goofy grin.

I snickered at myself, twiddling my thumbs, "Well we're getting food because I didn't eat dinner at a restaurant he worked at. He felt bad and he's getting me food."

Aphrodite lied down on Elijah's lap, and for some reason I felt a pang of... something in my chest. That's weird. I don't have a romantic interest in Elijah. He's not my type. He's blonde, blue-eyed, and had like abs, like bulging muscles and veins popping out. He worked out to bulk out. I like dark hair, dark eyes, and I too like it when someone is fit, I just went gaga for a toned, lean, lanky physique.

I sighed to myself, "But I'm excited, because I'm not paying. Though, I also feel bad that he's paying."

My phone buzzed and I grabbed it to look at my notifications.

waiter uji: do you know where we should go to eat??

Me: hmm, how 'bout DQ?

waiter uji: meet me at the front doors after school and we can go??

Me: ah okay!:)

I put down my phone and engaged into the conversation in the group.

•   •   •

I walked anxiously to the front doors, fidgeting with my phone. I approached and saw Uji swinging his keys around his finger.

"Hey-," I started, and I guess I startled him. He jumped and his keys shot off his finger and straight at me. I yelped and my hand shot out instinctively to catch them and protect myself. I caught them in my left palm. I paused to stare at my hand, "Dude... did I actually just catch these?" I gazed up to him. He had his head down in his hand.

"I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to throw those at you."

"Uji, it's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Ah, if only it were that easy, " He smiled at me, his eyes not meeting mine.


"Welp, should we go?" I asked.

"Ah! Yes!"

We walked out to his old Volkswagen. The clouds were dark and ominous, the wind frosting the air and nipping at my exposed skin.

"Wow, the wind is like... biting." Uji mumbled to himself. I looked him, strands of his dark brunette hair framing his nearly black eyes. Subconsciously I dropped my eyes to his lips.

Ack! Get in the game Orchid! No time to ogle the fact he's ... exactly your type.

Oh my word. Wait what?

I snapped my head away, trying to hide the blush on my face.

This is horrifying.

Behind me, Uji asked, "Hey... are you okay?"

I stammered, "Yea I'm, I'm okay it's whatever."

"Uh... okay..." He didn't sound too convinced.

We reached Dairy Queen as it started to rain. I looked up, taking in the scent of petrichor. I hopped out of the car and held my hand out.

"Do you like the rain?" Uji simpered. I turned to him with a grin and nodded. He smiled as we walked in.

We went and ordered. I ordered fries, I like fries, and a Dr. Pepper.

Uji ordered a $5 lunch with chicken strips, fries, toast, gravy, and a drink. He got Mountain Dew.

"Are you... sure that's all you want?" He stammered..

"Yuh," I said monotone.

"So..." He started, "I never got your name?"

I looked up with childish oblivion, "Orchid."

He laughed to himself.

"What? What'd I do?" I blubbered.

"No nah, you didn't do anything." He didn't meet my gaze. I tilted my head.

We spoke for probably... an hour before leaving to school again. I got out of his car and thanked him.

"Sure thing Orchid." He grinned at me, reving the engine. I chuckled and we parted.

As soon as I sat down in my car those feelings I was holding in drowned me like a tidal wave. I put my palms to my face.

Ahhh! He's just so perfect! I could die.

I started the engine, hitting the radio and the Christmas station came on. I smiled and hummed along to Have Yourself a Merry Christmas.

I immediately drove to Aphrodite's. I parked and ran to the front door, knocking.

Aphrodite's dad opened the door, "Oh hey Orchid. Aphrodite's in her room.

"Thanks!" I sped into the house, waving at Corbin her younger brother. He was 14, 3 years younger than Aphrodite and I. I rapped on her door and walked in. She looked up from her book.

"I've been expecting you."


"I saw you pull in."

"Oh." I laughed.

"So? How'd it go?"

I sighed dramatically, putting the back of my hand on my temple, "I'm in love."

• • • • •
October 13, 2018
